Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 28, 2017 I will be his slave forever.

Reading: Romans 7, Exodus 21 and Psalm 119:49-96

Scripture: Exodus 21:5-6, But if the slave plainly says, 'I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,' then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever.

Observation: In Jewish law and tradition every seven years during the Sabbath year you would release your slaves unless your slave wants to stay. With the history of the US we took slavery to a dark place where these people were not thought of as people and no one would want to stay with the master if they were offered to leave. So in this time and place slaves were like contracted workers in that they had a contract that the master would take care of them and the slave would work. On that Sabbath year when the slaves had a choice to leave if their master was good to them then they may want to stay and become a slave forever. 

Application: So as I see it when we accept Christ as our savior we have come to that Sabbath year and have decided to come back and place our ear on the door post to be marked as belonging to God. Part of being a slave even one who loves their master is there will be correction, as we seek to do God’s will each day there will be time where we stray from the will of God and he will correct us to bring us back into his will for our lives.

Prayer: Father I thank you that you give us the opportunity to choose to fallow you and to seek after you. I thank you for the love you have fore us and the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask you to open our eyes and ears to your still small voice of correction when we stray. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27, 2017 But Why Daddy??????

Reading: Romans 6, Exodus 20, and Psalm 119:1-48

Scripture: Psalm 119:9-10, How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!

Observation: As I struggle with keeping my self pure from lust and pornography, I have asked myself the same question the Psalmist asked in this passage “HOW.” Right now I have a little girl who is in the why stage, every time we ask her to do something or try to tell her she can’t do something she is asking us why. Lately I feel like I'm in the How phase always asking how am i going to get out of this or how is God going to deal with this. 

Application: In the situation of purity and how as men we struggle with it more and more as society continues to move into a place where sex, sexuality and doing what feels good is the way of life, God answers us.  To start we are to guard our lives buy being in the word of God every day, as we spend time with God through his word we become closer to God. Continuing on we are to seek God with all we are, the more we focus on God the less we notice or seek out these things that cause us issues. Its almost like putting blinders on a horse so it is not looking at all the things that could scare or district the horse from it’s work. Just like us we need help to keep us focused on what God wants and not get distracted by the world.

Prayer: Father I love you and I am in awe of how you love someone like me. I thank you for the help you Holy Spirit in convicting us when we start to stray. I thank you for your provisions and you blessings you have for us each day. I ask that you help us to stay in your word and focus on you Lord. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

February 23, 2017 Are we men or Mice?!?!?!

Reading: Romans 2 and Exodus 12-13 

Scripture: Romans 2:29, But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.

Observation: As I was going though this passage about how the Jewish circumcision was worthless if they didn’t keep the law and how an uncircumcised man who keeps the law will be considered circumcised. In those days genealogy was extremely important and going though all the rules and regulations to keep the law (or appear to keep the law). A statistic that I came across was that something like 80% of Americans say they are Christians but out of that less then 20% of them attend  church regularly. It seems like they are only claiming Christian like it’s their heritage like German or Greek.

Application: I know that there are times where I act as the world acts and don’t always do what I should. We are called to Love one another, and I have seen Atheists being more loving then Christians. Being a Christian is not something you are born into but it is the choice to have faith and believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God and he died for the remission of sin and to bring us into communion with God though the Holy Spirit. 

Prayer: Father You are so amazing, I stand in awe of the Love you have for us. I thank you for sending your Son to provide a way to know you. I also thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help us to not be like that Jews who would claim the law but would not practice it. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22, 2017 If you are Happy and you know it!!!

Reading: Romans 1, Exodus 10-11 and Psalm 31

Scripture: Psalm 31:7, I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love, because you have seen my affliction; you have known the distress of my soul,

Observation: As I was reading through todays reading seeing Paul’s distress and the distress of the Israelites and I believe that at the time David wrote this psalm Saul was searching and trying to kill David. I know that there have been many times where I was going though something and I thought “I cant take this to God it’s too small of a thing and God will not pay any attention to me or care” 

Application: David here is reminding us that God has wide enough shoulders not only for our big problems but our little afflictions too. God wants to pour his love out on each of us each and every day and help us through our situations we just need to ask and stop thinking I can do it on my own. Let us rejoices in God’s love 

Prayer: Father your love is so amazing, you carry us on your shoulders every day. I thank you for being there for us in all situations. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help us to find the ability to rejoice in your steadfast love even when we have a affliction. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21, 2017 Shake it off!!!!

