Reading: Mark 6 and Amos 7-9
Scripture: Amos 8:11, "Behold, the days are coming," declares the Lord God, "when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.
Observation: This prophecy I think is two fold, first is more obvious he is referring to the 400 years of silence before Jesus was born. Amos was warning the nation and the king that God was going to stop talking to them though the profits.
Application: The second fold I think is our time before knowing God. Even though we may have grown up in the church and heard the stories and maybe even had some of the stories memorized, there was a time before we really knew God and could hear him speaking though his word and the Holy Spirit. There are times in my life that I know I heard God speaking to me and giving me direction in my life then there are others where I feel like I'm all alone. This is something I struggle with but we need to slow down and listen for God’s still small voice. As a man with ADD tendencies this is exceedingly difficult, My mind wanders and I want to do something. As there are times in our lives when we don’t hear God I suggest that we all try to set time aside for God.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all the work you are doing in my life. I thank you for your provisions and blessings. I ask that you help us to feel the call to have the quiet time with you and to set aside the hustle and bustle of the day and listen for your voice.
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