Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16th 2015 Where are your Adoption papers?

If you are one of my regular readers, first I want I thank you for reading and second apologize that I let the whirlwind of life get my focus off what is important, God’s word and diving into it every day. Yes I missed the last couple days I will be reading what I didn’t over the last couple days but I will not be writings SOAP’s about them this time.

Today’s reading was Galatians 4 and Ezekiel 21-22
Scripture: Galatians 4:6-7, And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

Observation: This entire chapter talks about how we were slaves like Hagar, who can represent the law given on Mount Sinai making us slaves to the law. Then talks about how though Christ we have been adopted into Sarah’s free family making us free and fellow heirs in the promises God made with Abraham.

Application: As a son or daughter of God though Christ we need to look at our lives though the eyes of Christ. The eyes of Christ have so many times been painted as a pacifist who would never do anything controversial. The eyes of Christ are love at any cost, Christ loved the sinners and at with them, that was a huge controversy because the law pointed them out. The Law was put into place so that we could not do it on our own we could not be holy and righteous without the free gift of Grace given though the death of Christ on the cross.

Prayer: Lord I thank you for another day to read your word and share what is in my heart today. You continue to bless us and take care of all the things we need. Lord I ask you to help us to accept the gift of Grace your Son brought to us. Lord, I want to lift us all the tragedy going on in the world, I ask you to send people into their lives that will help them process the pain and see you calling them in their lives.

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