1 Samuel 27-28, 1 Chronicles 5, and Matthew 19
Scripture: 1 Samuel 28:8, So Saul disguised himself and put on other garments and went, he and two men with him. And they came to the woman by night. And he said, “Divine for me by a spirit and bring up for me whomever I shall name to you.”
Thoughts: As I was going over the reading today, I was struggling to find something that spoke to me until maybe the 4th time I read this. Saul had driven out all the diviners and things that were in competition with God, but once God stopped talking to him in all the ways that he would at that time, he turned to those whom he had driven out. Today we have access to many things that distract us from God or quietly get us off our true north and start us wandering in the woods. When we sin, our notifications from God get turned down and if we spend enough time in that sin and not repenting and turning back to God the notifications and ability to understand what His is telling us could be turned completely off. When those are off we will seek to fill that hole with something else just as Saul sought his answers from the diviner who brought back Samuel who told him that he was going to die. We need to be careful that in times where we turn down the voice of God due to a sin we chose to embrace that we don’t let this world get us distracted or lead down the wrong path.
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful, you lead us to green pastures, as long as we keep out compass pointing to you our true North. I thank you that you provide a way to connect and re connect to you. I thank you for your provisions and blessings, you are our strength and our provider. I ask that you help me to see and remove sin in my life and open my ears to your words.
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