Wednesday, July 13, 2016

July 13, 2016 I want a Quiver full!!!

Reading: Hebrews 10, 2 Chronicles 6-7, and Psalm 127

Scripture: Psalm 127:4, Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.

Observation: Solomon the wisest man in the world wrote these words. So not only are they God’s words because they are scripture they are the words of the wisest man in the wold. I love analogies like this where they compare these two seemingly unrelated things to make a point. I also love this because it talk not just about kids but from my perspective my kids and as you read it you can insert your kids. 

Application: So fist I want to look at the Arrows in the hand of a warrior. As I see it Arrows are a weapon that is sent into the mist of the enemy to do damage. Archers are not the front line they are the ones on the concord ground firing those arrows in. Therefore if our children are like arrows we are to be the warrior. We were the arrows once and our parents (whether birth parents or spiritual parents) groomed us to do the damage we have done and may still be doing. Now that we have been sent behind enemy lines we are to stand our ground and move the front further claiming more of the enemies hold and one day we will send our arrows out just as we were sent. We are to train up out children in the ways of the Lord so that they will be prepared for the day the Lord calls us to let them fly.

Prayer: Father I thank you for the provisions for each day and the blessings that are poured out upon us. I thank you for my family and my arrows that you have given me. I ask that you help me to raise up might warriors for you that will dive deep into the enemies stronghold and tear them down. 

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