Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22, 2017 Mirror Mirror

Reading: James 1 and Esther 7-10

Scripture: James 1:23-24, For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 

Observation: Over the Last few weeks I was away from my normal routines. I went out of stare to get some training for work. I spent two weeks away from my family and everything I really knew. I was able to talk to my wife and children on video chats most every day, but in that time I feel like I became a hearer only if even that. I was able to get myself to sit down to read and write my devotions one day and I read them maybe a couple more times. It was very quickly that I started forgetting what I had seen in that mirror of my relationship with God and the fellowship of those around me. Especially the men who help hold me accountable. Without trying I stopped seeking God and being back home It has been a struggle to get back into the swing of what I was doing before and even that I was falling down on. 

Here I am coming back to the word seeking God and working to develop the good habits and practices of getting into the word every day. I hope the hustle and bustle of the holidays does not completely mess with that plan. Im here to say we need that Mirror of God’s love and mercy to look into and allow it to show us where we need improvements. 

Prayer: Father I thank you so much for the revelation you have shown me this morning, that I need that Mirror and how easy it is to get sucked back into the world. I thank you that you are the great provider, Thank you for the provisions and blessing you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help me to remain in the mirror of your word and your Church to grow and see the places you are working on me. 

December 4, 2017 For The Love Of Money

Reading: 1 Timothy 6 and Ezekiel 41-42

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:10a, For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.

Observation: It is odd sometimes this passage popped out at me today because of so many times I have heard this as this is why money is bad and this gets teamed up with Matthew 19:24 about it being easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. I have heard these used to say you should live in poverty. Depending on where people live in the world and what their economic standing is I can be seen as rich being I have a house on property with cars and a annual income but others will look down on me because this house is small and the cars are almost 20 years old and my income is less then some number they feel is the line of being poor. 

Application: These comparisons are some of the roots of evil that are being talked about. It is not that money is good or bad just like a baseball bat is not good or bad but it can be used for both kinds of purposes. We are stewards of what ever God places on our plate. God has placed the cars and this house in our care for us to use them best for the kingdom and he has given us this income to yes cover our needs but also take care of others needs. We tithe and give offerings to our church and through what our church does with our gifts we are reaching around the world and touching lives both locally and globally. As you start letting your stranglehold on your finances and placing them in Gods hands you will start seeing God move financial mountains you thought you would be berried under for ever.

Prayer: Father I am in awe of how you can move mountains. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us each and every day. I ask you to help us to loosen our grip on our money and place it in your hands.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

November 29, 2017 They are just keeping me down!?!?!?!?

Reading: 1 Timothy 1 and Daniel 3-4

Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:8-9a, Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners

Observation: When reading this it struck me on how often I have heard that, “The Law” is holding me back or holding me down. I hear about people wanting to rise up against the establishment because they don’t agree with The Law. Here it is saying that the law is not for the just. The Law (The 10 Commandments) were given to be a mirror to us so we could see the need for God and redemption. Most modern Laws that I know about (not being a lawyer) are based on The 10 Commandments (excluding the one about God being first in your life). The law is not there to show good we are but as a measure of how much grace we have been shown and how we can not measure up. Jesus summed up all the laws into two “Love God and Love your neighbors as your self” I know how hard it is to love someone who does you wrong, but that is what we are called to. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for all you have done and the opportunities you place before me each day. I thank you for your blessings and provision. I ask that you kelp me to learn to love as you love. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November 28, 2017 This little light of mine

Reading: Philippians 4, Daniel 1-2 and Psalm 137

Scripture: Philippians 4:22, All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household.

