Reading: 1 Kings 15, 2 Chronicles 14-16, and Revelation 6
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 16:9, For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this, for from now on you will have wars.
Thoughts: In times of weakness I have heard and have said to God, “Where are you? Am I alone in this?” One of my biggest struggles is my feelings of inadequacy, because of the way the school system treated me in elementary. Even though in 2 Chronicles this passage was meant as a rebuke to King Asa because he was seeking help from and relying on the king of Syria. God is reminding me in this passage that he sees me as he looks to and fro, I have his strong support. My heart is not blameless because of anything I did or didn’t do but because of what Christ did for me.
Prayer: Father, I love you and I thank you for the men you have brought to me to pour into me. I thank you for all that you have given to us and the blessings you pour out on us each day. I thank you that your strength and your guidance in times of need.
Christ Follower, looking at the Word and sharing what the Holy Spirit is telling him.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
July 16th 2019, Should I stay or should I go Now?!?!
Reading: Proverbs 1-2, Psalm 128, Hebrews 13, and Luke 8
Scripture: Luke 8:39 "Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you." And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.
Thoughts: When we start feeling the calling into some sort of ministry, we all to often think I will have to go to some undeveloped country, learn a new language, and wear uncomfortable cloths to do God’s work. On the other hand we may want to go with the one who help open our eyes to God’s calling. Here in Luke this man wanted to go with Jesus and learn and be a disciple and with his transformation he could have been a great one. Jesus told him to go home. Not to go sulk or complain that he didn’t get to go but to become a blow horn in a place where he was. When we become believers or heard the calling are we becoming blow horn, it is not about going or staying. Some are called to go some are told to stay and within those stay and go there is a multitude of options to serve
Prayer: Father I thank you that you called. I thank you for all the provisions and blessings that you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help me to listen to the timing of the coming and goings you have planed for me and the way we are to serve in the training and preparing. Open our eyes to the next step and keep walking it out.
Scripture: Luke 8:39 "Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you." And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.
Thoughts: When we start feeling the calling into some sort of ministry, we all to often think I will have to go to some undeveloped country, learn a new language, and wear uncomfortable cloths to do God’s work. On the other hand we may want to go with the one who help open our eyes to God’s calling. Here in Luke this man wanted to go with Jesus and learn and be a disciple and with his transformation he could have been a great one. Jesus told him to go home. Not to go sulk or complain that he didn’t get to go but to become a blow horn in a place where he was. When we become believers or heard the calling are we becoming blow horn, it is not about going or staying. Some are called to go some are told to stay and within those stay and go there is a multitude of options to serve
Prayer: Father I thank you that you called. I thank you for all the provisions and blessings that you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help me to listen to the timing of the coming and goings you have planed for me and the way we are to serve in the training and preparing. Open our eyes to the next step and keep walking it out.
Monday, July 8, 2019
July 8th, 2019 What are you doing?!?!?
Reading: 1 Kings 3, 2 Chronicles 1, Psalm 72, Hebrews 5, and Luke 5
Scripture: Luke 4:43, but he said to them, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose."
Thoughts: Something that God has been working on my with and reminding me, both through his word and the word he has given to be taught, we are not to just be in the church. It is good to teach and preach in church to build up, equip and raise up those young in faith. I must not just be teaching those who have to be in my class but I must be sharing my faith and living out my faith in my daily life speaking into the lives of those I see each and every day.
Prayer: Father I long to hear your voice and seek to hear what you have for those around me. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out each day. Open my eyes and ears to know what you have for my mouth to say. Help me to touch the lives of those around me, lead me and give me your Love and Joy for this world and help me to over come my own insecurities.
Scripture: Luke 4:43, but he said to them, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose."
Thoughts: Something that God has been working on my with and reminding me, both through his word and the word he has given to be taught, we are not to just be in the church. It is good to teach and preach in church to build up, equip and raise up those young in faith. I must not just be teaching those who have to be in my class but I must be sharing my faith and living out my faith in my daily life speaking into the lives of those I see each and every day.
Prayer: Father I long to hear your voice and seek to hear what you have for those around me. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out each day. Open my eyes and ears to know what you have for my mouth to say. Help me to touch the lives of those around me, lead me and give me your Love and Joy for this world and help me to over come my own insecurities.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
June 18, 2019 Off Course
Reading: 2 Samuel 3 and Matthew 26
Scripture: Matthew 26:14-16, Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, "What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?" And they paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him.
Thoughts: This morning after reading this passage, my wife and I were talking and the question of, “I wonder what hardened Judas’s heart?” As we talked and thought about it the idea how Satin works, he does not try to get us to 180 away from God his primary tactic is to place a small magnet near our compass to get us to start going off course. So as a follower of Christ that magnet that can take us off course can be anything that takes our focus from God and is work. My thought in the case of Judas was what if he was convinced that turning Jesus over to the leaders that it would force him to step up and be the triumphant King that the Jews thought the Messiah was going to be. Judas my have thought he was helping to fix the world he was in by bringing forcing Jesus to step into his power and authority.
Prayer: Father I thank you for loving me and calling me to you. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I thank you for my family and friends that you have brought into my life. I ask that you help me to recognize when there is a magnet drawing me off course. Help me to keep you as the beacon and true north in my life.
Scripture: Matthew 26:14-16, Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, "What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?" And they paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him.
Thoughts: This morning after reading this passage, my wife and I were talking and the question of, “I wonder what hardened Judas’s heart?” As we talked and thought about it the idea how Satin works, he does not try to get us to 180 away from God his primary tactic is to place a small magnet near our compass to get us to start going off course. So as a follower of Christ that magnet that can take us off course can be anything that takes our focus from God and is work. My thought in the case of Judas was what if he was convinced that turning Jesus over to the leaders that it would force him to step up and be the triumphant King that the Jews thought the Messiah was going to be. Judas my have thought he was helping to fix the world he was in by bringing forcing Jesus to step into his power and authority.
Prayer: Father I thank you for loving me and calling me to you. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I thank you for my family and friends that you have brought into my life. I ask that you help me to recognize when there is a magnet drawing me off course. Help me to keep you as the beacon and true north in my life.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
June 12th 2019 Why do you stand idle all day?
Reading: 1 Chronicles 6 and Matthew 20
Scripture: Matthew 20:6, And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, 'Why do you stand here idle all day?'
Thoughts: Most of the time when I hear this parable about the workers we focus on the workers grumbling that the ones that came later got the same at they did. This morning the passage about there still being workers waiting at the eleventh hour. These men were out seeking work all day and didn’t get hired until the day was almost done. As a follower of Christ we many times see ourselves as one of the first groups of workers we are I’m saved and the pay is going to heaven. I was thinking when we look at this as who is serving God. When we got saved/hired did we go to work or are we will sitting waiting to start working. I have to admit that it took me a time to start serving. This week a sermon illustration that was used was; As Christians we are waiting, waiting for blessings, waiting for a calling, waiting for Christ to return. In a restaurant there is the wait staff. The wait staff is there to do what? Serve us, are we serving in our waiting, are we stepping out and doing for God in general as we wait for the specific. Why do you stand idle all day?
Prayer: Father, I love you and crawl into your lap and abide in your love. I thank you for your love and guidance every day. I thank you for your provisions and blessings for the day and open my heart to your leading and correction. I ask that you help me to open myself to your leading and be willing to serve where needed in general until you give me a specific calling and direction to go.
Scripture: Matthew 20:6, And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, 'Why do you stand here idle all day?'
Thoughts: Most of the time when I hear this parable about the workers we focus on the workers grumbling that the ones that came later got the same at they did. This morning the passage about there still being workers waiting at the eleventh hour. These men were out seeking work all day and didn’t get hired until the day was almost done. As a follower of Christ we many times see ourselves as one of the first groups of workers we are I’m saved and the pay is going to heaven. I was thinking when we look at this as who is serving God. When we got saved/hired did we go to work or are we will sitting waiting to start working. I have to admit that it took me a time to start serving. This week a sermon illustration that was used was; As Christians we are waiting, waiting for blessings, waiting for a calling, waiting for Christ to return. In a restaurant there is the wait staff. The wait staff is there to do what? Serve us, are we serving in our waiting, are we stepping out and doing for God in general as we wait for the specific. Why do you stand idle all day?
Prayer: Father, I love you and crawl into your lap and abide in your love. I thank you for your love and guidance every day. I thank you for your provisions and blessings for the day and open my heart to your leading and correction. I ask that you help me to open myself to your leading and be willing to serve where needed in general until you give me a specific calling and direction to go.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
May 22nd 2019 Has the Lord Left???
Reading: Judges 14-16 and 2 Thessalonians 1-2
Scripture: Judges 16:20, And she said, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!" And he awoke from his sleep and said, "I will go out as at other times and shake myself free." But he did not know that the Lord had left him.
Thoughts: I know that when I was trying to keep up an appearance of a Christian, being a “Sunday Morning Christian” I was in some ways like Samson He was not to be touching dead things but he somehow got the honey out of the dead lion he was not to bring wine or strong drink but he walked through the vineyards. How close to the edge of the cliff of sin do we push ourselves to go before we fall off because we became so accustomed to being so close. Samson was worn down by telling lies and then have Delilah cry to him about the lying. Where are you drawing the line that you will not cross on the edge of the cliff or somewhere that you can keep yourself from sin.
Prayer: Father I thank you for loving me even when I walk too close to the cliff and even when I jump off. I thank you that you have welcomed me back into your arms. I ask that you help me to seek you and keep my eyes on you as your plans. Help me to walk through the doors you have opened and stop pounding on the doors that are closed.
Scripture: Judges 16:20, And she said, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!" And he awoke from his sleep and said, "I will go out as at other times and shake myself free." But he did not know that the Lord had left him.
Thoughts: I know that when I was trying to keep up an appearance of a Christian, being a “Sunday Morning Christian” I was in some ways like Samson He was not to be touching dead things but he somehow got the honey out of the dead lion he was not to bring wine or strong drink but he walked through the vineyards. How close to the edge of the cliff of sin do we push ourselves to go before we fall off because we became so accustomed to being so close. Samson was worn down by telling lies and then have Delilah cry to him about the lying. Where are you drawing the line that you will not cross on the edge of the cliff or somewhere that you can keep yourself from sin.
Prayer: Father I thank you for loving me even when I walk too close to the cliff and even when I jump off. I thank you that you have welcomed me back into your arms. I ask that you help me to seek you and keep my eyes on you as your plans. Help me to walk through the doors you have opened and stop pounding on the doors that are closed.
May 21st 2019 It will Happen!!!
Reading: Judges 11-13 and 1 Thessalonians 5
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:24, He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
Thoughts: I have been given visions and directions in where I am going. I don’t see how to get there, I don’t each step or the training or preparation needed to get there but what I do know is I have been called and he will make it happen. I have to be faithful to walk out the plans and listen to the Holy Spirit for when and where to take each next step.
Prayer: Father I thank you that you have a plan for me and have given me glimpses into what you have in store for me. I thank you that you provide all that we needs and pour your blessings into our lives. I ask that you help me to keep my eyes on you and seek you first and your kingdom.
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:24, He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
Thoughts: I have been given visions and directions in where I am going. I don’t see how to get there, I don’t each step or the training or preparation needed to get there but what I do know is I have been called and he will make it happen. I have to be faithful to walk out the plans and listen to the Holy Spirit for when and where to take each next step.
Prayer: Father I thank you that you have a plan for me and have given me glimpses into what you have in store for me. I thank you that you provide all that we needs and pour your blessings into our lives. I ask that you help me to keep my eyes on you and seek you first and your kingdom.
May 20th 2019, Control What???
Reading: Judges 9-10 and 1 Thessalonians 3-4
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor,
Thoughts: This is alway a reminder to me not only because it speaks of an issue that I am working on and seeking release from but also because I have verse 4 as a reminder tattooed on my wrist. I lost my eldest brother about 12 years ago in an auto accident and having control over our bodies and minds is something we struggled with together, getting into drugs alcohol and relationship we shouldn’t. Only through God’s grace and calling me home have I started turning from my ways and seeking his.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your love and that you are willing to call me home. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out on us each and every day. Open my heart to your corrections and refine me like silver burn off the things that are not of you and lead astray.
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor,
Thoughts: This is alway a reminder to me not only because it speaks of an issue that I am working on and seeking release from but also because I have verse 4 as a reminder tattooed on my wrist. I lost my eldest brother about 12 years ago in an auto accident and having control over our bodies and minds is something we struggled with together, getting into drugs alcohol and relationship we shouldn’t. Only through God’s grace and calling me home have I started turning from my ways and seeking his.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your love and that you are willing to call me home. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out on us each and every day. Open my heart to your corrections and refine me like silver burn off the things that are not of you and lead astray.
May 19th 2019, The true 300
Reading: Judges 7-8 and 1 Thessalonians 1-2
Scripture: Judges 7:7, And the Lord said to Gideon, "With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home."
Thoughts: As Gideon came down with over 30,000 men God knew that there would be the opportunity to boast of their own doings with the great numbers that came down so eventually it was brought down to 300 men. I love that these men were not chosen because they were the biggest and the baddest warriors but first they were willing to fight and second because of how they drank from a river. When I look at myself I don’t see a great warrior or any of the other common things we hear in the word that we are called to be. God said to take these 300 and go take out the Midianites I have already given them into your hand. What has God put in our hands that we have not claimed yet? What harvest is before us that we are looking past trying to find the next step.
Prayer: Father I thank you that you have chosen me to be among that 300 to go out and claim what you have placed before me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out each day. I ask you to open my eyes to the harvest before me and I claim what you have for me.
Scripture: Judges 7:7, And the Lord said to Gideon, "With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home."
Thoughts: As Gideon came down with over 30,000 men God knew that there would be the opportunity to boast of their own doings with the great numbers that came down so eventually it was brought down to 300 men. I love that these men were not chosen because they were the biggest and the baddest warriors but first they were willing to fight and second because of how they drank from a river. When I look at myself I don’t see a great warrior or any of the other common things we hear in the word that we are called to be. God said to take these 300 and go take out the Midianites I have already given them into your hand. What has God put in our hands that we have not claimed yet? What harvest is before us that we are looking past trying to find the next step.
