Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11 2016 Help me out Bro!!

Reading: Luke 11 and Job 11-12

Scripture: Luke 11:8, I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his impudence he will rise and give him whatever he needs.

Observation: Today the section taking about the impudence of the friend instead of the things that are normally talked about in this section of scripture. I’m sure we have all heard messages on the father giving a serpent or a scorpion. But today the friend stuck out to me. We are all friends to someone and are we going to be a friend laying in bed saying I can’t help you because I have all read gone to bed or I have to work in the morning. Then only helping out because it is bad manors or you are guilty for telling them no.

Application: As followers of Christ we are called to be lovers of others over ourselves. We need to be willing to help when ever possible. I know that there are times when we can’t but we need to be open to getting up in the middle of the night and go help someone. I am grateful for the men who came over and helped me rebuild my fence on New Years day, they could have said no I’m busy with this or that but they came and in the bitter cold we rebuilt a section of fence in a couple hours. Let us all, be willing to set our stuff aside and help others.

Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing creating this world and all that is within it as well as giving us a mind to know and seek you with. I thank you for the opportunity to seek you daily and bring my thought to you. I as that you help us to remember our friends in times of need not only for our help but to go and help them. help us to build margin into our lives that what ever the need we can strive to help. Don’t let us be like the friend who only helped because it bad manors to send him away.

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