Observation: As we read though Daniel today and were looking at his life being drug to Babylon and trained, Daniel remained a light for God. He asked to not be fed the kings food and when the king had a dream and God gave him the interpretation he pointed strait to the one who showed him the dream and the interpretation. Like Daniel, Paul remained a light when he was under house arrest in Rome at Caesar’s palace. Paul not only was given freedoms to preach and teach from a house he was places in as he awaited his trial with Caesar, it is said that many in the house of Caesar came to know God and embrace the Christ and his church though Paul. These members of Caesars house were such a part of Pauls life and ministry there when writing this letter to the church at Philippi he basically said “hey all my homies as hi too.” Weather we are in captivity, at our jobs, in our homes or on the street like Paul says, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” Philippians 4:11 

Prayer: Father I thank you for all you have done in my life, the ups the downs you have been by my side even though I may not have wanted to acknowledge you. I thank you for my family and place them in your hands and seek your guidance in the next steps of my life. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day and the strength to cary on. I ask that you remind us and help us to be the light you have created us to be to reach those around us.

Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017 The struggle is real

Reading: Philippians 3, Lamentations 4-5 and Obadiah 1

Scripture: Philippians 3:7, But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. 

This passage is one almost every Christian has heard and possibly quoted at some point. Even being a Christian most of my life and hearing this passage taught from time to time I admit that I both didn’t listen to it or didn’t understand what was being taught. Over the years during the time I walked away from God acknowledging him with my words and not my actions (something I still struggle with) I also saw that all the advantages and benefits in my career were because I was doing them myself and didn’t acknowledge God’s involvement in my life. Paul was a self made man in the eyes of the Pharisees he did everything right and was on the holy war against “The Way” and after God got ahold of him on the road to Damascus Paul learned that his past was nothing and got to see the benefits to living for Christ. Since God got back ahold of me and I stopped looking at what I have done and where I have gotten me and my family he has blessed me with more then I ever thought I would have and I am still working on giving it all back to him. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for getting my attention again and using the 2x4 to help me to struggle with my words and actions to aline in your love. I thank you for your love that you give that I can pour out. I thank you for your provisions and blessings each day I thank you for my family and again I place them in your hands. Help me to listen to the Holy Spirit and open myself to your leadings to touch those around me. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 22, 2017 Equipping of who??

Reading: Ephesians 4, 2 Kings 25 and 2 Chronicles 36

Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-12, And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,

The passage goes well with yesterday in that being stewards of grace and the Gospel we are not to be the Pew jockeys that so many churches have, we are to be disciples of Christ. When one becomes a disciple of something they leave their old life behind and go fully into whatever it is spending all their time and energy on it. We are called to be disciples. In this passage the saints mentioned are just those who believe and have accepted Christ so that is us. There are those of us who are called to teach, preach and shepherd but the church (individual congregations and weekly services) are not what we are to do to get through the week or just where we are to serve to be able to say we are serving God. Services are meant to be a time to worship and be equipped for ministry. 

In yesterdays reading and what I talked about was being the steward of Grace, That is our ministry being that ministry may take many different forms due to needs both within and outside the Church (body of Believers). I don’t want to be a pew warmer where all I do is attend church and maybe help out during services in some capacity, as we get equipped and grow in our walk we also need to open ourselves to hearing the Holy Spirit because he will show you opportunities to build up the body or plant a seed.

Prayer: Father I thank you for everything, without you there is nothing. I thank you for my family and friends who gather around me. I thank you for your daily blessings and provisions. I long to hear your voice more. I ask you help me to step out of my comfort zone and act upon the urgings of the Holy Spirit in my life, help me to plant the seed in my own life that it may become a tree that will produce many seeds. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

November 21, 2017 Make me a Colander!!!

Reaching: Ephesians 3, Ezekiel 31-32 and Psalm 45

Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-2, 1For this reason I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles— assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace that was given to me for you, 

For a long time and in many of the churches I have attended, other then talking about the great commission, we never really heard that those of us there had any other responsibility other then coming to services and serving in the church somehow. Paul here was reminding us that WE are the stewards of Gods grace, Matthew 18:18 tells us we have the authority to bind and loose. We have not been called to just be pew warmers and servants in the house. As stewards we are charged with the responsibility to properly distributing that grace. I know I am guilty of holding tight to that grace and not wanting to let it go, just like the love of God the more we pour out on those around us and share with the world the more he pours into us. Pastor Glen Eastman said it this way at a marriage conference a couple weeks ago, “What ever your cup is full of when it gets spilled will be what others see.” We need to keep our cups full of Love and Grace, and not let our cups get filled with the anger and venom that the world encourages us to hold onto. 