Prayer: Father I thank you that you have chosen me to be among that 300 to go out and claim what you have placed before me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out each day. I ask you to open my eyes to the harvest before me and I claim what you have for me.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
May 18th 2019 Prove it God!!!
Reading: Judges 5-6 and Colossians 4
Scripture: Judges 6:36-40, And God did so that night; and it was dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground there was dew. Then Gideon said to God, "Let not your anger burn against me; let me speak just once more. Please let me test just once more with the fleece. Please let it be dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground let there be dew." And it was so. When he rose early next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water. Behold, I am laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece alone, and it is dry on all the ground, then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said." Then Gideon said to God, "If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said,
Thoughts: How often do we not believe the things we are told. God will tell us that we are going to do this or that and we don’t think we can do it and we question “God did I hear you right… here are some things you can do God to prove to me that this is what I should do.” I feel like I question God a lot about if he has the right guy for the job or how am I to do this things he as put before me.
Prayer: Father I love you and I seek to walk in your ways. I thank you for your love, provision and blessings you pour out on us each day. Open my heart to accept your directions and know I would not be sent if I was not whom you wanted to use in that situation.
Scripture: Judges 6:36-40, And God did so that night; and it was dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground there was dew. Then Gideon said to God, "Let not your anger burn against me; let me speak just once more. Please let me test just once more with the fleece. Please let it be dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground let there be dew." And it was so. When he rose early next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water. Behold, I am laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece alone, and it is dry on all the ground, then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said." Then Gideon said to God, "If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said,
Thoughts: How often do we not believe the things we are told. God will tell us that we are going to do this or that and we don’t think we can do it and we question “God did I hear you right… here are some things you can do God to prove to me that this is what I should do.” I feel like I question God a lot about if he has the right guy for the job or how am I to do this things he as put before me.
Prayer: Father I love you and I seek to walk in your ways. I thank you for your love, provision and blessings you pour out on us each day. Open my heart to accept your directions and know I would not be sent if I was not whom you wanted to use in that situation.
May 17th 2019 What is Above???
Reading: Judges 3-4, Psalm 14, and Colossians 3
Scripture: Colossians 3:1, If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Thoughts: I know that there have been times and probably will be more, where I started seeking after things that are not from above. It is a daily and sometimes a minute by minute discipline to seek what is from above and not go after the things of this world. The word says that sin is pleasurable for a time but will not fulfill. Just like the prodigal son went and had all his fun with his inheritance it didn’t last he ended up wanting to eat the pig food.
Prayer: Lord I long to sit at your table and serve as needed. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day. I ask that you help me to stay focused on you and your direction and let the things of this world grow dim and fade away. You provide all I need and even things of want. I thank you again for all you do.
Scripture: Colossians 3:1, If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Thoughts: I know that there have been times and probably will be more, where I started seeking after things that are not from above. It is a daily and sometimes a minute by minute discipline to seek what is from above and not go after the things of this world. The word says that sin is pleasurable for a time but will not fulfill. Just like the prodigal son went and had all his fun with his inheritance it didn’t last he ended up wanting to eat the pig food.
Prayer: Lord I long to sit at your table and serve as needed. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day. I ask that you help me to stay focused on you and your direction and let the things of this world grow dim and fade away. You provide all I need and even things of want. I thank you again for all you do.
May 16th 2019 Unite my Brothers!!!
Reading: Judges 1-2, Psalm 133, and Colossians 2
Scripture: Psalms 133:1-3, Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.
Thoughts: This Psalm may have stuck out to me because both my call that I have been taking and my pastor have spent time on talking about the unity that should be in church. Not only in each individual church but the Church as a whole should be united. Biblically the first time Christians was used it was a put down and meant “Little Christ” Now two-thousand years later there are so many denominations and divisions in the Church the unity in the Church is gone and so many time even within a individual church. In the time this was written oil was seen as a representation of the Holy Spirit. I want to have the Holy Spirit poured out over me like the imagery, I want to be drenched in His spirit and His love.
Prayer: Father I long to be in your presence, I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out each day. I thank you for your anointing that you have given me and the plans for good and not bad that you have promised in your word.
Scripture: Psalms 133:1-3, Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.
Thoughts: This Psalm may have stuck out to me because both my call that I have been taking and my pastor have spent time on talking about the unity that should be in church. Not only in each individual church but the Church as a whole should be united. Biblically the first time Christians was used it was a put down and meant “Little Christ” Now two-thousand years later there are so many denominations and divisions in the Church the unity in the Church is gone and so many time even within a individual church. In the time this was written oil was seen as a representation of the Holy Spirit. I want to have the Holy Spirit poured out over me like the imagery, I want to be drenched in His spirit and His love.
Prayer: Father I long to be in your presence, I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out each day. I thank you for your anointing that you have given me and the plans for good and not bad that you have promised in your word.
May 15th 2019 Promises Promises!!!
Reading: Joshua 23-24, Psalm 99, and Colossians 1
Scripture: Joshua 23:5-6, The Lord your God will push them back before you and drive them out of your sight. And you shall possess their land, just as the Lord your God promised you. Therefore, be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left,
Thoughts: Joshua as he was getting to the end of his life and The Lord was giving Israel the country rest, Joshua told Israel that they are not done yet God will continue to push back and out the inhabitants of the promised land. Joshua’s words of encouragement and direction for Israel is also for us as we strive forward with God’s plan for our lives. We need to keep walking out upon the land promised that He promised us. We need to not get distracted by whatever shiny or pleasurable things that this world is putting before us.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your directions and your blessings that you pour out on us. Open my eyes and ears to see the next step to would out in. Help me to over come the lust that has been coming back to be help me to have a proper perspective of those around me and remember your love.
Scripture: Joshua 23:5-6, The Lord your God will push them back before you and drive them out of your sight. And you shall possess their land, just as the Lord your God promised you. Therefore, be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left,
Thoughts: Joshua as he was getting to the end of his life and The Lord was giving Israel the country rest, Joshua told Israel that they are not done yet God will continue to push back and out the inhabitants of the promised land. Joshua’s words of encouragement and direction for Israel is also for us as we strive forward with God’s plan for our lives. We need to keep walking out upon the land promised that He promised us. We need to not get distracted by whatever shiny or pleasurable things that this world is putting before us.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your directions and your blessings that you pour out on us. Open my eyes and ears to see the next step to would out in. Help me to over come the lust that has been coming back to be help me to have a proper perspective of those around me and remember your love.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
May 14th 2019 Can I get a Witness
Reading: Joshua 21-22 and Philippians 4
Scripture: Joshua 22:34, The people of Reuben and the people of Gad called the altar Witness, "For," they said, "it is a witness between us that the Lord is God."
Thoughts: As the people of Reuben and Gad wanted a reminder and witness to whom they belong and also to remind the rest of Israel that they are apart of them, we need those reminders as well. There are things from my past that are less about being valuable or significant but they remind me of who I was during the times I ran from God and played the Sunday morning Christian. I would live as I wanted 6.5 days a week and would try to look come Sunday morning for church and even volunteered to make it look better.
Prayer: Abba I thank you for coming to find me and give me reminders of who I was and whom I belong to now. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. Lead me and remind me who I am and whom I belong.
Scripture: Joshua 22:34, The people of Reuben and the people of Gad called the altar Witness, "For," they said, "it is a witness between us that the Lord is God."
Thoughts: As the people of Reuben and Gad wanted a reminder and witness to whom they belong and also to remind the rest of Israel that they are apart of them, we need those reminders as well. There are things from my past that are less about being valuable or significant but they remind me of who I was during the times I ran from God and played the Sunday morning Christian. I would live as I wanted 6.5 days a week and would try to look come Sunday morning for church and even volunteered to make it look better.
Prayer: Abba I thank you for coming to find me and give me reminders of who I was and whom I belong to now. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. Lead me and remind me who I am and whom I belong.
May 13th 2019 I Got This
Reading: Joshua 19-20, Psalm 53, and Philippians 3
Scripture: Psalms 53:5, There they are, in great terror, where there is no terror! For God scatters the bones of him who encamps against you; you put them to shame, for God has rejected them.
Thoughts: This Psalm was written when God would send his Holy Spirit for a time. There is much of the Old Testament where it says that the Holy Spirit filled them for a time or covered them or came upon them. I saw this passage as one where it was saying,“you are have no need to fear because I have got this” We have been given the authority and have the Holy Spirit within us to over come any adversary that the evil one can send our way.
Prayer: Father I thank you for you love and your authority that has given us to overcome and to declare your victory. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help me to walk in your authority and power, to put on your full armor.
Scripture: Psalms 53:5, There they are, in great terror, where there is no terror! For God scatters the bones of him who encamps against you; you put them to shame, for God has rejected them.
Thoughts: This Psalm was written when God would send his Holy Spirit for a time. There is much of the Old Testament where it says that the Holy Spirit filled them for a time or covered them or came upon them. I saw this passage as one where it was saying,“you are have no need to fear because I have got this” We have been given the authority and have the Holy Spirit within us to over come any adversary that the evil one can send our way.
Prayer: Father I thank you for you love and your authority that has given us to overcome and to declare your victory. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help me to walk in your authority and power, to put on your full armor.
May 12th 2019 Encouragement, Love, and Joy
Reading: Joshua 16-18 and Philippians 2
Scripture: Philippians 2:1-2. So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
Thoughts: I love the reminders and encouragement that comes in so much of the Word of God. We are to encourage and love one another the way that Christ did for us. The Joy of the Lord will pour out on us as we are having the same mind as God. Seek to have the oneness with God that comes from knowing him so deeply that your voice and your love is his voice and love.
Prayer: Father I thank you for you love for your guidance and the provisions that you pour out each day. I love you Lord and I seek to know you more and more each day. Open my eyes to your ways and your love and help me to pour out on others as you have poured on me.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
May 11th 2019 Choices choices!!!
Reading: Joshua 14-15 and Philippians 1
Scripture: Philippians 1:21-23, For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.
Thoughts: Our home is in heaven with God the father, when we come into fellowship with God through Christ and what he did for us it is easy to start seeing how misguided the world has become. As we see the brokenness of the world we may want to just go to our true home. Paul was just like us in that sense. Paul both wanted to die and go home to Father God and wanted to stay and live as Christ to the world. I say as long as God leaves us on this earth, we are to live as Christ did and love the world around us. For as we work for the Lord and give Him the glory we can store our treasures in heaven where no one can take them away. I don’t want to be lifted up here, I want God to get the glory and if He deems me worthy to move closer at His banquet table then let Him call me up.
Prayer: Father I thank you for seeing me where I am and loving me enough to not leave me there. I thank you for your provisions and the blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help me to live for you and point to you only. You are the one that give me the skill and abilities that are needed for your works.
Scripture: Philippians 1:21-23, For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.
Thoughts: Our home is in heaven with God the father, when we come into fellowship with God through Christ and what he did for us it is easy to start seeing how misguided the world has become. As we see the brokenness of the world we may want to just go to our true home. Paul was just like us in that sense. Paul both wanted to die and go home to Father God and wanted to stay and live as Christ to the world. I say as long as God leaves us on this earth, we are to live as Christ did and love the world around us. For as we work for the Lord and give Him the glory we can store our treasures in heaven where no one can take them away. I don’t want to be lifted up here, I want God to get the glory and if He deems me worthy to move closer at His banquet table then let Him call me up.
Prayer: Father I thank you for seeing me where I am and loving me enough to not leave me there. I thank you for your provisions and the blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help me to live for you and point to you only. You are the one that give me the skill and abilities that are needed for your works.
Friday, May 10, 2019
May 10th 2019 Bondservant?
Reading: Joshua 12-13 and Ephesians 6
Scripture: Ephesians 6:5-6, Bondservants, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,
Thoughts: Here is the United State the term bondservant is not used much and the understanding of it can be murky. A bondservant is someone who has a debt to someone and is working for them to pay it off. In the movie “Ready Player One” they have a debtors prison or Loyalty Center (in book) where people are sent to work off their debt and many build more debt in there causing them to never get out.
Paul here is talking to the bondservants but at other time he calls himself one to Christ. I feel that the position of “bondservant of Christ” that Paul put on is applicable to us all. We have a debt that we can’t pay to Christ, as we take on the mantle of bondservant this passage not only is saying obey God but those we work for. We all have to do something for income of some sort and we are to do it as if we are doing it for God himself. I repair equipment and talk to customers and the public in my job I try to do the repair the best I can and be the nicest person I can during the process. Do all things as if God is right there with you.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all that you do and all that you have before me. Thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out on us. I ask that you help me to keep you in mind and care for all those who I come in contact with.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:5-6, Bondservants, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,
Thoughts: Here is the United State the term bondservant is not used much and the understanding of it can be murky. A bondservant is someone who has a debt to someone and is working for them to pay it off. In the movie “Ready Player One” they have a debtors prison or Loyalty Center (in book) where people are sent to work off their debt and many build more debt in there causing them to never get out.
Paul here is talking to the bondservants but at other time he calls himself one to Christ. I feel that the position of “bondservant of Christ” that Paul put on is applicable to us all. We have a debt that we can’t pay to Christ, as we take on the mantle of bondservant this passage not only is saying obey God but those we work for. We all have to do something for income of some sort and we are to do it as if we are doing it for God himself. I repair equipment and talk to customers and the public in my job I try to do the repair the best I can and be the nicest person I can during the process. Do all things as if God is right there with you.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all that you do and all that you have before me. Thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out on us. I ask that you help me to keep you in mind and care for all those who I come in contact with.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
May 9th 2019 Stop the sun please.
Reading: Joshua 10-11 and Ephesians 5
Scripture: Joshua 10:12-13, At that time Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord gave the Amorites over to the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and moon, in the Valley of Aijalon." And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day.
Thoughts: We are daily in spiritual battle. We are at war, a war we know who wins. In our battle God has given us authority and power over the enemy and his Armor and weapons. In the most of this battle we can cry out in faith to God to multiply our time and stop the sun so that we have time to do all he called us to do in this war.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the authority you have given to us and the power to overcome all the attacks that the evil one. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you give pour out each day and the joy you give me. I ask that you help me to utilize the power you gave me to overcome where it is needed.
Scripture: Joshua 10:12-13, At that time Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord gave the Amorites over to the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and moon, in the Valley of Aijalon." And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day.
