Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August 3, 2016 You cant take it with you?!?!?

Reading: 1 John 5 and Ecclesiastes 5-7 

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 5:15, As he came from his mother's womb he shall go again, naked as he came, and shall take nothing for his toil that he may carry away in his hand.

Observation: I have so many times heard this passage mis-quoted, most of the time I hear it as, “Naked I come naked I go” when they use it this way they are right in saying that you can’t take it with you when you go but I don’t think that is what the author and God was trying to say in this. 

Application: This passage is a warning about working just for ones own gain. I have wanted jobs that would give me power and money, I have even tried to get those jobs, saying that if I get this job or that job I will be happy and I will have all the money I could need. I thank God that I was not qualified or I was overlooked for some reason. Those jobs would have amounted to nothing and my family and relationship with God would have suffered. This passage is not about he evils of stuff as so many people quote it as, it’s about finding the Joy that God gives you in the work you have. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for the job you have for me, I thank you for the provisions that you give me each and every day as well as for the blessings you give us. You are so wonderful to us Lord and I pray that you help us to keep our focus on you and on the Joy you give us in our work and help us to do it all in your name.


  1. Dear Mr. Zmuda,
    This is a wise choice. God can definitely put us in the right place at the right time. He always takes care of our needs. Be blessed.
    Mrs. Lane

    1. Amen, He always does. I thank you for commenting on here. You have helped me to know that I am doing as God called me. After feeling like I needed to share my devotional journals with the world all I could see was there was views on the pages I could not tell if anyone ever got anything from what I wrote or saw in the word.

      Thank you and God bless your family