Prayer: Father I stand in awe of how you are able to touch other through the anger and venom in my life. I thank you for my family and place them in your hands. I thank you for the blessings and provisions you pour out on us even though we don’t deserve it. I ask that you help me to not place the anger and venom into my cup and to only put your love and grace there to pour out on others. Help me to be a mirror and a colander that your love and grace and just flow through me. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017 May I reflect better

Reading: Ephesians 2, Ezekiel 29-30 and Psalm 147

Scripture: Psalm 147:3, He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 
Ephesians 2:4-5, But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved

Observation: This weekend at service one of the points my Pastor made was be encouraged by knowing who is in your corner, using the Scripture Romans 8:31. In conjunction with the Passages that I read today, Not only is he on our side fighting for us, but also he is out doctor. God wants to heal us, when you workout the reason they tell you to rotate through working different parts of the body is because when you work hard you are tearing down your muscles and they need a couple days to heal and become stronger. 

God dose not cause bad things to happen or someone to sin or be tempted, but he will use those things to strengthen your faith. I know that in my past I have blamed God for thing, and I have at times given the enemy too much credit that he did it. Life because of the fallen nature of the world will have hurts and trials trying to tear us down. We know the ending Christ has already defeated the enemy, God is on our side taking the hits when we can’t and healing us and using those pains in our life to strengthen us. Each trial and pain we have in our life can ether break or dull the mirror we use to reflect Gods love or polish it a little brighter.

Prayer: Father I am amazed how you use these trials and pains to draw us closer to you. I thank you for all the work you have done in my life and the gifts, blessings and provisions you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help me to be polished and strengthened by these trials and not just shatter under presser. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15, 2017 Ooooh Look another Brownie Point

Reading: Galatians 3 and Ezekiel 19-20

Scripture: Galatians 3:23, Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 

I don’t know how many times I have fallen back into the mindset of living under the law and not by faith. I feel like my head naturally strives to gravitate towards the law, it’s black and white. I can look at the law and check off I have not done this or that so I’m good. Just as the passage says when I think that way I am a captive. I forget that God is not about a giant list of DOs and DON’Ts but he wants to walk with us and be in relationship with us. 

It’s not about who clean we are or how many brownie points we have earned (even though we can never really earn anything from God). Jesus came to the Earth to do what no one could do except him, He came to take upon himself the punishment we have under the law and through our faith in him and what he did we can be set free. Just as the thief on the cross had no ability to do anything except to have faith that Jesus was who he said he was and was still taken up into paradise. The only thing we need to do is believe and place our faith in Him. After that as we spend time with him just as when we spend time with friends we start becoming more like him. God wants to spend time with us and we have to allow it.

Prayer: Father, I am nothing without you, all things are possible through and by you Lord. I cry out Lord God be with me. I thank you for all things, My family, the provisions and blessings you pour out on us. I offer up my returning to the law to you father and ask for your help to walk in faith and not by sight or the law. Help me to Love as you love and to have pour out that love on others. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017 I'm Not Worthy!!!!!

Reading: Galatians 1 and Ezekiel 15-16 

Scripture: Ezekiel 16:59-60, "For thus says the Lord God: I will deal with you as you have done, you who have despised the oath in breaking the covenant, yet I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish for you an everlasting covenant. 

Observation: Lately I have been struggling with knowing who I am in general and more over who I am in God and his plan for me. Over the weekend my wife and I attended a Marriage conference, at this conference things we brought into the light a little and on the drive home afterwords things broke loose and my mouth got me in trouble again. In that fight frustrations and fears were brought to the surface and I took a walk then went and had a talk with a friend to help me get it out. 

I may not have been turning my back fully on God but I was definitely not running toward him as I know I should. As I was in church serving as an usher a man that I have been talking to from time to time but have not felt close to came and ask how I was doing and told me that earlier this week He for the first time felt an urging to Pray for me and then during worship another man came and prayed healing over an issue that I have. 

