Reading: John 8 and Isaiah 22-23
Scripture: John 8:50, Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it, and he is the judge.
Observation: Being this topic has come up a couple time I think this is something I need to focus on and work on not glorifying myself. Here we have the Jews in the temple where Jesus is teaching, again claiming that he is or has a demon. When he states that, “He does not want his glory” he is saying why would a demon give God glory and not look for it for themselves.
Application: I think the simplest way to look at this is we are to walk about praising God and giving him worship and honor, and not going about, Look at me look at me, I am the greatest at XY and Z. We can take a complement for something we did, we don’t have to deflect it to God. As we honor, worship and give glory to God it will be unmistakable where look to.
Prayer: Father You are wonderful and worthy of all honor and praise. I stand in awe that you have given me another day to see down. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have given us today and will continue to pour out on us each day. I ask that you help us to always give glory to you and seek you.
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