Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 9, 2020 What peace?

Reading: Joshua 12-13 and Ephesians 6

Scripture: Ephesians 6:23-24, Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.

Thoughts: I have been inundated with propaganda of fear, I am constantly being fed information that can inform or scare the snot out of someone. I have been watching this would take this information and run into the fear and propagate it. The Government is doing this or that taking this right or that right, nothing they say is true or on the other side everything they say is true. Where is our discernment? God is pouring out his love and peace over us every day, we must make a point to accept it and share it with others.

Prayer: Father you are the calm in the storm, the peace in the midst of uncertainty, you are the banner that I run to. I thank you that you are pouring out your peace and love, I thank you that your pour out provisions and blessings on those who seek you. I thank you for my family and for your family that I have been adopted into. I ask that I open my heart to accepting and sharing your peace and love with those around me.

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