Reading: Acts 28 and Exodus 8-9

Scripture: Acts 28:3-5, When Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and put them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened on his hand. When the native people saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, "No doubt this man is a murderer. Though he has escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live." He, however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm. 

Observation: How often do we once we start doing something for God, even something as simple as trying to read the word of God more, do we start feeling some opposition and find ourselves quitting or distracted form the task at hand. Paul could have freaked out after getting shipwrecked and now bitten by a viper. Paul instead shook off the viper into the fire and continued with what he was doing. 

Application: I know I have a tendency to react to situations in not the best ways. Having children has helped me to see that more and God is working in me to grow. As we go about our days and encounters vipers that could derail our relationship with God and bring about more correction. We need to with God’s help shake that viper into the fire and fallow God. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us. I ask that you help us to shake off the trial and tribulation that will come our way and let them lead us back to you. 

February 20, 2017 It did What??

Reading: Acts 27 and Exodus 6-7

Scripture: Exodus 7:12, For each man cast down his staff, and they became serpents. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs. 

Observation: God had said that he was going to harden Pharaoh’s heart throughout the process and I love how God still shows his dominance when the sorcerers did the same things in sending Aaron’s staff over to eat the staffs of the sorcerers. 

Application: We may not know what God’s plan is or how he is going to use up when we are dealing with hard harted and hard headed people. God will show his power over all by sometime sending our staff out to eat the staffs of the deceivers around us.  

Prayer: Father thank you for all that you have done for us and all that you are going to do for us in the future. I ask that you help us to overcome any stigma that we have that you can’t use us or that we can’t do something and to remember and grow in the power that you  give us.

Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17, 2017 OK lets talk...

Reading: Acts 24, Genesis 50, Exodus 1 and Psalm 140

Scripture: Acts 24:26, At the same time he hoped that money would be given him by Paul. So he sent for him often and conversed with him. 

Observation: I know whenever I get into a situation I don’t like, my first inclination is to complain, and wine about how it’s not fare that I’m there. I think if I was Paul I would want to complain and wine about my current lot. When Felix held him he made it so that Paul’s friends and family could take care of him. Being that Paul had been a Pharisee and one that was sent out by the priests, and being a Roman citizen he probably was not a poor man. 

Application: Being that Paul was in prison I think back to other times the Word talks about Paul being in prison. The character of Paul in prison is just like it is out side of prison he would pray, praise and teach. Even though Felix was hopping that Paul would pay him to let him go or whatever Felix’s plan was over the next could years Paul had many occasions to teach Felix about Christ. We don’t always know how God is going to be using us. So just like Paul we need to be available for what ever situation God has for us no matter if it’s in prison like Paul or becoming a pastor in a mega church. 

Prayer: Father I am amazed how you are able to use me despite what I see as shortcomings and failures. I thank you for the provision and blessing you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help us to be open to the opportunities ahead and the help us to open our eyes to see those opportunities. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 16th, 2017 If you can't say anything nice......

Reading: Acts 23 and Genesis 48-49

Scripture: Acts 23:5, And Paul said, "I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest, for it is written, 'You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.'"

Observation: In todays turbulent day as people are still protesting the new President of the United States and calling for impeachment of our president even before he has been in office for a month. With all the upheaval aside of people not being happy about who got into the office, I know that we are a people who complain about almost everything but we really complain about those above us; Bosses, Authorities such as Police, the heads of companies, and elected officials. It seems like we are not happy unless we are complaining about something.

