Reading: Leviticus 15, Psalm 103, and John 10
Scripture: John 10:41-42 And many came to him. And they said, “John did no sign, but everything that John said about this man was true.” And many believed in him there.
Thoughts: As I think about this passage that stood out to me this morning, I start thinking about John the Baptist, a man so rough that grizzly Adams would look friendly. This crazy-looking man pointed to Jesus as the Messiah. We are all called to point to Jesus, we have an audience that we can reach that no one else can. As we go through our daily routine is there someone you can share God’s love with? Your story can touch others so get out there and share what God has done for you.
Prayer: Father God, you are worthy of all praise, your glory shines brighter than a thousand suns. Your love flows over me like a crashing wave. I thank you for calling me. I thank you for giving me the ability and opportunity to steward a portion of your wealth. I thank you that you are still molding and refining me. I ask for forgiveness for the things I have done and ask that you help me to overcome the temptation. I ask for the wisdom to remove the things that need removing and grow in your love and direction.