Thursday, December 2, 2021

Dry bone Army

Reading: Ezekiel 37-38, Psalm 44, and 1 Timothy 4

Scripture: Ezekiel 37:10, So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.

Thoughts: We are called into spiritual warfare, as Christians we are going to be fighting against the principalities and powers that come against us. As a Christian in the United States, it is very easy to allow the world to influence us until the beliefs of the church mirror the beliefs of the world around us. We are becoming the dry bones that may make it into heaven by the grace and mercy of God but may not hear that fraise we all want to hear when we get to heaven “Well done good and faithful servant.” We get focused on the “do nots” and the “live at peace with everyone” we forget the things we are called to do Jesus told us that we are going to do these signs and greater signs, We are told to go to all the nations and bring the Gospel. Yet we sit at home and doing our 9-5 and worrying about our 401k and our bank accounts. An army is not just an invasion force, they are Ambassadors in that they may be the only face of a nation that the locals will ever see. They are protectors protecting the innocent from the enemy, no matter if it is in a foreign land where they are protecting people from an evil there or if it is from home protecting those around them and their nation. Are we going to rise up letting God bring these dry bones back to life and breath into us as an army to protect our heavenly citizenship? 

Prayer: Lord God, you are the one true king, you are gracious and merciful and Just. Your creations should of your glory and a long to linger in your presence. I thank you for the calling you have placed on me and the molding and refining you are working in my life. I ask that you knit this dry bones together and breath a new life into this warrior. 

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