Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5th 2015 Where is my Righteousness?

Reading: Romans 9 and Jeremiah 34, 37-38

Scripture: Romans 9:30-32, “What shall we say, then? That Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have attained it, that is, a righteousness that is by faith; but that Israel who pursued a law that would lead to righteousness did not succeed in reaching that law. Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as if it were based on works. They have stumbled over the stumbling stone”

Observation: Paul here is speaking to Jews that are in Rome, most Jews at that time despised Gentiles (of witch I am one). They believed that they were God’s chosen people and they were, but though Jesus we have all been brought into the family and become sons of Abraham. So what Paul is saying here was the righteousness given to us though Jesus was given even to the Gentiles, even though they were not given the Law like the Nation of Israel. Then he tell us why Israel didn’t receive that same righteousness, a stumbling block, that stumbling block was a messiah that was to suffer and die. Israel believed and still believes that a Messiah is coming to set them free and will rule the nation.

Application: Their stumbling block does not have to be ours. We need to remember that Jesus come to this world to forgive our sins though his suffering and death, not just mine or yours but the entire world’s. This passage says that by faith the Gentiles received the Righteousness, our faith is not just that God exists, our faith needs to be that God can and will do what he promised and that though the death and resurrection of Jesus we are fellow heirs with Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for another day to get up and spread your word. Thank you for the wonderful family that you have given me and the blessings that you pour out on us every day. Lord, help us to have the faith you call us to have so we can be your righteousness. Guide us to your path that we may walk in your ways.

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