Friday, September 30, 2022

Remember not the former thing!!

Reading: Isaiah 42-43, Psalm 82, and Acts1


Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-19, Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.


Thoughts: In a world of social media and the memory pop up on Facebook we are constantly looking back on things in our past, no matter if it was good, bad or indifferent we get to see the things we posted in years past. As it is good to have memories and learn from our past mistakes. Isaiah was speaking of John the Baptist and Jesus here, speaking of the new way and that John would preach and Jesus would fulfill. Israel had fallen of the wagon and tried to get back on countless time with countless kings. Isaiah is saying forget the way we have been doing it and look to the new way that God has set fourth for us. We in the same way were one way and now in Christ have been called to the new way of living. We are to learn from our past but not let it define us, there are many addiction recovery groups that look at once an addict always and addict but in Christ we are set free from our past, yes we can learn from it and grow but it no longer defines or dictates who we are because our Father in heave now defines who we are. Let us not remember the former things and walk in the new ways of the Lord.


Prayer: Father God, you are the one who defines who we are, you have called us from our sinful ways and named us sons and daughters. I thank you that you have called me and that you are working in my life that I may better show your love and your grace to the world around me. I ask that you continue to mold me and refine me in the fire that I may become purified and walk in your image. Help me to be the father and husband you have made me to be. Open my heart to correction and discipline that will lead me close to you, and be and example to the world. 

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