Application: In this passage Paul was not only telling them I’m sorry I don’t know you were the leader of our people, but also reminding those there and us today we need to watch what we say and how we look at things. Maybe the election didn’t go the way you though it should or you boss is a horrible person who treats everyone as slaves. We are to not speak evil we need to rise up our leaders no matter if the a believers or not. We want them to have Godly council even someone who wants nothing to do with God can take and use Godly council. Proverbs 18:21a says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” we are to speak death to the ways of the evil one and speak life into the lives around us. Love God and Love others.

Prayer: Father you are so amazing and I thank you for the Authority that you allow me to have for what ever time you deem me able to have it. Everything in this world is yours and you raise up leaders and bring them down. Lord I thank you for your provision and blessings. Lord I ask that you be with the leaders of our cities, states, and country, send them Godly council and help them to move in your plans and you work all things for the good of those who love you. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 15, 2017 What Circle???

Reading: Acts 22 and Genesis 46-47

Scripture: Acts 22:3, I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated at the feet of Gamaliel according to the strict manner of the law of our fathers, being zealous for God as all of you are this day.

Observation: As Paul starts to tell is story or testimony as we call it today he starts with hey I'm just like you, here is where I was born and who my teacher was and boy was he strict. Paul was connection to them better the Peter and John in that he used to be one of them. It would be like a couple of dirty fishermen walking into a fortune 500 or larger companies executives meeting verses another companies CEO. Not that those fishermen may not be intelligent or have something good to say but the CEO holds respect.

Application: What Paul did was relate to them, and we are to do the same. I have a circle of influence in my life and you have a circle of influence our circles may or may not cross but there are going to be those I can because of my background and there will be those that you can reach that I can’t. We are all missionaries and emissaries for Christ Jesus to the world no matter if it’s very local to you or globally we all need to share our stories.

Prayer: Father I thank you that you give us opportunities to share your love though your gospel. I thank you each day for the blessings and provisions that you pour out on us and I ask that you open our eyes to the opportunities you place before us so we can go unto all the wold.

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13th, 2017 She's Going to Eat me!!

Reading: Act 20 and Genesis 42-43

Scripture: Acts 20:23-24, except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me. But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. 

Observation: God though the Holy Spirit had been urging Paul to return to Jerusalem but in the urging he was also told that he was going to go to prison and he would have afflictions on him. How often to we here there is going to be a hardship when you do this thing do we want to go to that thing. I know there are many times I have turned and run away from thing that I heard were going to be hard or cause pain to do. 

Application: With God on our side there may be pain and affliction but he will give us the strength to get though these afflictions. In his book and Sermon series named Through the Eyes of a Lion, Pastor Levi Lusko talks about the worst pain he ever felt and how it brought him closer to God. In it he also talks about that how sometimes the thing you need to do most can be the scariest saying we need to run toward the rawr. In that he talks about Lions hunting habits and that the big rawr on one side is meant to chase the pray into the group of Lionesses on the other, as counter intuitive as it my seem the safest place to run is directly at the sound of the rawr. That is exactly what Paul was doing he knew that there was going to be trials and prison and all sorts of troubles for him but he was in a hurry to get to Jerusalem knowing his life was not important but finishing his ministry was.

Prayer: Father you are so amazing I can’t hardly wait to get to heaven and see how all the peaces of my life fit together being I know I have a tendency to make a mess of things. I thank you for your Holy Spirit and the guidance you give me though him. I thank you for your daily provisions and blessings you pour out on us. I ask that you continue to help us see your direction for our life and help us to run toward the rawr into your arms and not into the clutches of the evil one. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 12th, 2017 What did you see???

Reading: Acts 19 and Genesis 41

Scripture: Genesis 41:16, Joseph answered Pharaoh, "It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer." 

Observation: There have been many times where I have tried to figure out what something means on my own or do something and I had not sought the Lord and like Pharaoh I had no clue until I sought others to help me. Just like the other day when I shared what I saw with those at the prayer meeting and with my wife, I'm seeking help. 

Application: I know that it is not in man to be able to interpret these things but like Joseph said to Pharaoh God will give him the answer. As we receive visions and dreams we are to seek those who have the gift of interpretation so that when God shows us something it can be confirmed by someone interpreting the dream just like Joseph did for Pharaoh.