Just as God told Ezekiel even though we may have walked away or turned away from that covenant that he gave us does not mean that he has forgotten. God has established an EVERLASTING covenant with us, that means no matter how we fail and fall on our face because I know we will He will hold up his end of the bargain even though when he made the deal he knew that he was getting the short end of the stick. 

Prayer: Father God, I am so unworthy of anything you have for me and I know that, that is the point. When you made Adam and Eve you looked down the line at each one of us and all we will do and chose to have your Son come and pay the price so that we could know you. I thank you Lord for all you have for me and the provisions and blessings that you pour out on us each and every day even when I’m even running the other way. I ask that you help remind me of your love, mercy and that you are thinking of me and want a relationship with me. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

November 7, 2017 This is hard Work

Reading: Romans 11 and Jeremiah 51

Scripture: Romans 11:6, But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.

Observation: The verse jumped out at me quickly this morning. There are times where is takes some time of contemplation and going over the reading a time or two to find what I feel God has for me. So often we feel or thing we have to do all these DOs and not to do all these Don’ts and I know I get bogged down in am I good enough or have I at least stayed away from things I shouldn’t do. There are even churches out there where they don’t teach grace but talk about the things you must do and avoid to get to Heaven. 

Application: This passage is a great reminder to me that I have a calling just like all believers do to be apart of spreading the Gospel, but it also is a reminder that God already has done the work needed to bring us back into a right relationship with him though the sacrifice. But just as Paul has said, we don’t sin more so that there can be more grace but those who have great sin there is great grace. 

Prayer: Father you amaze me in that you can use such a broken vessel to do anything to further your kingdom. I thank you for Lord for my family, both those of blood and those in the church. I thank you for all you have done for us and the provisions and blessings you give us each day. 

Monday, November 6, 2017

November 6, 2017 I ain't no preacher!!!!

Reading: Romans 10 and Jeremiah 39, 50

Scripture: Romans 10:14-15 And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!" 

Observation: Back when I first graduated High School and went to one year of Bible college I distinctly remember telling someone I was going to school with that I would never be a preacher. I told them my nerves would not let me do it. Now many years later after study and some Godly leadership I found that biblical preaching is not getting on stage and speaking to a large group of people but it is sharing the Gospel with those who have not heard and we are all called to do so. 

Application: So often we think that it’s not our job to “make the pitch” to these people who don’t know God, that Job belongs to the pastor. We may not have all the answers but we have the truth and the knowledge of what God has done in our lives. All we have to do is share that and offer to them the opportunity to become a christ follower. The pastor his job is to teach and equip us for the work of the Lord. The church is not the building or the gathering of people but it is the entire family of God who have come to the Father through the Son and his sacrifice on the cross. 

Prayer: Father I am amazed that you can use even me even though I know I fall on my face and don’t do things quite right. I thank you for each day you have given me and each day I have with my family. I thank you for you provisions and the blessings. I ask that you help me to open my heart to your leading and urgings so I can further your kingdom.  

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 31, 2017 This is going to hurt me more then it is going to hurt you!!!

Reading: Romans 4 and Jeremiah 48-49

Scripture: Jeremiah 48:36, Therefore my heart moans for Moab like a flute, and my heart moans like a flute for the men of Kir-hareseth. Therefore the riches they gained have perished.

Observation: As God spoke to Jeremiah about what He is going to do to Moab, all this destruction and kicking people out, in the mist of all this discipline God cries out because of his great love for us and his people. I have so many time heard and I probably have even said it myself that the God of the Old Testament is angry and wrathful. 

Application: As I have become a parent of a 2 and a half year old little girl I understand how God will give a harsh rebuke and discipline one moment then turn and scoop up his people and pour out blessings and love the next. We have to remember that God will send correction and discipline but he will never send Guilt, condemnation or shame about something you have done. Those are tools of the devil used to get us to isolate ourselves from those who care about us and from God. God loves us and wants us to be with him. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and I am so grateful you have chosen me. I thank you for my family and I place them in your hands. I thank you for the provisions you have already supplied and those you have planed for us. I ask you help us to see your correction and not listen to the condemnation of the evil one. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 24, 2017 Sent before governors and kings

Reading: Acts 25, Jeremiah 15-16 and Psalm 10

Scripture: Acts 25:23, So on the next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp, and they entered the audience hall with the military tribunes and the prominent men of the city. Then, at the command of Festus, Paul was brought in.

