Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 5, 2019 Remember Remember

Reading: Exodus 28-29 and Romas 12

Scripture: Exodus 28:9-10 and 12, You shall take two onyx stones, and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel, six of their names on the one stone, and the names of the remaining six on the other stone, in the order of their birth. And you shall set the two stones on the shoulder pieces of the ephod, as stones of remembrance for the sons of Israel. And Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord on his two shoulders for remembrance.

Thoughts: This weekend we had a guest speaker and spoke about how we are to lift up and take care of; the depleted, the depressed, and the afflicted. As I came to this passage this morning about the making the priests’ Garments and the stones of remembrance. For us we are not just remembering the history of the faith and what God has brought them through but now what God has done for us and as a remembrance of where we came from and to help lift up people and to take care of those depleted depressed and afflicted people because we have been them at some point and we are to help them out. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for all you have done for us and the wisdom that you give us in times of need. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you for out on us each day. You have set forth how the priests of old were to bear the names and remember and now that you have brought us into your family and made us priests we have been given the same burden and I gladly lift those in need up and point them to you. 

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