Prayer: Father I stand in awe of you and how you work all things for the good of those who believe. Just as Joseph was sold by his brothers for evil purposes you used it for good. I thank you that you give us visions and dreams and others to interpret them. I thank you each and every day for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day and the ability to see of interpret. I ask that you help us to know when visions are from you and help us to know the meaning.  

February 10th, 2017 Did you see that????

Reading: Acts 17 and Genesis 37-38

Scripture: Genesis 37:10-11, But when he told it to his father and to his brothers, his father rebuked him and said to him, "What is this dream that you have dreamed? Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves to the ground before you?" And his brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the saying in mind.

Observation: I have been to many churches where ether they didn’t talk about visions and dreams, or if they did it was in a way that made it seem that it does not happen today. As I look back at my life I remember dreams and situations in dreams that later came true. I thought it was odd and never really told anyone because I didn’t want to be though of any stranger that I was already though of because I was on of the weird kids in school. As odd as Joseph’s dream was to his family is father remembered this dream that his son told him. 

Application: Just this morning at the mens prayer meeting, I had a vision it was short and just a glimpse of an old pipe that was rusted with age and years of slow drips, it was poking though a ceiling near a corner of a room. After the meeting I told those who were there about it and they said to let them know when I discover the meaning. Just like Joseph if we have visions and dreams share them they may not be for you but will touch someone else. Just like with tongues and prophecy sharing them needs to be done in the correct environment and in the right way. Joseph’s brothers didn’t like the way he was miking it sound like they would be serving him and under his rule, because they were jealous and didn’t like this they plotted against him. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for you Holy Spirit giving us visions, prophecy, tongues and healing. I thank you that you give us the opportunity to glimpse into your kingdom even when it does not make any sense to us at the time. I thank you for the blessings and provisions you have for us. I ask you to send more visions, prophecy and tongues to those who have those gifts and seek you.  

Thursday, February 9, 2017

February 9th, 2017 It's a twister, It's a twister!!!!!!

Reading: Acts 16 and Genesis 36

Scripture: Acts 16:25, About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them,

Observation: I don’t know if I would be singing hymns if I was thrown into prison. As much as I try to live a life of contentment, I want to be happy with the provisions and blessings that God pours out on me and my family. I know I would pray but most likely it would not be like Paul and Silas. 

Application: Paul all through out is time preaching was getting thrown in prison and jail. In it he knew that God was taking care of him and he was doing the Lords work where ever he was. Paul was able to Praise God even in the mist of the storms raging around him at times. We all have storms in our lives and like the song from Casting Crowns called “Praise You In This Storm” touched me and reminded me of the old Footprints poem that God is the one carries us.

Prayer: Father I am so in awe of how you are able to work all things for good, as we live in this broken world and fall from time to time you are able to bless our mistakes. I thank you for the provisions and blessings each and every day. I ask that you help me to be more content where you have me not matter if it’s for a time or long term. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 8th, 2017 You can't handle the yoke!!!

Reading: Acts 15 and Genesis 34-35

Scripture: Acts 15:10, Now, therefore, why are you putting God to the test by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples that neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear? 

Observation: It is interesting that it appears to me that Paul who was Saul who was one of the men who studied the law approved of Steven’s stoning. A man who the Mosaic law was one of the most important things in his life here appears to be against making the Gentiles get circumcised and fallow the law and customs set our by Moses. Then came the point that even the most religious of them could not uphold the law why should we force these people who have never had to before to start trying now. 

Application: We are saved by grace and mercy not by the keeping of laws. We are not free to just do what ever you want but the commandment the Jesus laid out before us encompasses  everything that the law was working towards. We are to Love God and Love others like ourselves. First thing you have to understand is love is not a feeling it is not something you can fall in and out of, love is a verb it is something you do. I believe to love as God calls us to love, we need to think about ourselves less and focus on placing the needs of others above our own needs. 

