Reading: Romans 7, Exodus 21 and Psalm 119:49-96
Scripture: Exodus 21:5-6, But if the slave plainly says, 'I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,' then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever.
Observation: In Jewish law and tradition every seven years during the Sabbath year you would release your slaves unless your slave wants to stay. With the history of the US we took slavery to a dark place where these people were not thought of as people and no one would want to stay with the master if they were offered to leave. So in this time and place slaves were like contracted workers in that they had a contract that the master would take care of them and the slave would work. On that Sabbath year when the slaves had a choice to leave if their master was good to them then they may want to stay and become a slave forever.
Application: So as I see it when we accept Christ as our savior we have come to that Sabbath year and have decided to come back and place our ear on the door post to be marked as belonging to God. Part of being a slave even one who loves their master is there will be correction, as we seek to do God’s will each day there will be time where we stray from the will of God and he will correct us to bring us back into his will for our lives.
Prayer: Father I thank you that you give us the opportunity to choose to fallow you and to seek after you. I thank you for the love you have fore us and the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask you to open our eyes and ears to your still small voice of correction when we stray.