Tuesday, April 9, 2024

You have been recruited!!!

Reading: Numbers 19-20, Psalm 47, and 1 Corinthians 9


Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.


Thoughts: How are we training? As a disciple of Christ, what are we doing to prepare ourselves for the fight that is to come? Athletes don’t just stagger off the couch onto whatever field they play on and expect to win. Do soldiers go into battle without knowing their weapons intimately? Then why do we sit back and expect that we will be victorious when we barely open the word once a week? In my past I know that there were times when it was months between times, I cracked open the Bible or even thought about going to church, and I can look back at those times and see the death spiral my life was taking and how it impacted those closest to me. As a worrier find other worriers to train with, find those who have been there before to strengthen and encourage you but also bring someone who is in need of encouragement along with that you all may grow and strengthen in the Lord. Yes, the battle belongs to the Lord, but we are called to fight it with all we have, and He will make up the difference. Be discipled, get disciplined, and become strong in the Lord.


Prayer: Lord God, you are my banner, my rally point, my place of refuge. You have the battle plans drawn up and ready to execute, and you are calling your army to ready itself. Your plans are greater than our plans they are higher than ours and we exalt you. I lay my life in your hands and take up your armor and sword so that I may walk in your power and authority over the evil of this world. I ask for your strength to fill me and lead me.

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