Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15, 2017 Ooooh Look another Brownie Point

Reading: Galatians 3 and Ezekiel 19-20

Scripture: Galatians 3:23, Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 

I don’t know how many times I have fallen back into the mindset of living under the law and not by faith. I feel like my head naturally strives to gravitate towards the law, it’s black and white. I can look at the law and check off I have not done this or that so I’m good. Just as the passage says when I think that way I am a captive. I forget that God is not about a giant list of DOs and DON’Ts but he wants to walk with us and be in relationship with us. 

It’s not about who clean we are or how many brownie points we have earned (even though we can never really earn anything from God). Jesus came to the Earth to do what no one could do except him, He came to take upon himself the punishment we have under the law and through our faith in him and what he did we can be set free. Just as the thief on the cross had no ability to do anything except to have faith that Jesus was who he said he was and was still taken up into paradise. The only thing we need to do is believe and place our faith in Him. After that as we spend time with him just as when we spend time with friends we start becoming more like him. God wants to spend time with us and we have to allow it.

Prayer: Father, I am nothing without you, all things are possible through and by you Lord. I cry out Lord God be with me. I thank you for all things, My family, the provisions and blessings you pour out on us. I offer up my returning to the law to you father and ask for your help to walk in faith and not by sight or the law. Help me to Love as you love and to have pour out that love on others. 

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