Thoughts: We are daily in spiritual battle. We are at war, a war we know who wins. In our battle God has given us authority and power over the enemy and his Armor and weapons. In the most of this battle we can cry out in faith to God to multiply our time and stop the sun so that we have time to do all he called us to do in this war.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the authority you have given to us and the power to overcome all the attacks that the evil one. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you give pour out each day and the joy you give me. I ask that you help me to utilize the power you gave me to overcome where it is needed.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
May 8th Make a Copy!?!?!
Reading: Joshua 8-9 and
Scripture: Joshua 8:32, And there, in the presence of the people of Israel, he wrote on the stones a copy of the law of Moses, which he had written.
Thoughts: Here we see Joshua making a copy of the law, not that they needed another copy but in that day and age it was set as a president that with every new leader that they would make a copy of the law so that they new every little bit of the law. I as a leader of my house need to be in the Word regularly so that I know God and know His voice. I am grateful that I have been developing the discipline of being in the Word daily through the encouragement of our church and our leadership. Stay in the Word so that you can meditate on in like a cow chews his cud, chew on the word and let all the goodness get released into you.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your word and all your promises. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask you to write on my heart and mind your words each day as I go through them.
Scripture: Joshua 8:32, And there, in the presence of the people of Israel, he wrote on the stones a copy of the law of Moses, which he had written.
Thoughts: Here we see Joshua making a copy of the law, not that they needed another copy but in that day and age it was set as a president that with every new leader that they would make a copy of the law so that they new every little bit of the law. I as a leader of my house need to be in the Word regularly so that I know God and know His voice. I am grateful that I have been developing the discipline of being in the Word daily through the encouragement of our church and our leadership. Stay in the Word so that you can meditate on in like a cow chews his cud, chew on the word and let all the goodness get released into you.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your word and all your promises. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask you to write on my heart and mind your words each day as I go through them.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
May 7th How much Depth is there???
Reading: Joshua 6-7 and Ephesians 3
Scripture: Ephesians 3:16-19, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Thoughts: As I was going over this passage again, I was reminded of my thinking about God even 10 years ago. I have knowledge about God and knew of him. I didn’t Know God. As I started listening to God finished my degree and dove into His word and accepting all He has for me and getting rooted into a family(church) where they are grounded in Love. During this time of growth I have started seeing the 4 dimensions Paul wrote about “the breadth and length and height and depth” we talk about out 3D world and talk about time being the fourth but Paul said depth. What I am seeing is if we could hold a physical manifestation of God’s love and have measurable length hight and breadth there would be a infinite depth inside that manifestation. We could tip it to try to pour it out and it would never empty. This understanding will fill us with the fullness of God.
Prayer: Father I long to sit in your lap and listen to your love and your heart. You are the blessing upon blessings. I thank you for your provisions and blessings for this day. open my eyes to you purpose for today and lead me in my day. Help me to experience the breadth, width, hight, and depth of your love.
Scripture: Ephesians 3:16-19, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Thoughts: As I was going over this passage again, I was reminded of my thinking about God even 10 years ago. I have knowledge about God and knew of him. I didn’t Know God. As I started listening to God finished my degree and dove into His word and accepting all He has for me and getting rooted into a family(church) where they are grounded in Love. During this time of growth I have started seeing the 4 dimensions Paul wrote about “the breadth and length and height and depth” we talk about out 3D world and talk about time being the fourth but Paul said depth. What I am seeing is if we could hold a physical manifestation of God’s love and have measurable length hight and breadth there would be a infinite depth inside that manifestation. We could tip it to try to pour it out and it would never empty. This understanding will fill us with the fullness of God.
Prayer: Father I long to sit in your lap and listen to your love and your heart. You are the blessing upon blessings. I thank you for your provisions and blessings for this day. open my eyes to you purpose for today and lead me in my day. Help me to experience the breadth, width, hight, and depth of your love.
May 6th Breath in Grace!!!
Reading: Joshua 4-5, Psalm 71, Ephesians 2, and Mark 16
Scripture: Psalm 71:13-14, May my accusers be put to shame and consumed; with scorn and disgrace may they be covered who seek my hurt. But I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more.
Thoughts: There is a song that says, “breathe in your grace and breathe out your praise.” There are people and spiritual forces out there who are trying to bring us down and snuff out our light to this world. The psalmist was asking God to act against those who are after them and possibly seeking to kill them. But the. They say I will hope and praise you. When we are in the mist of an attack from people or spirits it is hard to focus on God and to praise Him in the middle of the craziness of the moment.
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful, I thank you for the opportunity to sit in your presence. I thank you for your provision and blessings that you pour out on us each day. I seek your love in the mist of the war. I sing your praise as overcome the attacks of the evil one. Help us to know and put on your armor, to take the sword and shield so we are prepared to defeat the evil one.
Scripture: Psalm 71:13-14, May my accusers be put to shame and consumed; with scorn and disgrace may they be covered who seek my hurt. But I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more.
Thoughts: There is a song that says, “breathe in your grace and breathe out your praise.” There are people and spiritual forces out there who are trying to bring us down and snuff out our light to this world. The psalmist was asking God to act against those who are after them and possibly seeking to kill them. But the. They say I will hope and praise you. When we are in the mist of an attack from people or spirits it is hard to focus on God and to praise Him in the middle of the craziness of the moment.
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful, I thank you for the opportunity to sit in your presence. I thank you for your provision and blessings that you pour out on us each day. I seek your love in the mist of the war. I sing your praise as overcome the attacks of the evil one. Help us to know and put on your armor, to take the sword and shield so we are prepared to defeat the evil one.
May 5th Who's Heritage are you?
Reading: Joshua 1-3, Psalm 94, and Ephesians 1
Scripture: Psalms 94:14-15 For the Lord will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage; for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.
Thoughts: There are times where I don’t have it together, I don’t feel like I am where I belong and that I even God is not looking my way. He is not mad at me but I feel like I’m not doing enough to pull his attention from elsewhere. I need this reminder that I am loved and he knows the hairs on my head and the ones on my chin and how many are white. He will never leave me, He has not abandoned me. Let us be upright hearts and follow the justice and return to righteousness.
Prayer: Father I thank you for never leaving me and always loving me. I thank you for your provision and blessings that you pour out on us. Open our hearts to know you and know your promises.
Scripture: Psalms 94:14-15 For the Lord will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage; for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.
Thoughts: There are times where I don’t have it together, I don’t feel like I am where I belong and that I even God is not looking my way. He is not mad at me but I feel like I’m not doing enough to pull his attention from elsewhere. I need this reminder that I am loved and he knows the hairs on my head and the ones on my chin and how many are white. He will never leave me, He has not abandoned me. Let us be upright hearts and follow the justice and return to righteousness.
Prayer: Father I thank you for never leaving me and always loving me. I thank you for your provision and blessings that you pour out on us. Open our hearts to know you and know your promises.
May 4th Are you weary?
Reading: Deuteronomy 33-34, Psalm 68, and Galatians 6
Scripture: Galatians 6:9-10, And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Thoughts: It is so easy to after a time of helping, contributing, or serving, to fell like you are used up or overwhelmed. I was needing this reminder that some of the things that have been going on and happening with my family we are getting to this point. Having this reminder that what we are going is not for our good or our exaltation but it is to plant seeds. I recently had seen something that talked about, when we plant a seed in the ground we are not going to see its fruit immediately. We are to be patient, water and fertilize and let it get a good dose of the sun. When we are working in the fields of the Lord we may be panting seeds that are going to be harvested by others, or we are those watering and pointing to the Son so that He can pour into them and do the work needed. One day we may be the harvesters but I feel we have more need of sowers and watering cans and Son pointers than we need harvesters.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the part I have in this harvest. Help me to sow the seeds I need to sow, water where I need to water, shine light where it is needs and harvest where harvest is needed. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day and the directions you have for us.
Scripture: Galatians 6:9-10, And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Thoughts: It is so easy to after a time of helping, contributing, or serving, to fell like you are used up or overwhelmed. I was needing this reminder that some of the things that have been going on and happening with my family we are getting to this point. Having this reminder that what we are going is not for our good or our exaltation but it is to plant seeds. I recently had seen something that talked about, when we plant a seed in the ground we are not going to see its fruit immediately. We are to be patient, water and fertilize and let it get a good dose of the sun. When we are working in the fields of the Lord we may be panting seeds that are going to be harvested by others, or we are those watering and pointing to the Son so that He can pour into them and do the work needed. One day we may be the harvesters but I feel we have more need of sowers and watering cans and Son pointers than we need harvesters.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the part I have in this harvest. Help me to sow the seeds I need to sow, water where I need to water, shine light where it is needs and harvest where harvest is needed. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day and the directions you have for us.
Friday, May 3, 2019
May 3rd 2019, Can you be found guilty of being a Christian?
Reading: Deuteronomy 31-32 and Galatians 5
Scripture: Galatians 5:24-26, And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Thoughts: Just before this Paul listed the fruit of the spirit. Those are the evidences of who we are. Do we have enough evidence against us to be crucified with Christ and die to our flesh? I know that I spent many years looking at others and wondering why do they have it so much better then me, they hear God or they get to do this or that in the name of God. As I have grown closer to God and seek and learn to listen and hear the Holy Spirit. I have learned that I’m not to be jealous for the blessings and works God is giving and doing through others because my works are not their work and theirs are not mine. We are given these blessings and works to point to God and lift up and encourage the church.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the things you have and are doing through me. I ask that all I do point to you and encourage those around me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out upon and before me. I ask that you help us to keep a right mind when looking at the works that are being done either through us or by others.
Scripture: Galatians 5:24-26, And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Thoughts: Just before this Paul listed the fruit of the spirit. Those are the evidences of who we are. Do we have enough evidence against us to be crucified with Christ and die to our flesh? I know that I spent many years looking at others and wondering why do they have it so much better then me, they hear God or they get to do this or that in the name of God. As I have grown closer to God and seek and learn to listen and hear the Holy Spirit. I have learned that I’m not to be jealous for the blessings and works God is giving and doing through others because my works are not their work and theirs are not mine. We are given these blessings and works to point to God and lift up and encourage the church.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the things you have and are doing through me. I ask that all I do point to you and encourage those around me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out upon and before me. I ask that you help us to keep a right mind when looking at the works that are being done either through us or by others.
May 2nd 2019 Where do you live?
Reading: Deuteronomy 29-30, Psalm 15, Galatians 4, and Mark 15
Scripture: Psalms 15, O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend; in whose eyes a vile person is despised, but who honors those who fear the Lord; who swears to his own hurt and does not change; who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.
Thoughts: I don’t know how many time I read this Psalm and not gotten anything out of it. I may have just thought it was just another time David was singing about God or his situation. I know for a long time I thought of most everything in the old testament to be useless in a new testament world. Here David is talking about sojourning and living in tents 500 years or so before Paul teaches we are only sojourning here on earth and living in our flesh tents. Maybe it is through Holy Spirit speaking to me during my prayer time but there is also an undertone of Obedience to God in this. And I was shown and reminded of the Freedom that we are given through the obedience to God’s word. His word promises freedom and power but asks for obedience. We can be saved and not walk in the freedom and power He has for us.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the freedom and power that you give me and lead me in. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us. I as that you help me to see the places that need your correction and help me to walk in you freedom and power.
Scripture: Psalms 15, O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend; in whose eyes a vile person is despised, but who honors those who fear the Lord; who swears to his own hurt and does not change; who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.
Thoughts: I don’t know how many time I read this Psalm and not gotten anything out of it. I may have just thought it was just another time David was singing about God or his situation. I know for a long time I thought of most everything in the old testament to be useless in a new testament world. Here David is talking about sojourning and living in tents 500 years or so before Paul teaches we are only sojourning here on earth and living in our flesh tents. Maybe it is through Holy Spirit speaking to me during my prayer time but there is also an undertone of Obedience to God in this. And I was shown and reminded of the Freedom that we are given through the obedience to God’s word. His word promises freedom and power but asks for obedience. We can be saved and not walk in the freedom and power He has for us.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the freedom and power that you give me and lead me in. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us. I as that you help me to see the places that need your correction and help me to walk in you freedom and power.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
May 1st, 2019 Get to it!!!
Reading: Deuteronomy 28 and Galatians 3
Scripture: Galatians 3:3, Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Thoughts: We are drawn to God and being apart of the family by the work of the Holy Spirit. He is the one doing the work in our lives, our journey with God starts with our spirit being drawn to his spirit and the work of the Holy Spirit begins to start the refining process with us, because God accepts us were we are but loves us too much to let us stay there. We are not going to perfect ourselves through anything we do on our own but we will be perfected and refined into pour gold through the refiners fire. Here is a story someone wrote about their experience learning about silversmithing and the refining process.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot – then she thought again about the verse, that he sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.
The man answered “Yes”, and explained that he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left even a moment too long in the flames, it would be damaged.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, “How do you know when the silver is fully refined?”
He smiled at her and answered, “Oh, that’s easy. When I see my image in it.”
Let us all strive to get to the point where through the leading of the Holy Spirit we reflect as a mirror God to the world.
Prayer: Father I thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to the world and into the hearts of those who have come to you. I thank you for drawing me out of the place I was and into the place you have for me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out each and every day. I ask that you continue to refine me and encourage my growth in you.
Scripture: Galatians 3:3, Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Thoughts: We are drawn to God and being apart of the family by the work of the Holy Spirit. He is the one doing the work in our lives, our journey with God starts with our spirit being drawn to his spirit and the work of the Holy Spirit begins to start the refining process with us, because God accepts us were we are but loves us too much to let us stay there. We are not going to perfect ourselves through anything we do on our own but we will be perfected and refined into pour gold through the refiners fire. Here is a story someone wrote about their experience learning about silversmithing and the refining process.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot – then she thought again about the verse, that he sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.
The man answered “Yes”, and explained that he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left even a moment too long in the flames, it would be damaged.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, “How do you know when the silver is fully refined?”
He smiled at her and answered, “Oh, that’s easy. When I see my image in it.”
Let us all strive to get to the point where through the leading of the Holy Spirit we reflect as a mirror God to the world.