Today I felt more compelled to talk about the fact that so far in his current prison stay he has spoken regularly to two different governors and not they are preparing to take him to Rome to talk to the Emperor. During this prep time the regional king Agrippa comes in to hear what he has to say. So often I discount myself in saying who am I to go before anyone to speak anything. 

I am a 4th-6th grade Sunday school teacher who falls on my face screwing up, I’m not eloquent almost every time I get up to share something I cry through it. I don’t know whats next, but what I do know is my life is a miracle I recently found out the I have a Birth defect called a Bochdalek hernia that is fatal to about 60% of infants with it and he rarely found in adults except in an autopsy. God’s hand has been on my life for over 3 and a half decades protecting me. Paul was able to speak to governors kings and the emperor and he was someone who helped the Jewish leaders in that day to track down and murder those who fallowed Christ. 

We don’t know who God will place you before to share your story and the gospel with or how it will affect the world but all we can do is open ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit and take the steps that he places before us.

Father I am in awe that you use even a donkey and is you can use a donkey to speak your truth then I know you can use me. I thank you that you are always leading and calling encouraging us to get back up after falling and chasing after things of the world. I thank you for your provisions and blessings. I ask that you help us to seek your will more and open our ears to heat from you more. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

October 23, 2017 Go ahead and hit me I'm unarmed!!!!

Reading: Acts 24, Jeremiah 13-14 and Psalm 141

Scripture: Psalm 141:4-5, Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies! Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it.

Observation: So often I find myself turning back to the fleshly things turning to things the will be pleasurable for a time but in the long run unfulfilling and unproductive. I need the help to keep myself from diving into things that I shouldn’t.

Application: This reminds me that we need people around us to help us when we are going to head down the wrong path. I am doing my best to surround myself with men whom we all can help each other to walk away for these temptations and seek the direction for our lives.

Prayer: Father I am in awe of how you love me even though I stick myself into situations where it does not belong. I thank you for my family and friends that are around me and help me to make better choices are you are a witness in their life as well in mine. I also thank you for the pro0vision and blessings you pour out on us each and every day. I thank you for those convictions and those who help with accountability.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 11, 2017 Don't worry about that its just your imagination!!

Reading: Acts 12, 2 Kings 21, 2 Chronicles 33 and Psalm 75

Scripture: But Peter continued knocking, and when they opened, they saw him and were amazed. 

Observation: I don’t know how often I have prayed and something happens and I don’t believe or think that my prayers really matter until I see something as proof. It is not mentioned in scripture but I have a feeling that part of the reason these people were gathered together praying was for Peter’s release from prison. I know that whenever I hear about someone I know getting in trouble, I try to pray for justice be it release and exoneration or conviction. 

Application: I the mist of (I think) contending for Peter’s release from prison there is a knock on the door and its him. They discounted the messenger until she insisted they come out and see him, and Rhoda finally opened the gate and door. I know I need to have more faith that God is listening to my prayers that I’m not just white noise that is there like a buzzing fly that wont go away. Let us not be so amazed when God dose something He is a good Father and wants to give us good gifts.

Prayer: Father, I am in awe of your power and majesty, and I long to bask in your glory. I thank you for the provisions and blessings your pour out on us each day and the opportunity to seek your face. Help me to have the faith to know you are listening and moving as I pray. Help me to grow deeper with you and be filled to overflowing with your love and peace. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 10, 2017 Help Help

Reading: Acts 11, Isaiah 65-66 and Psalm 124

Scripture: Psalm 124, "If it had not been the LORD who was on our side—let Israel now say— if it had not been the LORD who was on our side when people rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us; then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us; then over us would have gone the raging waters. Blessed be the LORD, who has not given us as prey to their teeth! We have escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped! Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth."