Prayer: Father I Love you and I long to hear you. I am amazed at that mercy you pour out on us each day as we try to seek you. I thank you for the provisions you give us and blessing that you have for us each day. I ask you to help us to choose love more then we choose other things. Thank you for being a God of love and not of works because I know I could never work my way to eternity with you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February 7th, 2017 Who are you wrestling??

Reading: Acts 14 and Genesis 32-33

Scripture: Genesis 32:24, And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. 

Observation: Almost every time I have heard this story and the applications of it, people talk about being vigilant and striving in the word and continually pray. These are great things to get out of this passage but as I was reading it this morning I thought this timing was interesting. Just after Jacob sent his wife and kids across the river being left alone he begins this wrestling match to be blessed. 

Application: I think in some ways I think that being alone is just as important as the fact that he wrestled with God. In this day and age with technology invading every portion of our lives it is so easy to get distracted when it’s time to spend time with God. So in todays world not only do we need to get away like Jesus did but I think that includes our electronic devices. I think that electronic devices can be good but also can be a great distraction from God. So when it comes to our time with God we need to set ourselves away from all distractions to focus on God and his word. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for sending your Son and Holy Spirit to save us and give us conviction when we are in the wrong. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you give us each and every day. I ask that help us to remove all distractions as we spend time seeking you and spending time with you.

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6, 2017 I can't hear you!!!

Reading: Acts 13 and Genesis 31

Scripture: Acts 13:2, While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."

Observation: I struggle with hearing the Holy Spirit. I want to hear him like I hear my wife and friends. I try to open myself up to hearing him each morning as I read God’s word and write my journal. There are times where something speaks to me in the word that I had not paid much attention to or had a new thought about a passage. I feel that those are urging and connections from the Holy Spirit. I hear people saying they heard the Holy Spirit and it’s hard to know if they are saying the heard it or had a feeling.

Application: As I fail to not get my reading time in or spend time writing getting what is going on down I don’t even give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to even give me a feeling let alone allow me too hear his voice. I need to even when my schedule goes sideways or its the weekend and I want to sleep in or play games I need to take time to get in the word spend time listening and not just constantly making noise. I need to find a way to have a quiet time with no distractions.

Prayer: Father I thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to us so that we have that connection to you through the Holy Spirit. I thank you that you provide all things and still want to pour out blessings on us each day. I ask that you help me to be observant to see opportunities to have the quiet time with you and to dig out that time. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February 1, 2017 You want to buy WHAT?????

Reading: Acts 8 and Genesis 22-23

Scripture: Acts 8:18, Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money

Observation: Simon a man known for having power among these people came to know Jesus though Phillip seeing the power of the Holy Spirit not only wanted that power but also wanted to be able to bestow that power to other. None of what he wanted at that point was bad but God could see into his heart and through Holy Spirit and the fact that he was offing money to get this power showed his true heart.

Application: Until Simon understood what he was doing was wrong he was just going to do what pleased him and pleased his pocketbook. There was a time when I thought “this is my money I worked hard for it and why should I give it away to anyone” then one day I started thinking after hearing all these prosperity gospels, “I will give so go will bless me.” After giving that way for a time I discovered that when I gave with the proper out look, not with reluctance and not with expecting anything more then what God does for the flowers of the fields and the birds of the air, at that point I fond a peace and a joy in giving and there are times that I hear God telling me to increase what we give. I dream of the day that I have been interested with the means that I can give more then I live on. If that means that I live in a small home with old things and live simply (for an American) I look forward to God’s plan for my family. The hardest part in all this is looking at your bills and your income knowing no matter what you do the numbers don’t match but God’s math is different and he can keep you in the black. 

Prayer: Father I love you and I fall humbly at your feet knowing that nothing I do can make these numbers match. You are the great provider you own the cattle on a thousand hills. I know that my bills are nothing for you and I thank you for the provisions you give us each day giving us the food and things we need to get though each day. I thank you for the blessings that you give us as well even though we may not see our under stand it at the time. I ask that you help us to be good stewards of what we have, the gospel, your love, and the fiancees that you entrust us with. Help us to have the proper perspective of all thing we have.