Prayer: Father I thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to the world and into the hearts of those who have come to you. I thank you for drawing me out of the place I was and into the place you have for me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out each and every day. I ask that you continue to refine me and encourage my growth in you.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
April 30, 2019 Broken Flasks
Reading: Deuteronomy 25-27, Galatians 2, and Mark 14
Scripture: Mark 14:3, And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head.
Thoughts: In those days the flasks where sealed in a way that the only way to use any of the contents was to break it open and us it all, there was not a way to reseal it and keep some for later. Most of us today (including me) would try to keep some of this expensive stuff for ourselves. We have storage bags and containers that are reusable and resealable. We try to save all we can. When a flask is broken it does not just pour out it gets every where and nothing is held back. The Lord is pouring out upon us as a broken flask, it is going everywhere and getting into every bit of us. The best part of God’s broken flask is that it never runs out.
Prayer: Father I bask in your unending flow and outpouring into my life. I thank you for all you have done bringing me to this place. I thank you Lord for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day and the great love you have for us. I ask that you help me to share what you have given me and pour out as you pour out.
Scripture: Mark 14:3, And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head.
Thoughts: In those days the flasks where sealed in a way that the only way to use any of the contents was to break it open and us it all, there was not a way to reseal it and keep some for later. Most of us today (including me) would try to keep some of this expensive stuff for ourselves. We have storage bags and containers that are reusable and resealable. We try to save all we can. When a flask is broken it does not just pour out it gets every where and nothing is held back. The Lord is pouring out upon us as a broken flask, it is going everywhere and getting into every bit of us. The best part of God’s broken flask is that it never runs out.
Prayer: Father I bask in your unending flow and outpouring into my life. I thank you for all you have done bringing me to this place. I thank you Lord for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day and the great love you have for us. I ask that you help me to share what you have given me and pour out as you pour out.
Monday, April 29, 2019
April 29, 2019 How dose your camp look???
Reading: Deuteronomy 23-24, Psalm 91, Galatians 1, and Mark 13
Scripture: Deuteronomy 23:14, Because the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and to give up your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy, so that he may not see anything indecent among you and turn away from you.
Thoughts: Our lives here on earth are as sojourners and our bodies are but tents in a camp waiting for the day that we get called to come home. I know when I go camping I feel like I am on the verge of the term “glamping,” I want to camp somewhere that has bathrooms and maybe even showers. I like to be clean and have some of the amenities when I “rough it.” With that being the case I will still become gross and the dirty clothes will pile up and there are times where I don’t know how holy my camp was. Our tent and camp (our body) are to be kept Holy and not let the indecent things be seen. God knows our indecent things, He has known us before he knit us together in our mothers womb. I love that God loves us where we are and where he found us, but he loves us so much that he won’t leave us in the muck he found us in. His leading and convictions in our heart and soul will help lead us into a deeper and richer relationship with him and will bring the refiners fire to heat us so that the impurities and come to the surface and be skimmed off the top and tossed out.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your refining fire. Continue to heat me and remove the things you don’t want in my life until you see your image in me. I thank you that you love me so much that you didn’t leave me where I was. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for me each and every day. I ask you continue to pour into me and give me the boldness to share the light, love and peace that you have given me and to share it with Joy.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 23:14, Because the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and to give up your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy, so that he may not see anything indecent among you and turn away from you.
Thoughts: Our lives here on earth are as sojourners and our bodies are but tents in a camp waiting for the day that we get called to come home. I know when I go camping I feel like I am on the verge of the term “glamping,” I want to camp somewhere that has bathrooms and maybe even showers. I like to be clean and have some of the amenities when I “rough it.” With that being the case I will still become gross and the dirty clothes will pile up and there are times where I don’t know how holy my camp was. Our tent and camp (our body) are to be kept Holy and not let the indecent things be seen. God knows our indecent things, He has known us before he knit us together in our mothers womb. I love that God loves us where we are and where he found us, but he loves us so much that he won’t leave us in the muck he found us in. His leading and convictions in our heart and soul will help lead us into a deeper and richer relationship with him and will bring the refiners fire to heat us so that the impurities and come to the surface and be skimmed off the top and tossed out.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your refining fire. Continue to heat me and remove the things you don’t want in my life until you see your image in me. I thank you that you love me so much that you didn’t leave me where I was. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for me each and every day. I ask you continue to pour into me and give me the boldness to share the light, love and peace that you have given me and to share it with Joy.
April 28, 2019 Rejoice and again I say rejoice!!!
Reading: Deuteronomy 21-22, Psalm 145, and 2 Corinthians 13
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:11, Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Thoughts: We are called to live at peace. That Godly peace is not, not having wars and not fighting or having disagreements. My house has fights and disagreements (I have a 2 and a 4 year old) but the Lord gives us peace. As we press into God and his purpose there is a freedom, a freedom to touch others share the peace and joy that is not of this world.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your peace love and joy that you pour out on us each day. I accept it and share it. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day. I thank you for the people that you have brought into my life to pour into me and the ones that I get to pour into. I ask that you help us to walk in the peace that you have for us and in the freedom you have given share the joy found in you.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:11, Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Thoughts: We are called to live at peace. That Godly peace is not, not having wars and not fighting or having disagreements. My house has fights and disagreements (I have a 2 and a 4 year old) but the Lord gives us peace. As we press into God and his purpose there is a freedom, a freedom to touch others share the peace and joy that is not of this world.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your peace love and joy that you pour out on us each day. I accept it and share it. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day. I thank you for the people that you have brought into my life to pour into me and the ones that I get to pour into. I ask that you help us to walk in the peace that you have for us and in the freedom you have given share the joy found in you.
April 27, 2019 God is not the God of the Dead!!!
Reading: Deuteronomy 18-20, 2 Corinthians 12, and Mark 12
Scripture: Mark 12:26-27, And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not God of the dead, but of the living. You are quite wrong."
Thoughts: So often if you have grown up in the church we have this tendency to revert to the stance of that is who God was or some other way of saying that same sort of thing. That reminder that God is not just sitting in heaven looking down on us or only worked through long dead people whom we never met. He will meet us where we are but his love is too great to leave us there.
Prayer: Father I love you and thank you that I can come into your presence and seek your face. I thank you for you provision and blessings that you pour out on us each day and the leading you have for us. I ask that you help us to continually seek you and place ourselves in a position to received all you have to pour out on us.
Scripture: Mark 12:26-27, And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not God of the dead, but of the living. You are quite wrong."
Thoughts: So often if you have grown up in the church we have this tendency to revert to the stance of that is who God was or some other way of saying that same sort of thing. That reminder that God is not just sitting in heaven looking down on us or only worked through long dead people whom we never met. He will meet us where we are but his love is too great to leave us there.
Prayer: Father I love you and thank you that I can come into your presence and seek your face. I thank you for you provision and blessings that you pour out on us each day and the leading you have for us. I ask that you help us to continually seek you and place ourselves in a position to received all you have to pour out on us.
Friday, April 26, 2019
April 26, 2019 In what shall I boast???
Reading: Deuteronomy 16-17, Psalm 2, 2 Corinthians 11, and Mark 11
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:30, If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
Thoughts: In todays world between being told to sell yourself in your interviews and resumes, we are also shown pictures of nothing but air-brushed size 2 models and movies stars. We are in essences being told that we are no good my the world from day one. Not only are we being told we are not good enough but that we have to make it look like we are. I am here to say just like Paul I only want to boast in the things that show my weakness. Through the grace of God, He gave me the focus and drive to finish my schooling and he gave me the story that turned into my book. If it was left up to me I would have never written anything and would only have a high school diploma (that I barely got).
Prayer: Father you are so amazing, I long for your presence. I thank you for all you do, your provisions and blessings that are poured out every day. I thank you that your grace and guidance have brought me out of the muck that that I was in. I ask that you continue to guide me and lead me in your ways. Be the light to my path and open my eyes to your guidance.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:30, If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
Thoughts: In todays world between being told to sell yourself in your interviews and resumes, we are also shown pictures of nothing but air-brushed size 2 models and movies stars. We are in essences being told that we are no good my the world from day one. Not only are we being told we are not good enough but that we have to make it look like we are. I am here to say just like Paul I only want to boast in the things that show my weakness. Through the grace of God, He gave me the focus and drive to finish my schooling and he gave me the story that turned into my book. If it was left up to me I would have never written anything and would only have a high school diploma (that I barely got).
Prayer: Father you are so amazing, I long for your presence. I thank you for all you do, your provisions and blessings that are poured out every day. I thank you that your grace and guidance have brought me out of the muck that that I was in. I ask that you continue to guide me and lead me in your ways. Be the light to my path and open my eyes to your guidance.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019 Whom does it truly belong??
Reading: Deuteronomy 14-15, Psalm 88, and 2 Corinthians 10
Scripture: Deuteronomy 15:6, For the Lord your God will bless you, as he promised you, and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow, and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you.
Thoughts: In society today we are so encouraged to live on credit and always have the newest and the best. Society says to keep up with the Jones. This passage was written and spoken to the nation of Israel over two thousand years ago and today we are adopted into that family through the blood of Christ Jesus. In that we have that same promise and same blessings if we walk in it. About 8-10 years ago I was living life to the “full” by living like the world on credit. I would buy what I wanted and pay what I could and I had a snare around my neck, I was oppressed by the debt and my believed inability to get out. After coming back into relationship with God I found a church that taught the principles of God first life second in all things.
Start with paying your tithes and gifts to the Lord and do it as a worship and honor him with it and live on the rest. When I started this I also cut up my credit card. With in a couple years of doing what God said I was out of debt except for my house and school loans, I am working on those next. There are great tools out there to help you but walk in God’s promises of blessings and do not barrow.
Prayer: Father I love you and honor you, I thank you for the blessings and provisions you pour out on us each and every day. I thank you for teaching me about your blessings and how to live within them. I ask that your provisions flow upon all and open their eye to the truth on where it all comes from and whom it all belongs.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 15:6, For the Lord your God will bless you, as he promised you, and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow, and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you.
Thoughts: In society today we are so encouraged to live on credit and always have the newest and the best. Society says to keep up with the Jones. This passage was written and spoken to the nation of Israel over two thousand years ago and today we are adopted into that family through the blood of Christ Jesus. In that we have that same promise and same blessings if we walk in it. About 8-10 years ago I was living life to the “full” by living like the world on credit. I would buy what I wanted and pay what I could and I had a snare around my neck, I was oppressed by the debt and my believed inability to get out. After coming back into relationship with God I found a church that taught the principles of God first life second in all things.
Start with paying your tithes and gifts to the Lord and do it as a worship and honor him with it and live on the rest. When I started this I also cut up my credit card. With in a couple years of doing what God said I was out of debt except for my house and school loans, I am working on those next. There are great tools out there to help you but walk in God’s promises of blessings and do not barrow.
Prayer: Father I love you and honor you, I thank you for the blessings and provisions you pour out on us each and every day. I thank you for teaching me about your blessings and how to live within them. I ask that your provisions flow upon all and open their eye to the truth on where it all comes from and whom it all belongs.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
April 24, 2019 A Friend that is as my own soul.
Reading: Deuteronomy 11-13 and 2 Corinthians 9
Scripture: Deuteronomy 13:6, If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the wife you embrace or your friend who is as your own soul entices you secretly, saying, 'Let us go and serve other gods,' which neither you nor your fathers have known,
Thoughts: Growing up I was a bit of an outcast. I had a very bad temper, I was placed in modified classes for slow and disabled students, and I was very socially awkward. I didn’t have many friends let alone ones who shared my beliefs. I am Grateful for the Men who have become as my own soul. I can now see how if one of the men who have come into my life start going astray it could be easy to follow. I know that would never out and out say let us go this other way. But the evil one can lead us away without the obviousness of that phrase. Let us strive together toward the One True God.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the men you have brought into my life, I thank you for the opportunity to pour into them as much as I get from them. I thank you for the provisions you have for me and the blessings you pour out on your servant.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 13:6, If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the wife you embrace or your friend who is as your own soul entices you secretly, saying, 'Let us go and serve other gods,' which neither you nor your fathers have known,
Thoughts: Growing up I was a bit of an outcast. I had a very bad temper, I was placed in modified classes for slow and disabled students, and I was very socially awkward. I didn’t have many friends let alone ones who shared my beliefs. I am Grateful for the Men who have become as my own soul. I can now see how if one of the men who have come into my life start going astray it could be easy to follow. I know that would never out and out say let us go this other way. But the evil one can lead us away without the obviousness of that phrase. Let us strive together toward the One True God.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the men you have brought into my life, I thank you for the opportunity to pour into them as much as I get from them. I thank you for the provisions you have for me and the blessings you pour out on your servant.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019 It changes Everything!!
Reading: Deuteronomy 9-10, Psalm 143, 2 Corinthians 8, and Mark 10
Scripture: Psalm 143:5-6, I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands. I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Selah
Thoughts: I love how David put this. The reminder of where we were and where we have been brought to. God brought us into is family knowing all out junk and struggles but through the Word and Holy Spirit He calls us and encourages us to strive to be more like Him. He loves is too much to leave us where we were.
Prayer: Father I thank you that you loved me as I was but also love me enough to work on and in my life to create a new man. I thank you that you are not done with me yet. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day and the love and encouragement you give me.
Scripture: Psalm 143:5-6, I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands. I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Selah
Thoughts: I love how David put this. The reminder of where we were and where we have been brought to. God brought us into is family knowing all out junk and struggles but through the Word and Holy Spirit He calls us and encourages us to strive to be more like Him. He loves is too much to leave us where we were.
Prayer: Father I thank you that you loved me as I was but also love me enough to work on and in my life to create a new man. I thank you that you are not done with me yet. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day and the love and encouragement you give me.
Monday, April 22, 2019
April 22, 2019 Where were you??
Reading: Deuteronomy 7-8, Psalm 139, 2 Corinthians 7, and Mark 9
Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:18-19, you shall not be afraid of them but you shall remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt, the great trials that your eyes saw, the signs, the wonders, the mighty hand, and the outstretched arm, by which the Lord your God brought you out. So will the Lord your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid.
Thoughts: In this day there was no one beside Joshua and Caleb who were over the age of 60, there would have been many among then who would have been children during their exodus out of Egypt. Going into the promised land I would have had some fear looking at the giants and fortified cities. God’s reminder of what He did in Egypt and His promise to do the same to their enemies as they go into the land. Just like Israel we need the reminder of where we were and how far we have come. The story of the muck and mire that God pulls us from is the most encouraging and humbling thing we have. What have you see God do?
