Saturday, March 2, 2024

Not my president.

Reading: Exodus 22, Psalm 119:97-136, and Romans 8


Scripture: Exodus 22:28 You shall not revile God, nor curse a ruler of your people.


Thoughts: No matter what side of the political spectrum you are on it is easy to find something wrong with those who are running the government. Daniel 2:21 talks about God being the one who sets up kings and removes kings. We may not understand the purpose of the leader that has been raised up or agree with the things that leader is doing but just as Israel needed to be told we need the reminder not to curse those who God has put in place. Im Matthew 22:21 Jesus said, “Render to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is God’s.” Yes that refers to paying taxes but also I feel that it also refers to giving honor and respect due to the station they are in. It is easy to curse when your man is not in office and cheer when they are yet was are called to bring blessings and not curses. 


Prayer: Father God, your mercy and grace surpass understanding, you lead me a gentle whisper. Your creation shouts of your wonder. I thank you for the leading and guiding you are doing in my life. I thank you for the discernment that you are teaching me. I thank you for my family and the blessings you pour out on us every day. Help us to bless and not curse, help us to lead when you place us to lead, serve where you place us to serve and grow in your wisdom. 

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