Reading: Deuteronomy 25-27, Galatians 2, and Mark 14
Scripture: Mark 14:3, And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon
the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask
of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it
over his head.
Thoughts: There are so many traditions and thoughts around the last
supper or even just the Passover itself. In this reading today none of those
came to mind, but it was when this woman came and anointed him was the flask of
nard. Most things like this had lids or tops and if they wanted to make use it
was not tampered with; they may have put wax on it for a seal. But all the
passages say she broke the flask she kept nothing back for herself. Are we breaking
ourselves and pouring ourselves out completely before God?
Prayer: Father, I am yours I lay myself completely before your if there
is anything that is not worthy help me to gut it out and be right before you. I
thank you for my family. I thank you for your provision and blessings that you
pour out upon us. Open my eyes to see anything that does not glorify you and help
me to cut it out, make me a clean perfect sacrifice to you.
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