Reading: Philemon, 2 Samuel 23-24, and 1 Chronicles 21
Scripture: Philemon 18-19a, If he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, charge that to my account. I, Paul, write this with my own hand: I will repay it
Observation: Who doesn’t like hearing that someone else is picking up the bill? As Christians we have accepted God’s gift of picking up our bill (for our sin) though the death and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ. Here after Onesimus runs away from his master and meets Paul learned of Jesus and became a believer and has spent some time with Paul and through some turn of events Paul finds out or figures out the Onesimus belongs to Philemon and sends him back with this letter asking Philemon to now treat Onesimus as if he was Paul.
Application: There are a couple things that come to mind fist is if I was Philemon I would be thinking this guy is my slave I can do to him as I please, and second was what use could a run away slave be to Paul. But here I feel the think we most need to get out of this First no matter who our fellow believer once was they are now a brother or sister in Christ and we need to treat them as family, and second if someone says I’ve got the bill don’t continue to try to charge the other person.
Prayer: Father, Thank you for your great mercy, I also thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out upon us. As we walk each day in the mercies we ask you to help us to extend those same mercies to those around us, especially those who wrong us.
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