Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February 1, 2017 You want to buy WHAT?????

Reading: Acts 8 and Genesis 22-23

Scripture: Acts 8:18, Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money

Observation: Simon a man known for having power among these people came to know Jesus though Phillip seeing the power of the Holy Spirit not only wanted that power but also wanted to be able to bestow that power to other. None of what he wanted at that point was bad but God could see into his heart and through Holy Spirit and the fact that he was offing money to get this power showed his true heart.

Application: Until Simon understood what he was doing was wrong he was just going to do what pleased him and pleased his pocketbook. There was a time when I thought “this is my money I worked hard for it and why should I give it away to anyone” then one day I started thinking after hearing all these prosperity gospels, “I will give so go will bless me.” After giving that way for a time I discovered that when I gave with the proper out look, not with reluctance and not with expecting anything more then what God does for the flowers of the fields and the birds of the air, at that point I fond a peace and a joy in giving and there are times that I hear God telling me to increase what we give. I dream of the day that I have been interested with the means that I can give more then I live on. If that means that I live in a small home with old things and live simply (for an American) I look forward to God’s plan for my family. The hardest part in all this is looking at your bills and your income knowing no matter what you do the numbers don’t match but God’s math is different and he can keep you in the black. 

Prayer: Father I love you and I fall humbly at your feet knowing that nothing I do can make these numbers match. You are the great provider you own the cattle on a thousand hills. I know that my bills are nothing for you and I thank you for the provisions you give us each day giving us the food and things we need to get though each day. I thank you for the blessings that you give us as well even though we may not see our under stand it at the time. I ask that you help us to be good stewards of what we have, the gospel, your love, and the fiancees that you entrust us with. Help us to have the proper perspective of all thing we have. 

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