Prayer: Father I thank you that you pulled me from the mess I put myself into. You brought me into your embrace and forgave this saint of the sin he dug into. I thank you for your love and forgiveness. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you pour out on us each and every day. Guide me and direct me in all that you have for me today and every day.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:18-19, you shall not be afraid of them but you shall remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt, the great trials that your eyes saw, the signs, the wonders, the mighty hand, and the outstretched arm, by which the Lord your God brought you out. So will the Lord your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid.
Thoughts: In this day there was no one beside Joshua and Caleb who were over the age of 60, there would have been many among then who would have been children during their exodus out of Egypt. Going into the promised land I would have had some fear looking at the giants and fortified cities. God’s reminder of what He did in Egypt and His promise to do the same to their enemies as they go into the land. Just like Israel we need the reminder of where we were and how far we have come. The story of the muck and mire that God pulls us from is the most encouraging and humbling thing we have. What have you see God do?
Prayer: Father I thank you that you pulled me from the mess I put myself into. You brought me into your embrace and forgave this saint of the sin he dug into. I thank you for your love and forgiveness. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you pour out on us each and every day. Guide me and direct me in all that you have for me today and every day.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
April 21, 2019 Who's Covenant?
Reading: Deuteronomy 5-6, Psalm 64, 2 Corinthians 6, and Mark 8
Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:2-3, The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. Not with our fathers did the Lord make this covenant, but with us, who are all of us here alive today.
Thoughts: Growing up in the church I have seen many people riding on the coat tails of the faith of their parents or grandparents. I’m a Christian because my grandpa was a preacher or my parents are Christian and I grew up going to church. God did set up covenants with each of them but that is not our covenant. God’s blessings can overflow into us from our parents and grandparents but we are not in that covenant. When we talk up to God the father ourselves through the Blood of Christ then we have the covenant. Our covenant is not our fathers covenant it is ours.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your covenant with me and that you will never forget or forsake that covenant. I thank you for you provision and blessings that you pour out on us each and every day. I ask that you help me to not forget or walk away from your covenant love and direction for my life. Thank you for your son.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:2-3, The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. Not with our fathers did the Lord make this covenant, but with us, who are all of us here alive today.
Thoughts: Growing up in the church I have seen many people riding on the coat tails of the faith of their parents or grandparents. I’m a Christian because my grandpa was a preacher or my parents are Christian and I grew up going to church. God did set up covenants with each of them but that is not our covenant. God’s blessings can overflow into us from our parents and grandparents but we are not in that covenant. When we talk up to God the father ourselves through the Blood of Christ then we have the covenant. Our covenant is not our fathers covenant it is ours.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your covenant with me and that you will never forget or forsake that covenant. I thank you for you provision and blessings that you pour out on us each and every day. I ask that you help me to not forget or walk away from your covenant love and direction for my life. Thank you for your son.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
April 20, 2019 Camping Trip!!!!!
Reading: Deuteronomy 3-4 and 2 Corinthians 5
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:1, For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Thoughts: We are told through scripture that we are sojourners and our citizenship is in heaven with the Father. My family enjoys going camping no matter if it is tent or going to the family cabin on the mountain. After a weekend or even a week of camping we start to long for the comforts and security of home. Paul here is talking about our earthy home being nothing more than a tent. God is building a mansion with all the emanates, all the things that we could ever dream of needing. Remember where our home is and store up your treasure there.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your love and guidance. You take care of us each and every day and I seek to walk in your ways. I thank you for you provisions and blessings that are poured out every day. I ask that you help us to seek our home and not focus on the campout we are in on earth.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:1, For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Thoughts: We are told through scripture that we are sojourners and our citizenship is in heaven with the Father. My family enjoys going camping no matter if it is tent or going to the family cabin on the mountain. After a weekend or even a week of camping we start to long for the comforts and security of home. Paul here is talking about our earthy home being nothing more than a tent. God is building a mansion with all the emanates, all the things that we could ever dream of needing. Remember where our home is and store up your treasure there.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your love and guidance. You take care of us each and every day and I seek to walk in your ways. I thank you for you provisions and blessings that are poured out every day. I ask that you help us to seek our home and not focus on the campout we are in on earth.
April 19, 2019 It WILL come to pass!!!
Reading: Deuteronomy 1-2 and 2 Corinthians 4
Scripture: Deuteronomy 1:10-11, The Lord your God has multiplied you, and behold, you are today as numerous as the stars of heaven. May the Lord, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times as many as you are and bless you, as he has promised you!
Thoughts: The promises of the Lord are Yes and Amen, Abraham was told that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Here 400 plus years after Abraham was given the promise Moses is declaring that it has been fulfilled upon the first arrival to the promised land. God is faithful to fulfill his promises. Abraham first had to wait 25 years before he even saw the heir that he was promised. I know that I get anxious when I have not see got move in something after a few minutes. I had a story put on my heart about a year ago and through Godly encouragement it is about to be release. But that promise of being an author has taken a year or a little more to come to pass. In my discipleship I am growing deeper in love and close to God each day and I am working on choosing to stop being anxious.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all the things you have done for me. I thank you for the growth and deliverance that have happened and those that are to come. I thank you for your provisions and blessings in lives of me and my family. I ask you to open our eyes to the fulfilled promises and blessings to see your faithfulness.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 1:10-11, The Lord your God has multiplied you, and behold, you are today as numerous as the stars of heaven. May the Lord, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times as many as you are and bless you, as he has promised you!
Thoughts: The promises of the Lord are Yes and Amen, Abraham was told that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Here 400 plus years after Abraham was given the promise Moses is declaring that it has been fulfilled upon the first arrival to the promised land. God is faithful to fulfill his promises. Abraham first had to wait 25 years before he even saw the heir that he was promised. I know that I get anxious when I have not see got move in something after a few minutes. I had a story put on my heart about a year ago and through Godly encouragement it is about to be release. But that promise of being an author has taken a year or a little more to come to pass. In my discipleship I am growing deeper in love and close to God each day and I am working on choosing to stop being anxious.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all the things you have done for me. I thank you for the growth and deliverance that have happened and those that are to come. I thank you for your provisions and blessings in lives of me and my family. I ask you to open our eyes to the fulfilled promises and blessings to see your faithfulness.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
April 18th, 2019 Go Get It!!!!
Reading: Numbers 34-36, 2 Corinthians 3
Scripture: Numbers 34:1-2, The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Command the people of Israel, and say to them, When you enter the land of Canaan (this is the land that shall fall to you for an inheritance, the land of Canaan as defined by its borders),
Thoughts: How often do we hear God tell us to go claim something; a Job, a home, or even a ministry. When we hear that, “Go get it” do we walk in it or do we shuffle our feet, him and haw about is this really God’s will or is this me. Here I am 20 years out of high school directly out of high school I went to Bible college; I heard God say go to Bible college. I went thinking it would be easy and I would become a worship pastor or get into a band because in my eyes I was called to music. I drop out of college after that first year because I didn’t apply myself and I started looking toward worldly things. Today I have finished a BA in Leadership and Ministry, I teach weekly the 4-6 grade in my churches kids ministry and I lead a mens group monthly. I have seen visions of greater things that at this point still scare me. I am called to teach and I will teach whom ever the Lord places me before. If I had listened to God 20 years ago who knows where my ministry would be today.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the Love you pour out on us each day. I thank you for the blessings and provisions. I thank you for the place you have brought me into and ministries you have in store for me. I ask that you help me listen better and be willing to go when you say go.
Scripture: Numbers 34:1-2, The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Command the people of Israel, and say to them, When you enter the land of Canaan (this is the land that shall fall to you for an inheritance, the land of Canaan as defined by its borders),
Thoughts: How often do we hear God tell us to go claim something; a Job, a home, or even a ministry. When we hear that, “Go get it” do we walk in it or do we shuffle our feet, him and haw about is this really God’s will or is this me. Here I am 20 years out of high school directly out of high school I went to Bible college; I heard God say go to Bible college. I went thinking it would be easy and I would become a worship pastor or get into a band because in my eyes I was called to music. I drop out of college after that first year because I didn’t apply myself and I started looking toward worldly things. Today I have finished a BA in Leadership and Ministry, I teach weekly the 4-6 grade in my churches kids ministry and I lead a mens group monthly. I have seen visions of greater things that at this point still scare me. I am called to teach and I will teach whom ever the Lord places me before. If I had listened to God 20 years ago who knows where my ministry would be today.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the Love you pour out on us each day. I thank you for the blessings and provisions. I thank you for the place you have brought me into and ministries you have in store for me. I ask that you help me listen better and be willing to go when you say go.
April 17, 2019 The Abundant Love
Reading: Numbers 33, Psalm 65, 2 Corinthians 2, and Mark 7
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 2:4, For I wrote to you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you.
Thoughts: I know that I have had times where I have spoke out about God or a situation but did it in the wrong way. There are churches and groups of people who go out in this way to hate on those different from them. We are called not to be like them, Christ’s Church is called to like Paul said in 2 Corinthians 2:4b, “… not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you.” Love one another. 1 Peter 4:8-10, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace”
Prayer: Father I thank you for your Love, I thank you for the protection you have placed around my family. I lift up those who have been hurt by the church and have turned away because of those in your church. I ask that you help each of us to come to know your love better and learn to pout it out just as Christ did on the cross.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 2:4, For I wrote to you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you.
Thoughts: I know that I have had times where I have spoke out about God or a situation but did it in the wrong way. There are churches and groups of people who go out in this way to hate on those different from them. We are called not to be like them, Christ’s Church is called to like Paul said in 2 Corinthians 2:4b, “… not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you.” Love one another. 1 Peter 4:8-10, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace”
Prayer: Father I thank you for your Love, I thank you for the protection you have placed around my family. I lift up those who have been hurt by the church and have turned away because of those in your church. I ask that you help each of us to come to know your love better and learn to pout it out just as Christ did on the cross.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
April 16, 2019 Who comforts you???
Reading: Numbers 32, Psalm 74, and 2 Corinthians 1
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Thoughts: As we go through things; trial, tribulation, persecution, or just our daily humdrum, how much do we notice the blessings of the mercies and comfort that God pours out onto us through Jesus and funneled where it is needed by Holy Spirit? I know especially when I am walking through my normal day to day life that the mercies and comforts are probably the last thing I think about. I am grateful they are there and that I have the ability to pour them out on those around me. I am grateful for a Church that encourages us to be in the Word every day. Without hearing God’s voice each day through the Word I would never have recognized it when he speaks to me. In that speaking to me I see more clearly the mercies and comforts he has placed in my life and empowered me to share and pour his love into others.
Prayer: Father, I fall on my knees before you, humble and prostrate, Here I am send me. I Know there is missions before my family I ask open our eyes and ears to the where and when. I thank you for your mercies and comfort you pour out on us each day. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out and make all things work. Open our hearts to receive your blessings, comforts, mercies and provisions but also make us a colander so that as you pour into us we pass that on to others.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Thoughts: As we go through things; trial, tribulation, persecution, or just our daily humdrum, how much do we notice the blessings of the mercies and comfort that God pours out onto us through Jesus and funneled where it is needed by Holy Spirit? I know especially when I am walking through my normal day to day life that the mercies and comforts are probably the last thing I think about. I am grateful they are there and that I have the ability to pour them out on those around me. I am grateful for a Church that encourages us to be in the Word every day. Without hearing God’s voice each day through the Word I would never have recognized it when he speaks to me. In that speaking to me I see more clearly the mercies and comforts he has placed in my life and empowered me to share and pour his love into others.
Prayer: Father, I fall on my knees before you, humble and prostrate, Here I am send me. I Know there is missions before my family I ask open our eyes and ears to the where and when. I thank you for your mercies and comfort you pour out on us each day. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you pour out and make all things work. Open our hearts to receive your blessings, comforts, mercies and provisions but also make us a colander so that as you pour into us we pass that on to others.
Monday, April 15, 2019
April 15, 2019 The war wages on!!!
Reading: Numbers 30-31 and 1 Corinthians 16
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
Thoughts: Spiritual warfare is all around us every day. It is easy to be blinded and dismiss it at times when we go about our daily lives. One such battle is around me now. A rally point has been set lines, have been drawn on both sides. Just as in the wilderness the evil one would come and speak using manipulated scripture and Jesus would use proper scripture to rebuke. After these go rounds Luke says that the devil left until an opportune time. Our war is in our words and our harts and words need to be filled with God’s word so that the Holy Spirit can call them to mind in the mist of that battle. But with in this war we also need to do it all in Love because God is love and that is what he calls us to.
Prayer: Father, I thank you for your love and your spirit. I thank you for the provisions and blessings. Lord I ask that you help us wage this war in your love and with your weapons. Nothing forged by the evil one can prevail against your armor. Lord we put on your full armor and take up your shield and sword to combat that schemes of the evil one. Give us the wisdom and guidance to use them to your advantage.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
Thoughts: Spiritual warfare is all around us every day. It is easy to be blinded and dismiss it at times when we go about our daily lives. One such battle is around me now. A rally point has been set lines, have been drawn on both sides. Just as in the wilderness the evil one would come and speak using manipulated scripture and Jesus would use proper scripture to rebuke. After these go rounds Luke says that the devil left until an opportune time. Our war is in our words and our harts and words need to be filled with God’s word so that the Holy Spirit can call them to mind in the mist of that battle. But with in this war we also need to do it all in Love because God is love and that is what he calls us to.
Prayer: Father, I thank you for your love and your spirit. I thank you for the provisions and blessings. Lord I ask that you help us wage this war in your love and with your weapons. Nothing forged by the evil one can prevail against your armor. Lord we put on your full armor and take up your shield and sword to combat that schemes of the evil one. Give us the wisdom and guidance to use them to your advantage.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
April 14 2019 O death, where is your sting?
