Reading: Deuteronomy 31-32 and Galatians 5
Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:52, For you shall see the land before you, but you shall not go there, into the land that I am giving to the people of Israel.
Thoughts: With so much going on and the constant distractions from work, social media, streaming services, and even family it is easy to let God drop from the priority and being the one who brings all things into alignment, to just making God into another priority. Even with all that Moses did because of not listening to God he was only able to see the promised land. I’m Matthew 7:23 after talking about people coming to the Father and saying they did all these things in His name he said, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” Our faith in Jesus and what he did on the cross will save us but are we going to be brought in being told “well done good and faithful servant” or will we be getting in by the skin of our teeth. Are there going to parts of heaven or blessings we will miss out on because like Moses we didn’t listen. We have the opportunity to seek him first and confess our failures and start listening to that still small voice that God speaks with.
Prayer: Lord God, you are gracious and merciful, I thank you for not giving me what I deserve. I thank you that you do speak. I thank you that your are leading me, molding me, and refining me. You are the orchestrator, the one who brings things into alignment. I thank you for the opportunity to steward the blessings you are pour out on me. I ask that you help me to open my ears more, soften my heart and help me to keep you are The priority and that all things will fall into alignment under you.
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