Observation: As God spoke though the Psalmist David it spoke to me in that through everything I’m going through I should have more and better faith in God. My flood is currently stresses of work on top of a diagnosis of a birth defect that I have been living with for all my life and could have been potentially fatal. God’s had has been on my life from day one preparing me for something, He has not only kept this issue in check all these years there have been a couple accidents that could have caused this to get so bad that I could have just dropped dead because I couldn’t breath or other complications that come along with this issue. God is with me taking care of me each day and I look back at how if he was not there I would not have survived this and would have been swallowed by the waters. Our help is in the name of the LORD.

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and awesome I thank you for taking care of me even when I was not taking care of myself. I thank you for my family and I lay them at your feet they are your sons and daughters and I thank you for all the time and love I see though them. I thank you for your provisions and blessings in our lives. I ask for your healing to come and thank you for that witch is coming. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

October 9, 2017 I am a Ragamuffin!!!!!!!

Reading: Acts 10 and Isaiah 62-64

Scripture: Acts 10:15-16, And the voice came to him again a second time, "What God has made clean, do not call common." This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.

Observation: I struggle so much with calling things that God has called clean, common mostly me. I struggle with seeing myself in a way that God does. I look at all my faults and all the places where I have fallen hard on my face. I can relate to something Brennan Manning said in his book “The Ragamuffin Gospel” in this Quote he is speaking from a history of Alcoholism (not one of my personal struggles) but he said “When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games. Aristotle said I am a rational animal; I say I am an angel with an incredible capacity for beer.” 

Application: Pete was shown though the sheet of food and God speaking to him about making all things clean, and though that seeing God’s longing got the Gentiles to know him. These people are no longer excluded from God’s love because of who there fathers were or where they were born. The good news is there is nothing we can DO to earn God’s grace. I need daily reminders that even with my incredible capacity for things not of God I’m Still loved by him and still apart of his family.

Prayer: Father I thank you for all that you have done for me and the offer of salvation though your son. I thank you for my family and I lay them at your feet. I thank you for the provisions and blessing you pour out on us and ask that you help me to see myself and others as you see them, as your creation and beloved. 

October 5, 2017 Im full of it!?!?!?

Reading: Acts 6, Isaiah 52-54 and Psalm 102 

Scripture: Acts 6:3, Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty.

Observation: I don’t know how often I think am I full of the Spirit, and feel like I’m not sure if I should be in ministry at all. In a recent teaching that I was have had talked bout the Greek language and how it has multiple formed in each verb. In a passage talking about being filled with the Holy Spirit it’s in a form that is not just a one time thing but a continual in that we are to connect to God and have the Spirit always pouring into us. 

I grew up in a church that didn’t really touch on the Holy Spirit part of the trinity at all, or the gifts of the Spirit, now being in a place not only where they teach about these things having gone to school I better understand and better listen to these things. I’m still struggling with my head knowledge and filtering into my heart some times. 

Prayer: Father I ask you to help me filter this head knowledge to my heart. You are the Giver of life and the one true God and I want you to reign in my life. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Oct 1, 2017 Hey where you been?

Reading: Acts 2 and Isaiah 44-45

Scripture: Acts 2:42, And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Observation: I know that it is easy to get distracted and sometimes even keep yourself so busy that we forget to pray or spend time in the word and with summer coming to an end the reminders of how little importance people and sometimes me sometimes place on going to church. 

Application: We are not told to go to church because God wants the giant churches to show how great he is and to just to say and show that we go to church. Church is to be a community where we do life together and go deeper into God’s word. Church is not just the weekend service, Church is our family of believer and we are to do life together and reach out to those around us to bring them in.

Prayer: Father you are worthy of all praise and honor, you are higher then any other. I thank you for all you have done for me, your provisions and blessings that you pour out. I ask that you help us to devote ourselves to the things of you and in fellowship. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 26, 2017 I don't know what you are talking about?!?!?

Reading: John 18 and Isaiah 36-37

Scripture: John 18:27, Peter again denied it, and at once a rooster crowed.