Reading: Numbers 29 and 1 Corinthians 15
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:54-55, 'When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"'
Thoughts: I don’t know how often I struggle with remembering that through Christ Jesus I was given an imperishable spirit and I am not my mortal body. God had forgiven and forgotten my sins. Not that I can go sin more but so that I can claim the victory over sin and death. Death was swallowed up by the victory poured over us in Christ Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all that you top and all that you will do. I have seen your miraculous and the wondrous love and still struggle. I thank you for the growth you have done in me and that witch is to come. I thank you for the provision we have each day and the loving guidance that you share though your spirit. I ask that you continue to open my eyes and ears, and help me to discern your will in the mist of the noise in my life.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:54-55, 'When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"'
Thoughts: I don’t know how often I struggle with remembering that through Christ Jesus I was given an imperishable spirit and I am not my mortal body. God had forgiven and forgotten my sins. Not that I can go sin more but so that I can claim the victory over sin and death. Death was swallowed up by the victory poured over us in Christ Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all that you top and all that you will do. I have seen your miraculous and the wondrous love and still struggle. I thank you for the growth you have done in me and that witch is to come. I thank you for the provision we have each day and the loving guidance that you share though your spirit. I ask that you continue to open my eyes and ears, and help me to discern your will in the mist of the noise in my life.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
April 13 2019 Sacrifice this!!!!
Reading: Numbers 27-28 and 1 Corinthians 14
Scripture: Numbers 28:2, Command the people of Israel and say to them, 'My offering, my food for my food offerings, my pleasing aroma, you shall be careful to offer to me at its appointed time.'
Thoughts: Going through Numbers here and seeing all the offerings and sacrifices it reminded of the passage “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Romans 12:1. In number we are told of all the sacrifices Israel was called to do just as regular worship not including all the times for sin or uncleanness or special occasions. So when Paul told the church in Rome they would have known the history of the sacrifices or if from a pagan background would know about putting animals and things on a alter for a god. We are what God is looking for today. As a living sacrifice we are placing ourselves in the hands of the Father and saying I’m yours today. For me this is a daily thing. Being a living sacrifice I may place myself on that alter in the morning but throughout the day I will start crawling off.
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful. I thank you for drawing me to you and giving me the opportunities to touch others. You oh Lord are my rock and my strength. I thank you for your provision and blessings you pour out on us. I thang you for the opportunity to be that sacrifice. I ask that you help me overcome the things that draw me to want to clime off the alter.
Scripture: Numbers 28:2, Command the people of Israel and say to them, 'My offering, my food for my food offerings, my pleasing aroma, you shall be careful to offer to me at its appointed time.'
Thoughts: Going through Numbers here and seeing all the offerings and sacrifices it reminded of the passage “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Romans 12:1. In number we are told of all the sacrifices Israel was called to do just as regular worship not including all the times for sin or uncleanness or special occasions. So when Paul told the church in Rome they would have known the history of the sacrifices or if from a pagan background would know about putting animals and things on a alter for a god. We are what God is looking for today. As a living sacrifice we are placing ourselves in the hands of the Father and saying I’m yours today. For me this is a daily thing. Being a living sacrifice I may place myself on that alter in the morning but throughout the day I will start crawling off.
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful. I thank you for drawing me to you and giving me the opportunities to touch others. You oh Lord are my rock and my strength. I thank you for your provision and blessings you pour out on us. I thang you for the opportunity to be that sacrifice. I ask that you help me overcome the things that draw me to want to clime off the alter.
Friday, April 12, 2019
April 12, 2019 Are you Jealous?!?!
Reading: Numbers 25-26 and 1 Corinthians 13
Scripture: Numbers 25:11, Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, has turned back my wrath from the people of Israel, in that he was jealous with my jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in my jealousy.
Thoughts: God is a jealous God and does not wish us to go chasing after other things. Money and Lust are just two of the common things that get us to start getting off track even just a little. That little off course here may result of hundreds of miles down the road. Phinehas was jealous for God to the point of killing two people who were in the middle of sinning against God and against Israel. With is jealousy he turned back the wrath of God. We are to be jealous as well, not to the point of murder but to speak out god’s love and speak life into the world around us.
Prayer: Father you are Jealous for me and for this world, I Thank you that you pursued me and called me. I thank you for your provisions and blessings each day. As Phineuas had your righteous jealousy, give use the boldness and jealousy to speak up for you and to be willing to have that target put on us for your glory. I ask for your steadfast loving kindness to fill us and strengthen us.
Scripture: Numbers 25:11, Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, has turned back my wrath from the people of Israel, in that he was jealous with my jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in my jealousy.
Thoughts: God is a jealous God and does not wish us to go chasing after other things. Money and Lust are just two of the common things that get us to start getting off track even just a little. That little off course here may result of hundreds of miles down the road. Phinehas was jealous for God to the point of killing two people who were in the middle of sinning against God and against Israel. With is jealousy he turned back the wrath of God. We are to be jealous as well, not to the point of murder but to speak out god’s love and speak life into the world around us.
Prayer: Father you are Jealous for me and for this world, I Thank you that you pursued me and called me. I thank you for your provisions and blessings each day. As Phineuas had your righteous jealousy, give use the boldness and jealousy to speak up for you and to be willing to have that target put on us for your glory. I ask for your steadfast loving kindness to fill us and strengthen us.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
April 11th 2019 Who's word?!?!?!?
Reading: Numbers 23-24, 1 Corinthians 12, and Mark 6
Scripture: Numbers 24:12-13, And Balaam said to Balak, "Did I not tell your messengers whom you sent to me, 'If Balak should give me his house full of silver and gold, I would not be able to go beyond the word of the Lord, to do either good or bad of my own will. What the Lord speaks, that will I speak'?
Thoughts: One thing I have been struggling with is remembering and acting on things that I hear. I know God talks to me and I feel like I hear him most of the time, but I don’t know how often I have heard him and said, “Not now” or completely forget what he said just a few moments later. I know that just recently I was given a direction and in that direction know there are people that I need to speak to. To help me to have accountability in this I have been telling my wife on what I’m hearing. The best confirmation I get is when I tell her something and she laughs a little and says “I know” My wife seemed to see my calling better then me but I also know that I can’t be given a map because I would reroute myself around things that God know I or others need.
Prayer: Father your voice is honey to my soul and rejuvenates me daily. I thank you that you love me enough to listen and speak to me. I thank you for your provisions and blessings. I thank you for your answers and directions. I thank you for your voice and words that you give to me. I ask for your purpose for this day and this servant of yours.
Scripture: Numbers 24:12-13, And Balaam said to Balak, "Did I not tell your messengers whom you sent to me, 'If Balak should give me his house full of silver and gold, I would not be able to go beyond the word of the Lord, to do either good or bad of my own will. What the Lord speaks, that will I speak'?
Thoughts: One thing I have been struggling with is remembering and acting on things that I hear. I know God talks to me and I feel like I hear him most of the time, but I don’t know how often I have heard him and said, “Not now” or completely forget what he said just a few moments later. I know that just recently I was given a direction and in that direction know there are people that I need to speak to. To help me to have accountability in this I have been telling my wife on what I’m hearing. The best confirmation I get is when I tell her something and she laughs a little and says “I know” My wife seemed to see my calling better then me but I also know that I can’t be given a map because I would reroute myself around things that God know I or others need.
Prayer: Father your voice is honey to my soul and rejuvenates me daily. I thank you that you love me enough to listen and speak to me. I thank you for your provisions and blessings. I thank you for your answers and directions. I thank you for your voice and words that you give to me. I ask for your purpose for this day and this servant of yours.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
April 10th, 2019 How many times are you going to ask?!?!?!?
Reading: Numbers 22, Psalm 84, 1 Corinthians 11, and Mark 5
Scripture: Numbers 22:18-19, But Balaam answered and said to the servants of Balak, "Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go beyond the command of the Lord my God to do less or more. So you, too, please stay here tonight, that I may know what more the Lord will say to me."
Thoughts: I have started asking God for wisdom and direction in situations and with my life. But I have also seen in my life and with others that when we don’t get the answer we are looking for or an offer that greater but still a posed to what God has told us we go back to him. Just like Balaam we know what God said. We will say maybe God has changed his mind in the meantime. “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19 We need to listen to God the first time before he has the donkeys in our life start speaking up.
Prayer: Father Thank you for your answers, especially when I don’t agree with them. I know your answers are in love and for my good. I thank you for all that you do. I thank you for your provisions and blessing you pour out on us each day. I thank you got your directions and calling on my life. I ask that you help me to listen better and not ask every time something changes but I still see that your previous answer apples.
Scripture: Numbers 22:18-19, But Balaam answered and said to the servants of Balak, "Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go beyond the command of the Lord my God to do less or more. So you, too, please stay here tonight, that I may know what more the Lord will say to me."
Thoughts: I have started asking God for wisdom and direction in situations and with my life. But I have also seen in my life and with others that when we don’t get the answer we are looking for or an offer that greater but still a posed to what God has told us we go back to him. Just like Balaam we know what God said. We will say maybe God has changed his mind in the meantime. “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19 We need to listen to God the first time before he has the donkeys in our life start speaking up.
Prayer: Father Thank you for your answers, especially when I don’t agree with them. I know your answers are in love and for my good. I thank you for all that you do. I thank you for your provisions and blessing you pour out on us each day. I thank you got your directions and calling on my life. I ask that you help me to listen better and not ask every time something changes but I still see that your previous answer apples.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
April 9th, 2019 You can't take it with you.
Reading: Numbers 21, Psalm 49, and 1 Corinthians 10
Scripture: Psalm 49:7-10, Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of his life, for the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice, that he should live on forever and never see the pit. For he sees that even the wise die; the fool and the stupid alike must perish and leave their wealth to others.
Thoughts: As we come to Easter, the celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection and the sacrifice and gift that he poured out on the cross. Here in Psalm the psalmist was talking about the regular sacrifices they would have to give to cover their sins and how we could never pay the ransom that the evil one is holding over us. Without that ransom being paid we are stuck going to Hell and spending eternity separated from God. I have had time where I have fallen into both categories as fool and wise, and humanity has 100% mortality rate we are all going to die, we are going to no longer be counted as citizens of the country we live in, just as Abraham Lincoln is no longer counted a part of the population of the United States. Not only can we not redeem ourselves or others we can’t take it with us when we go. We are to use what we have been given to do the works of the Lord and bless those around us as we have been bless.
Prayer: Father Thank You for all you do for us and the provisions and blessings you give us to share with other. I thank you for the directions and light to my path that you give. Help me to be a blessing to others and share what you have given to me.
Scripture: Psalm 49:7-10, Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of his life, for the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice, that he should live on forever and never see the pit. For he sees that even the wise die; the fool and the stupid alike must perish and leave their wealth to others.
Thoughts: As we come to Easter, the celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection and the sacrifice and gift that he poured out on the cross. Here in Psalm the psalmist was talking about the regular sacrifices they would have to give to cover their sins and how we could never pay the ransom that the evil one is holding over us. Without that ransom being paid we are stuck going to Hell and spending eternity separated from God. I have had time where I have fallen into both categories as fool and wise, and humanity has 100% mortality rate we are all going to die, we are going to no longer be counted as citizens of the country we live in, just as Abraham Lincoln is no longer counted a part of the population of the United States. Not only can we not redeem ourselves or others we can’t take it with us when we go. We are to use what we have been given to do the works of the Lord and bless those around us as we have been bless.
Prayer: Father Thank You for all you do for us and the provisions and blessings you give us to share with other. I thank you for the directions and light to my path that you give. Help me to be a blessing to others and share what you have given to me.
Monday, April 8, 2019
April 8th, 2019 Servant to all
Reading: Numbers 19-20, Psalm 47, 1 Corinthians 9, and Mark 4
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:18-19, What then is my reward? That in my preaching I may present the gospel free of charge, so as not to make full use of my right in the gospel.
For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.
Thoughts: I am called to teach, over the years I doubted myself and din’t think a was any good in a scholarly sense. I was not the greatest of students in high school and dropped out of college that I went to strait out of high school. I struggled with my reading and my writing. Here I am nearly 20 years later with a BA and a calling that is being lived out in teaching 10-12 year olds in children's ministry. I know that because of this calling not only am I held to I higher standard just as those who preach are, I am also needing to make full use of my right in the Gospel. I am planting seeds of God’s love into the lives of each of these children. I may never see what comes of the things I have the poured out into these kids but I know that God’s work does not begin and end with me I am but a cog in his great machine.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you for your continual provision and blessings that are poured our upon thus house. I thank you for placing this calling upon my life. I know this is where you have for me now help me to know the next step and the next part so that I may continue to walk in your will. Help me to walk our your plan and seek you.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:18-19, What then is my reward? That in my preaching I may present the gospel free of charge, so as not to make full use of my right in the gospel.
For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.
Thoughts: I am called to teach, over the years I doubted myself and din’t think a was any good in a scholarly sense. I was not the greatest of students in high school and dropped out of college that I went to strait out of high school. I struggled with my reading and my writing. Here I am nearly 20 years later with a BA and a calling that is being lived out in teaching 10-12 year olds in children's ministry. I know that because of this calling not only am I held to I higher standard just as those who preach are, I am also needing to make full use of my right in the Gospel. I am planting seeds of God’s love into the lives of each of these children. I may never see what comes of the things I have the poured out into these kids but I know that God’s work does not begin and end with me I am but a cog in his great machine.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you for your continual provision and blessings that are poured our upon thus house. I thank you for placing this calling upon my life. I know this is where you have for me now help me to know the next step and the next part so that I may continue to walk in your will. Help me to walk our your plan and seek you.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
April 7th, 2019 It is good to be near God
Reading: Numbers 17-18, Psalm 73, 1 Corinthians 8, and Mark 3
Scripture: Psalm 73:28, But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.
Thoughts: Just as Joshua made the proclamation, “For me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” As I am starting the next class in our Discipleship program at my church this passage really stood out in that in doing this and setting myself aside I am placing myself near to God, He is my refuge and strength in times of struggle. I know whenever I choose to take the next step and make the time and sacrificial commitment to do this, there is an attack in the spiritual realm. The evil one does not want me to dive deeper into my relationship with God and will use every weapon he has to try to get me to walk away or distract me from this commitment. The LORD is my Refuge, it is good to be near God, and today I declare again that As for Me and My house we Will Server the LORD.
Prayer: Father I thank you for placing it on the hearts of the creator of this program to do so. I thank you for the opportunity to dive deep into you word and your love as we set aside this next 7 weeks to you and the pursuit of a deepening relationship. I thank you that you provide all that we need and to excess. I long to hear your voice each day and thank you for the whispers and the 2x4s you bring into my life.
