Reading: John 19, Numbers 2 and Psalm 46
Scripture: Psalm 46:1, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Observation: Growing up I heard the first part of this scripture hundreds maybe even thousands of times. Today it hit me that the second half of the verse was not really talked about.
Application: The reminders I got growing up of God being my refuge always gave me a picture of a Large house or building that I knew was somewhere i could run to if a star was coming. Then being my Strength because growing up I was a very skinny guy and didn’t have much muscle to speak of I had this mental image that God made me bigger then the guys the worked out all the time. It is so easy to when we are in the middle of something where we can’t see our own thoughts beyond the trial let alone seek God, But the second half of the verse said a very present help. This tells me that he is never far from us and is always willing to help us though a situation we just need to seek him and fallow what he has or us.
Prayer: Father I love you and you are so wonderful. I thank you for sending you son to pay the price for us. I thank you for being near to us as our refuge, strength and being there when when we are in trouble. I thank you doe your blessings and provisions that you take care of each day. I ask you help us to stay in your word and see you, as that is the only way to be able to have you in the forefront of our mind when the trials come.