As much as I try to not deny the Lord I feel like with my actions and the fact that I struggle with sharing His love, and what he has done for us with the world, I feel like I’m more then denying him like Peter I feel like I’m smacking God. I struggle with lots of thing with my faith. I know Jesus is my savior and I accept the Gift of his love and mercy. I can sit here on this side of the computer and share my struggle without fear being even if I get railed on for saying something here it’s not a someone getting in my face about things. I know that God can do all kinds of miracles through us but without seeing or experiencing them I feel left out. 

Until a couple years ago I had never seen someone who was being tormented or deceived by a demon and at a mens retreat there was a man there who was being deceived and a few of us encountered him and prayed over him. As strong as I though my faith was I felt useless and out of place. I don’t know what God has in store for me I know I am broken in many ways and I’m a work in progress.

Payer: Father you are so wonderful you give us so many chances and so much grace. I thank you for my family and place them in your hands and ask that you help me to be the father and husband you call me to be. I thank you for all that you give us the provisions and the blessings you pour out on us. I ask that you help me to open my eyes and ears to your voice and leading as I know that my ways are not your ways. 

September 25, 2017 I don't have time for that...

Reading: John 17 and 2 Chronicles 30-31

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 30:5, So they decreed to make a proclamation throughout all Israel, from Beersheba to Dan, that the people should come and keep the Passover to theLord, the God of Israel, at Jerusalem, for they had not kept it as often as prescribed. 

Observation: As I was going over this the last portion of this passage is what struck me and stood out, For the had not kept it as often as prescribed. In that time the Mosaic law gave them lists of festival and feasts to observe. God wants a relationship with us and wants to be apart of our lives, we are now not held to the law of needing to observe all these things. Although we don’t have these laws dictating us we (or at least I) have a tendency to not spend time with God outside church.

This discipleship class that I am taking and trying to be consistent about my reading and journaling here help me to be more consistent and deliberate about being in the word and having other around me who are consistent is helpful in that we have things to talk about in the word and not just superficial things. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for your word and the revelations that come from Holy Spirit. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day and the gift of my family. I ask that the rest we get is more restful and refreshing and that our time is extended  to get all the things on out plate done and to have time with you Lord. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 17, 2017 What is your story??

Reading: John 9, Isaiah 24-25, and Psalm 42

Scripture: John 9:25, He answered, "Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see." 

Observation: I know that I so often struggle with the idea of sharing the gospel with people. I am scared that I will mess it up or not have the answers and I even went to Bible Collage so I know that I have plenty of knowledge to talk to people and that the Holy Spirit will being to mind what I need in the times I need it. 

Application: When it comes to sharing the good news (the Gospel) just like the blind man all we need to know is who we were before we met Jesus who we are now and how he is working on us. We all have different stories and different backgrounds and those make us all have a unique way to share the Gospel. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful that your spirit will call those who need us long before we get there and will us to touch people and lead them long before they choose you. I thank you that you took the time to bring those people into my life who made an influence for you in my life. I thank you for my family and place them in your hands, also I thank you for the directions you give me and the provisions and blessings. I ask that you help me to share my story more to those who need to hear it. 

September 16, 2017 I am, I am what?!?!?

Reading: John 8 and Isaiah 22-23

Scripture: John 8:58, “Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.””

Observation: As Jesus was teaching the people and the Pharisees were trying to debate him. The way he said, “before Abraham was, I am” confused me and made me wonder about what he was saying. I have learned over time my confusion was due to several thing, one being as a human we have a hard time understanding and grasping the idea of a being that is omnipotent omnipresent and infinite. The second thing is the use of “I am” not only is this a declarative statement of being to the Jews this was the name of God. 

Application: So when Jesus said, “before Abraham was, I am” he is saying lots. First he is saying I was there at the beginning, next he is saying I have been here, and the most important thing he is saying if these pharisees were listening to him he is saying I am God the son the one who was prophesied about. We need to open our eyes ears and hearts to hear this ourselves and allow him to work in us through the holy spirit who is in us.

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and I thank you for sending your son and the sacrifice that he was for us to bring us home. I thank you for the provisions and the blessings you pour out on us each and every day. I ask you to open my eyes and ears to know you more. 

September 15, 2017 You did what?!?!?