Scripture: Psalm 73:28, But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.
Thoughts: Just as Joshua made the proclamation, “For me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” As I am starting the next class in our Discipleship program at my church this passage really stood out in that in doing this and setting myself aside I am placing myself near to God, He is my refuge and strength in times of struggle. I know whenever I choose to take the next step and make the time and sacrificial commitment to do this, there is an attack in the spiritual realm. The evil one does not want me to dive deeper into my relationship with God and will use every weapon he has to try to get me to walk away or distract me from this commitment. The LORD is my Refuge, it is good to be near God, and today I declare again that As for Me and My house we Will Server the LORD.
Prayer: Father I thank you for placing it on the hearts of the creator of this program to do so. I thank you for the opportunity to dive deep into you word and your love as we set aside this next 7 weeks to you and the pursuit of a deepening relationship. I thank you that you provide all that we need and to excess. I long to hear your voice each day and thank you for the whispers and the 2x4s you bring into my life.
Friday, April 5, 2019
April 5, 2019 All the Same
Reading: Numbers 15, Psalm 95, 1 Corinthians 6, and Mark 2
Scripture: Numbers 15:15-16, For the assembly, there shall be one statute for you and for the stranger who sojourns with you, a statute forever throughout your generations. You and the sojourner shall be alike before the Lord. One law and one rule shall be for you and for the stranger who sojourns with you.
Thoughts: As I was going though Numbers I saw that we are the sojourner in the mist of Israel. Through Jesus Christ we are adopted into the family and made citizens of the kingdom of God. Just as those who were not born into the family of Israel but living as part of the family were sojourning with Israel they have the same law and same way of doing thing. We as adopted heirs and citizens of God’s kingdom we have the same rights and statues set before us. We are blessed in that through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice we no longer need to bring the blood of lambs and goats to cover our sins and mistakes His blood washed us clean and we need to would in it.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all you have done for us. I thank you for sending your Son to restore our proper connection with you. I thank you for bringing me into the folds of your embrace and opening my eyes to your love. I ask that you continue to open my eyes and my ears to your leading and guidance as I go about each day.
Scripture: Numbers 15:15-16, For the assembly, there shall be one statute for you and for the stranger who sojourns with you, a statute forever throughout your generations. You and the sojourner shall be alike before the Lord. One law and one rule shall be for you and for the stranger who sojourns with you.
Thoughts: As I was going though Numbers I saw that we are the sojourner in the mist of Israel. Through Jesus Christ we are adopted into the family and made citizens of the kingdom of God. Just as those who were not born into the family of Israel but living as part of the family were sojourning with Israel they have the same law and same way of doing thing. We as adopted heirs and citizens of God’s kingdom we have the same rights and statues set before us. We are blessed in that through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice we no longer need to bring the blood of lambs and goats to cover our sins and mistakes His blood washed us clean and we need to would in it.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all you have done for us. I thank you for sending your Son to restore our proper connection with you. I thank you for bringing me into the folds of your embrace and opening my eyes to your love. I ask that you continue to open my eyes and my ears to your leading and guidance as I go about each day.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
April 4th, 2019 Follow me I know the way!!!
Reading: Numbers 13-14, Psalm 81, and 1 Corinthians 5
Scripture: Psalm 81:14, I would soon subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes.
Thoughts: As I went though Numbers today and how 10 of the 12 who went to spy out the land spent more time being afraid of what was there then believing what God was telling them through Moses. I would like to think that after witnessing the plages then the Red Sea and the Mana not to mention the pillar of smoke and fire that I would be like Joshua and Caleb. I feel like I have that kind of faith without seeing those things but here I am at times thinking, “How am I going to get through this?” There is one word in the mist of that question that puts me into the camp of the 10… I, when I ask “How am I” I don’t leave any room for God I don’t let him subdue the enemies I am the one trying to over come what ever it before me. Let the Holy Spirit light the path and walk in to will and the I’s will disappear as we dethrone ourselves and place God in his rightful place.
Prayer: Father, I thank you for your love and guidance. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day and the love you allow me to share with those around me. I ask that you help me to humble myself and place you on high and listen to your plans and not seek how I will do things.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
April 3, 2019 I want more.
Reading: Numbers 11-12, Psalm 148, 1 Corinthians 4, and Mark 1
Scripture: Numbers 11:19-20, You shall not eat just one day, or two days, or five days, or ten days, or twenty days, but a whole month, until it comes out at your nostrils and becomes loathsome to you, because you have rejected the Lord who is among you and have wept before him, saying, "Why did we come out of Egypt?"
Thoughts: I see God provide for me every day, I live in one of the richest countries and I am in about the top 10% in the world income. We have cars and a house, we have food on our table. With all this wealth that we have I will still complain that my cars are almost 20 years old or my house is small or I don’t like the food in the house. The Israelites were getting tired of the Mana and were complaining, God decided to give them what they wanted until they were sick of it. We need to be careful not to complain about God taking care of us, our loving Father wants to give us good things but if we are not in the right place we could see the blessings as not what we want.
Prayer: Father, Thank you for all you do, I thank you for you blessings and provisions you pour out on us each day and the way you take care of us. I ask that you help me to keep a heart of gratitude and giving. Help me to pour out your love and provision upon others so that you can continue to pour into me.
Scripture: Numbers 11:19-20, You shall not eat just one day, or two days, or five days, or ten days, or twenty days, but a whole month, until it comes out at your nostrils and becomes loathsome to you, because you have rejected the Lord who is among you and have wept before him, saying, "Why did we come out of Egypt?"
Thoughts: I see God provide for me every day, I live in one of the richest countries and I am in about the top 10% in the world income. We have cars and a house, we have food on our table. With all this wealth that we have I will still complain that my cars are almost 20 years old or my house is small or I don’t like the food in the house. The Israelites were getting tired of the Mana and were complaining, God decided to give them what they wanted until they were sick of it. We need to be careful not to complain about God taking care of us, our loving Father wants to give us good things but if we are not in the right place we could see the blessings as not what we want.
Prayer: Father, Thank you for all you do, I thank you for you blessings and provisions you pour out on us each day and the way you take care of us. I ask that you help me to keep a heart of gratitude and giving. Help me to pour out your love and provision upon others so that you can continue to pour into me.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
April 2, 2019 Hidden Straw
Reading: Numbers 8-10 and 1 Corinthians 3
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:12-13, Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.
Thoughts: I have this ability to be maybe a little to proud of some of the things I have done. I know I strive to build on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ My lord but there are times where I don’t know how many straw brick I have built and covered over with mud. One day that fire will placed under me and all the times I placed a brick or stone that will not hold up under the heat will be revealed. I am seeking out those old straw bricks with the help of God now, so that I can remove them and replace them with the proper materials.
Prayer: Father, I love you and I come to your feet for the loving guidance of a father. I thank you for your loving guidance and the corrections that are happening in my life. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each and every day. Thank you for the correction that is to come and I prepare to dive deeper into this next study and teachings in the next few weeks.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:12-13, Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.
Thoughts: I have this ability to be maybe a little to proud of some of the things I have done. I know I strive to build on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ My lord but there are times where I don’t know how many straw brick I have built and covered over with mud. One day that fire will placed under me and all the times I placed a brick or stone that will not hold up under the heat will be revealed. I am seeking out those old straw bricks with the help of God now, so that I can remove them and replace them with the proper materials.
Prayer: Father, I love you and I come to your feet for the loving guidance of a father. I thank you for your loving guidance and the corrections that are happening in my life. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each and every day. Thank you for the correction that is to come and I prepare to dive deeper into this next study and teachings in the next few weeks.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
March 30, 2019 What am I hearing?!?!?
Reading: Numbers 4, Psalm 21, and John 21
Scripture: John 21:12, Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." Now none of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord.
Thoughts: We are to know God and know the Lord. Just as the disciples were able to know that Jesus was talking to them by being told to fish the other side of the boat, we should be able to discern God’s voice in the mist of all the noise around us. Let us sit and have a meal with the Lord he is calling us to start our day with him. Let us all make a point to set aside time first thing to spend time with God he wants to start the day and continue all day with you.
Prayer: Father I long to be in your presence. I thank you for the strength to get up and see you. Open my heart to your voice and the direction you have for me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask for your wisdom for my family and those around me. Help me to hear your voice and listen when you tall me to speak.
Scripture: John 21:12, Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." Now none of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord.
Thoughts: We are to know God and know the Lord. Just as the disciples were able to know that Jesus was talking to them by being told to fish the other side of the boat, we should be able to discern God’s voice in the mist of all the noise around us. Let us sit and have a meal with the Lord he is calling us to start our day with him. Let us all make a point to set aside time first thing to spend time with God he wants to start the day and continue all day with you.
Prayer: Father I long to be in your presence. I thank you for the strength to get up and see you. Open my heart to your voice and the direction you have for me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask for your wisdom for my family and those around me. Help me to hear your voice and listen when you tall me to speak.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
March 27, 2019 Step by Step you lead me
Reading: Numbers 1 and John 18
Scripture: Numbers 1:45-46, So all those listed of the people of Israel, by their fathers' houses, from twenty years old and upward, every man able to go to war in Israel all those listed were 603,550.
Thoughts: In one of the most boring and mundane books of the Bible, what will be come a list of men and their sons we get here we start with we have 603,550 men who are able to go to war. So I love the magnitude of the number of people who would be in this people group as they are traveling through the desert. We start with the fighting men then their wives and conservatively we will say that they have 2 kids (being that some of the fighting men sons my be fighting men). Being that for a few years Pharaoh killed all the male children for a time and we are not counting the levites at all we are looking at a group of people about 2.4 million people traveling in the desert. It astounds me to think about what it would take to move a city the size of LA or Chicago (population 2.5 million). Not only is it next to impossible under human standers during this time they were creating the Tabernacle and fallowing every time the pillar of God would move or settle. God’s nation of Israel was able to listen and travel not knowing where they were going and relying on God for the Mana each day to live why can’t we do the same?
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful. I thank you for the blessings and the provisions that you give us each day. I am amazed by the how you brought your people out of Egypt and us out of the muck of our lives and yet we still will turn to other things. I thank you for the vision of a direction in my life. I see to know more and ask for the refining that is needed and the light to the next step in this direction. I long to be deeper in love with you and striving in your will. Open my eyes to the next step and help me to have the strength and fortitude to fallow your leading.
Scripture: Numbers 1:45-46, So all those listed of the people of Israel, by their fathers' houses, from twenty years old and upward, every man able to go to war in Israel all those listed were 603,550.
Thoughts: In one of the most boring and mundane books of the Bible, what will be come a list of men and their sons we get here we start with we have 603,550 men who are able to go to war. So I love the magnitude of the number of people who would be in this people group as they are traveling through the desert. We start with the fighting men then their wives and conservatively we will say that they have 2 kids (being that some of the fighting men sons my be fighting men). Being that for a few years Pharaoh killed all the male children for a time and we are not counting the levites at all we are looking at a group of people about 2.4 million people traveling in the desert. It astounds me to think about what it would take to move a city the size of LA or Chicago (population 2.5 million). Not only is it next to impossible under human standers during this time they were creating the Tabernacle and fallowing every time the pillar of God would move or settle. God’s nation of Israel was able to listen and travel not knowing where they were going and relying on God for the Mana each day to live why can’t we do the same?
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful. I thank you for the blessings and the provisions that you give us each day. I am amazed by the how you brought your people out of Egypt and us out of the muck of our lives and yet we still will turn to other things. I thank you for the vision of a direction in my life. I see to know more and ask for the refining that is needed and the light to the next step in this direction. I long to be deeper in love with you and striving in your will. Open my eyes to the next step and help me to have the strength and fortitude to fallow your leading.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
March 20th 2019 Waiting
Reading: Leviticus 16-17 and John 11
Scripture: John 11:5-6, Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was.
Thoughts: For most of my life when I would hear this passage I was confused because, if Jesus loved Lazarus even as much as humanly possible, wouldn’t he do everything in his power to fix the problem. Just as we would do everything we can to help a sick or dying family member or friend. But it said he stayed two more days. I struggled with this but this morning the thought that knowing if he was there he would have done something just as any of us would. Knowing the Glory that would point to the Father and prophecies that it would fulfill. Jesus was about his Fathers work even in waiting. God’s timing is nearly never our timing. When we are asked to move we need to go but when we are asked to wait we must wait God has a plan and we don’t get the entire map because something that looks like a detour now may be the refining we need for later.
Prayer: Father I thank you for refining me. I thank you for the blessings and provisions you pour out and the give us the opportunities to share you blessings with others. I ask for your directions and purpose for this day.
Scripture: John 11:5-6, Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was.
Thoughts: For most of my life when I would hear this passage I was confused because, if Jesus loved Lazarus even as much as humanly possible, wouldn’t he do everything in his power to fix the problem. Just as we would do everything we can to help a sick or dying family member or friend. But it said he stayed two more days. I struggled with this but this morning the thought that knowing if he was there he would have done something just as any of us would. Knowing the Glory that would point to the Father and prophecies that it would fulfill. Jesus was about his Fathers work even in waiting. God’s timing is nearly never our timing. When we are asked to move we need to go but when we are asked to wait we must wait God has a plan and we don’t get the entire map because something that looks like a detour now may be the refining we need for later.
Prayer: Father I thank you for refining me. I thank you for the blessings and provisions you pour out and the give us the opportunities to share you blessings with others. I ask for your directions and purpose for this day.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
March 19 2019 Believe in something
Reading: Leviticus 15, Psalm 103, and John 10
Scripture: John 10:37-38, If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.
Thoughts: I know I try to listen and do as God calls and directs me. Each day I try to love as our Lord Loves. We are going about his works, we are touching lives and affecting those who are around us. There may even be those among us who have been apart of miracles happening. All we can do is point to the Lord and give him the praise and honor. Just as the Father and Son are one we have been filled with the Holy Spirit to do His works so if they do not believe us pray they see and believe the works done through us.
Prayer: Father, I love you and thank you for your love and the works you do for in and around my life. I thank you that I get the opportunity to be apart of your works and your plan. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day and the direction and wisdom that you give us. I ask for your continual opening of my eyes and ears to hear your word and the words you have for others and help me get out of my own way so that I can be used more effectively in your plan. I ask for healing and restoration for all those who need it.
