Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 9, 2016 You wont need that!!

Reading: Luke 9 and Job 7-8

Scripture: Luke 9:3, And he said to them, “Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics.

Observation: When I get ready for even a short trip to the beach or the mountains I go and find all the things I need, the right clothes, the proper footwear, and an extra jacket if it gets colder then expected. I want to be ready for anything that could happen on the trip. Here Jesus sent out his disciples with nothing more then what they had with them. If you were asked to turn to the east and start walking that way and as you go tell everyone you meet about the Gospel. I first reaction would be let me go get ready for that trip and I will be with you in a few hours.

Application: We are called to put our full reliance on the provisions of God. Some times those provisions are though jobs and careers but some times our provisions come from places that God has worked to get it to us. Most Missionaries they go and raise money to be able to go and do what they are called to do. Others do just as the disciples were told the just go and do God’s work and the provision of God makes sure they have what they need in those places. All we have is God’s and if you are called to leave it all behind and drop it and take only what you are told to take.

Prayer: Lord, You are the great provider, you give us the things needed to serve and work in your will. I thank you for the great provision and blessings you have given to my family over the years. Lord, I ask you help me to see the things we need and leave behind the things we don’t help me to distinguish between a need and a want and put my priorities where you want them.

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