Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12, 2016 I have to do WHAT?!?!?!?!

Reading: John 4 and Isaiah 13-14

Scripture: John 4:3-4, He left Judea and departed again for Galilee. And he had to pass through Samaria.

Observation: I know that for the longest time when this passage said that Jesus had to go though Samaria on his way to Galilee I figured that it was a geographical thing like saying this town is between and my destination so I have to go though it. As I have spent more time in the word and listening to the Holy Spirit I discovered its less about Geography and more about calling. In those days even though it would add several days to their travels Jews would make a point to not even set food in the aria of Samaria.

Application: Even this well traveled roads that would circumvent Samaria, it said he had to go though Samaria. This was I believe the urgings of the Holy Spirit, Jesus being the first to have the Holy Spirit within him. When you listen to the Holy Spirit great things will happen just like the story what appears to be a large portion of this town received the good new because Jesus listened and acted on the Holy Spirit’s urgings. As we spend more time in the word and become more failure with voice of God though the Holy Spirit the easier it will be to hear and act on the urgings.

Prayer: Father I thank you for all that you have done. You provide all we need and some times things we want. I thank you for sending your Son and Holy Spirit to guide us. I ask that you help us to see and hear your voice better. 

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