Scripture: John 10:37-38, If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.
Thoughts: I know I try to listen and do as God calls and directs me. Each day I try to love as our Lord Loves. We are going about his works, we are touching lives and affecting those who are around us. There may even be those among us who have been apart of miracles happening. All we can do is point to the Lord and give him the praise and honor. Just as the Father and Son are one we have been filled with the Holy Spirit to do His works so if they do not believe us pray they see and believe the works done through us.
Prayer: Father, I love you and thank you for your love and the works you do for in and around my life. I thank you that I get the opportunity to be apart of your works and your plan. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day and the direction and wisdom that you give us. I ask for your continual opening of my eyes and ears to hear your word and the words you have for others and help me get out of my own way so that I can be used more effectively in your plan. I ask for healing and restoration for all those who need it.
Monday, March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019 We are the Light.
Reading: Leviticus 14 and John 9
Scripture: John 9:4-5, We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Thoughts: We have Christ in our hearts and in out lives, and we are exhorted to do the work while it is still day, night is coming. With Chest in our lives we are the Light and we are a part of what keeps the day here. Though the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus we are his light and his love to the world. The evil one will throw every trick and distraction he knows at us to get us to let that light burn out or cover it up and not share it. As that light into this world we are to do his work and keep the day here. When there is no longer any of us doing his work and being his light there will be no more day and no work will be able to be done. Let us shine into the world, and turn off the dark.
Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful. I thank you for the work that you have done in me and work you are continuing to do. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have poured out on me and family and all who walk though the door of this home. I ask for the strength and wisdom needed to get through the trials and tribulations that are coming. You are my rock and my deliverer. I thank you for your light to take that next step and the strength and knowledge to know where to place my foot.
Scripture: John 9:4-5, We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Thoughts: We have Christ in our hearts and in out lives, and we are exhorted to do the work while it is still day, night is coming. With Chest in our lives we are the Light and we are a part of what keeps the day here. Though the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus we are his light and his love to the world. The evil one will throw every trick and distraction he knows at us to get us to let that light burn out or cover it up and not share it. As that light into this world we are to do his work and keep the day here. When there is no longer any of us doing his work and being his light there will be no more day and no work will be able to be done. Let us shine into the world, and turn off the dark.
Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful. I thank you for the work that you have done in me and work you are continuing to do. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have poured out on me and family and all who walk though the door of this home. I ask for the strength and wisdom needed to get through the trials and tribulations that are coming. You are my rock and my deliverer. I thank you for your light to take that next step and the strength and knowledge to know where to place my foot.
March 14, 2019 What are you looking at?
Reading: Leviticus 7-8 and John 5
Scripture: John 5:10, So the Jews said to the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to take up your bed."
Thoughts: I have been in churches and around Christians who will sit there and point their fingers at different people who have different sins in their lives and tear down these people just as these Jews did do this man that Jesus told to take up his bed and walk. It is so easy to look at being a Christian at a list of do’s and Don’t’s. When we are in that mindset Christianity becomes a religion of traditions and not a Relationship with God the Father. God loves us all as sons and daughters even the sinners. We have to remember that is where he found us and redeemed us. Also we need to remember that when he finds us and adopts us into his family that he loves us so much that he will help us to change our hearts so that we are not striving after the sin but striving after him.
Prayer: Father, you are so awesome I humbly fall at your feet. I thank you for coming after me and sending your son to redeem me from my sins. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for us each day and the opportunity to see you and touch others for your sake. I ask that you help me to grow closer to you and shed more of my sinful nature and cloth myself in your righteousness.
Scripture: John 5:10, So the Jews said to the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to take up your bed."
Thoughts: I have been in churches and around Christians who will sit there and point their fingers at different people who have different sins in their lives and tear down these people just as these Jews did do this man that Jesus told to take up his bed and walk. It is so easy to look at being a Christian at a list of do’s and Don’t’s. When we are in that mindset Christianity becomes a religion of traditions and not a Relationship with God the Father. God loves us all as sons and daughters even the sinners. We have to remember that is where he found us and redeemed us. Also we need to remember that when he finds us and adopts us into his family that he loves us so much that he will help us to change our hearts so that we are not striving after the sin but striving after him.
Prayer: Father, you are so awesome I humbly fall at your feet. I thank you for coming after me and sending your son to redeem me from my sins. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for us each day and the opportunity to see you and touch others for your sake. I ask that you help me to grow closer to you and shed more of my sinful nature and cloth myself in your righteousness.
March 13, 2019 Walking by Sight
Reading: Leviticus 5-6 and John 4
Scripture: John 4:48, So Jesus said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe."
Thoughts: We are called to live by faith and not by sight, I don’t know how many times I have felt like I was trying to do just the opposite. I have been know to try to barter with God in that I will have greater faith or something if he only show me something greater than what I have seen. In the last few years as I have gained greater understanding of God’s love and who I am in him I have started seeing and been apart of miracles. Are we going to be those who keep saying show us so we will believe or are we going to believe and watch the miracles happen?
Prayer: Father I thank you that you are a miracle working God and that I have been apart of Miracles that you have done. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask for increased faith, grow my faith.
Scripture: John 4:48, So Jesus said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe."
Thoughts: We are called to live by faith and not by sight, I don’t know how many times I have felt like I was trying to do just the opposite. I have been know to try to barter with God in that I will have greater faith or something if he only show me something greater than what I have seen. In the last few years as I have gained greater understanding of God’s love and who I am in him I have started seeing and been apart of miracles. Are we going to be those who keep saying show us so we will believe or are we going to believe and watch the miracles happen?
Prayer: Father I thank you that you are a miracle working God and that I have been apart of Miracles that you have done. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask for increased faith, grow my faith.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
March 10th God Shaped Hole
Reading: Exodus 38-39 and John 1
Scripture: John 1:38, Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, "What are you seeking?" And they said to him, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"
Thoughts: How do we answer the question “What are you seeking?” I know that during my life I have had times that what I was seeking was just something to fill a hole that I didn’t know what shape it took. There was times for going to drugs, alcohol, and relationships to try to fill that hole. Later I learned that I know what fit in that hole. Growing up in the church I had the answer and after a time and going through hard times I took that God shaped puzzle piece and put it on a shelf, and proceed to try to fill it with things of the world. After about 12 years of running and not listening to what God had for me I herd him again. I finished Bible college 15 years after high school I have a wonderful God centered wife and family. I have one question, Do you know where Jesus is staying tonight?
Prayer: Father, I thank you for always seeking me and pursuing me. I am in awe of the love you have for me even when I place you on a shelf and walk away. I thank you for the provision and blessings you pour out on us each day and how you take care of us and touch our lives. I ask that you continue to open my eyes and ears to your purpose and your direction for my life.
Scripture: John 1:38, Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, "What are you seeking?" And they said to him, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"
Thoughts: How do we answer the question “What are you seeking?” I know that during my life I have had times that what I was seeking was just something to fill a hole that I didn’t know what shape it took. There was times for going to drugs, alcohol, and relationships to try to fill that hole. Later I learned that I know what fit in that hole. Growing up in the church I had the answer and after a time and going through hard times I took that God shaped puzzle piece and put it on a shelf, and proceed to try to fill it with things of the world. After about 12 years of running and not listening to what God had for me I herd him again. I finished Bible college 15 years after high school I have a wonderful God centered wife and family. I have one question, Do you know where Jesus is staying tonight?
Prayer: Father, I thank you for always seeking me and pursuing me. I am in awe of the love you have for me even when I place you on a shelf and walk away. I thank you for the provision and blessings you pour out on us each day and how you take care of us and touch our lives. I ask that you continue to open my eyes and ears to your purpose and your direction for my life.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
March 9th Too Much, Too Much!!!!!!
Reading: Exodus 36-37 and Romans 16
Scripture: Exodus 36:3-5, And they received from Moses all the contribution that the people of Israel had brought for doing the work on the sanctuary. They still kept bringing him freewill offerings every morning, so that all the craftsmen who were doing every sort of task on the sanctuary came, each from the task that he was doing, and said to Moses, "The people bring much more than enough for doing the work that the Lord has commanded us to do."
Thoughts: Many out there think I’m too poor to give or the rich can give, especially when it comes to giving to the church. The staggering numbers of 10-25 percent of a congregation tithes. After Moses lead Israel out of Egypt they asked for the donations to build the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle as elaborate and ornate as it and it’s furnishings were it was just a tent for God. Moses asked for a free will offering of all the things needed for building the Tabernacle and after a time the workers came to Moses and said, “We have too much” and Moses had to go to the people and tell them to stop giving. Where is giving heart that God calls us to have today. We (Americans) are one of the richest nations in the world. I know I struggle with the idea that I don’t have a newer car and I live paycheck to paycheck but God takes care of me and he is the reason I have the things I do. A loving family, a home and transportation to where I need to go. We are so rich and need to share that with other. God says to test him many times to in both the old and new testaments but the one that always sticks out to me is Malachi 3:10, “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” As we give the 10th of what we bring in to God, He will make that 90% go further then we could make it go. Dave Ramsey and many others suggest Tithe, Save, then Live. My pastor also puts is this way “God First Life Second. Place God in the correct place in your life. God wants us to have an abundantly overflowing life with him.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the wisdom and directions you give me with the finances and time. I thank you got placing people in my life that pour your love and wisdom into me and I get the opportunity to do the same for others. I long to share more then I need to live on, I ask that you continue to guide and give wisdom in how to give more and use less. As it have been said before all is yours God and we are the stewards of what you give us. Let us be the servant that grows your talents and not the one who hides it away.
March 8th I need to do what???
Reading: Exodus 34-35 and Romans 15
Scripture: Exodus 34:19-20, All that open the womb are mine, all your male livestock, the firstborn of cow and sheep. The firstborn of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb, or if you will not redeem it you shall break its neck. All the firstborn of your sons you shall redeem.
Thoughts: As I read this passage in Exodus my first thought went to my children thinking about my firstborn is my daughter but it says to redeem the firstborn of your sons. Being reminded of the first portion of this passage, “All that open the womb” we all belong to God. Some of us have run away seeking the joy and experience of a lifetime that the world claims is out there. As we become redeemed by the Blood of Christ we will find a Joy that surpasses all understanding even in the mist of loss and difficulties.
Prayer: Father I thank you redeeming me and the reminder all is yours. As the stewards of what you have given to me, I place my children, my family, and my finances in your hands you can do abundantly more with it then I ever could think of. I ask you open my eyes and ears to your direction and your purpose.
March 7th Who is doing What?!?!
Reading: Exodus 32-33, Psalm 1, and Romans 14
Scripture: Romans 14:11-12, for it is written, "As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Thoughts: I need the reminder from time to time that one day the book of my life will be laid before God the Father and the accuser will be there pointing out all the evil I have done and every time I fell. I am great full for the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be be there as our advocate saying I took that, and image of a drop of Jesus’ blood dripping onto my book where my lists of sins are and them vanishing and transforming into the righteousness that we walk in each day in his name. We have been bought with a price that we can not afford.
Prayer: Father you are the one true King, I am in awe of you and the love you have for me and my life. I thank you for the men you have brought into my life and the brotherhood and connection that we have. I thank you for the provision and blessings you give us each day and every hour. You are the rock. I ask that the boldness I need and the strength that is not in me for your purpose each day bubble up within me to declare your name and not hide who I am.
March 6th Who's in Charge here???
Reading: Exodus 30-31, Psalm 132, and Romans 13
Scripture: Romans 13:1, Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
Thoughts: This day and age I hear so many people complaining about the government. We must do our part and vote and be apart of the process. We are the hands and feet of the Lord and no one in authority has been placed there without God willing it. We can be apart of it and work under the authority that God has raised up or we can let the Lord’s plan work without us.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the opportunities to be apart of your plan and that you have a place for me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on me and my family. I ask that you help me to see you directions and plans for me and your family. I seek where you have for me to work and what you have for me to do. I seek your purpose for us.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
March 5, 2019 Remember Remember
Reading: Exodus 28-29 and Romas 12
Scripture: Exodus 28:9-10 and 12, You shall take two onyx stones, and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel, six of their names on the one stone, and the names of the remaining six on the other stone, in the order of their birth. And you shall set the two stones on the shoulder pieces of the ephod, as stones of remembrance for the sons of Israel. And Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord on his two shoulders for remembrance.
Thoughts: This weekend we had a guest speaker and spoke about how we are to lift up and take care of; the depleted, the depressed, and the afflicted. As I came to this passage this morning about the making the priests’ Garments and the stones of remembrance. For us we are not just remembering the history of the faith and what God has brought them through but now what God has done for us and as a remembrance of where we came from and to help lift up people and to take care of those depleted depressed and afflicted people because we have been them at some point and we are to help them out.
Prayer: Father I thank you for all you have done for us and the wisdom that you give us in times of need. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you for out on us each day. You have set forth how the priests of old were to bear the names and remember and now that you have brought us into your family and made us priests we have been given the same burden and I gladly lift those in need up and point them to you.
Monday, March 4, 2019
March 4th 2019 Grafted in
Reading: Exodus 26-27, Romans 11, and Matthew 28
Scripture: Romans 11:8, as it is written, "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, down to this very day.”
Romans 11:24, For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree.
Thoughts: As we sit in opposition to God we will be left to our own choices and our own evilness. God is not going to force us to follow him. Just as Pharaoh started hardening his own hard to God’s word and later God hardened his hard, we if we run long enough we may be give the spirit of stupor. Not that we would be stupid or ignorant but we would no longer hear or feel God’s tugging on our hearts. As Paul spoke about grafting I am grateful that I am grafted into God’s family but I am also grateful that those who were in the family are allowed to be grafted back in. I am not part of the family/nation of Israel but Growing up in the church I had a faith and in my 20’s I ran from the Lord. I know the Joys of being regrafted into the family.
Prayer: Father, I thank you that you are a God who pursues us and calls us into you. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you pour out each day. I long to know you more and seek your plans and directions in the lives of me and my family. I ask that you touch the prodigals, have that still small voice speak to them that it is time to come home. Give us the grace and mercy to welcome them back and show them your love and not our own judgment.
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