Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 16th, 2017 If you can't say anything nice......

Reading: Acts 23 and Genesis 48-49

Scripture: Acts 23:5, And Paul said, "I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest, for it is written, 'You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.'"

Observation: In todays turbulent day as people are still protesting the new President of the United States and calling for impeachment of our president even before he has been in office for a month. With all the upheaval aside of people not being happy about who got into the office, I know that we are a people who complain about almost everything but we really complain about those above us; Bosses, Authorities such as Police, the heads of companies, and elected officials. It seems like we are not happy unless we are complaining about something.

Application: In this passage Paul was not only telling them I’m sorry I don’t know you were the leader of our people, but also reminding those there and us today we need to watch what we say and how we look at things. Maybe the election didn’t go the way you though it should or you boss is a horrible person who treats everyone as slaves. We are to not speak evil we need to rise up our leaders no matter if the a believers or not. We want them to have Godly council even someone who wants nothing to do with God can take and use Godly council. Proverbs 18:21a says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” we are to speak death to the ways of the evil one and speak life into the lives around us. Love God and Love others.

Prayer: Father you are so amazing and I thank you for the Authority that you allow me to have for what ever time you deem me able to have it. Everything in this world is yours and you raise up leaders and bring them down. Lord I thank you for your provision and blessings. Lord I ask that you be with the leaders of our cities, states, and country, send them Godly council and help them to move in your plans and you work all things for the good of those who love you. 

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