Reading: John 7, Isaiah 20-21 and psalm 32

Scripture: John 7:24, “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment."” 

Observation: How often do we all make assumptions or judge a situation or someone before we have all the facts. I know I do that so much more then I would like to admit. For me I think the assumptions are my biggest downfall and biggest contributor to miscommunication. This morning out camping as I was doing my reading my wife tells me the others are up and I can go make breakfast was something we had talked about her making part of beforehand it didn't happen so that was needing to be done so I had thought she was making breakfast and in turn  she thought I was going to make it.

Application: Jesus was talking about this not judging people on what is done but on motives and truth. We need to focus on God's truth and love and do those things so that when someone tries to judge us only he is seen and we need to look at others with God's love 

Prayer: Father I am in awe of how you are able to love us even though I so often turn from you and think I can do it on my own. I thank you for my family and place them in your hands. I thank you for the provisions you give us each day and the blessings you pour out on us. I ask that you open our eyes to the how you see others and help us to love as you love. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017 Do you hear something?!?!?!?

Reading: John 6 and Isaiah 18-19

Scripture: Isaiah 18:3, All you inhabitants of the world, you who dwell on the earth, when a signal is raised on the mountains, look! When a trumpet is blown, hear!

Observation: It seems like some times that I don’t look or listen for the signs that God’s word say are all around us. I have struggles with quieting myself and listening to God. That is part of the reason I write this and why it is named the breeze and the 2x4. I know that there have been more times then I would like to admit that God has brought out the proverbial 2x4 and smacked me with it to get my attention. I feel like my generation is the start of the great decline in attention spans. I have a hard time focusing on anything unless I find ways to keep myself entertained or engaged. For example this morning on my morning prayer walk I found my mind wondering from praying and thinking about a camping trip, work and surgery instead or talking to God. I’m not sure but I think maybe my lack of sleep the last few nights may have contributed to it but I know it is mostly how I have trained myself growing up.

I grew up in the Golden age of the 80’s and 90’s great video game advancement and crazy cartoons available almost anytime you were awake if you had cable. I become one of those kids that loved TV and video games and looked for others to entertain me. This has followed me into my adulthood and causes me to have issues focusing on things, in turn when it comes to quiet time with God I struggle and my mind wonders to all sorts of thing. I long to hear God’s voice and to walk in his ways but I struggle with getting quiet enough to hear him, and sometime have trouble even talking to him. If you are like me find things to help like instead of just trying to read the Bible I use a website that will read in aloud so I can listen as I read it to help me engage the word, and journalling is easier for me on the computer to type it then to wright it long hand. Just find what helps you.

Prayer: Father I fall at your feet and honor you, I thank you that you are willing to listen to the ramblings of someone who can’t focus at times. I thank you for my family and their continued safety. I thank you for the provisions you have for us and the blessings you didn’t know we needed. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 13, 2017 Is there anybody there??

Reading: John 5 and Isiah 15-17

Scripture: John 5:6, When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be healed?"

Observation: I know that God is reaching out to me all the time, maybe he is asking if I want to be healed or maybe he is trying to give me a better plan then the one I have for myself. No matter what he is saying to me I know that most of the time I am not listening. I am trying to go so fast through so many things that I’m not hearing God. 

Application: If this man who had been an invalid for nearly forty years had blown off Jesus going “shhhh I’m watching for the pool to stirred up” he would have never been healed. Just as if he had not listened if we don’t listen to God wont do a work in us. But how often do we seek something other then God or allow the distractions of the world to take our attention from the Lord. 

Prayer: Father I am in awe of the patience you have for us and we allow the world to distract and influence us. You are so wonderful and I thank you for this new day. I also want to thank you for the provisions you pour out each day and the blessings you decide to give us any ways. Lord I ask that you help us to close off the distractions and to open our ears to hear and our eyes to see so we can better walk in your path. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 12, 2017 A Long, Long Time Ago

Reading: John 4 and Isaiah 13-14

Scripture: John 4:39, Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me all that I ever did." 

Observation: I have so long been afraid of the word evangelist, I have never felt like I was a good speaker, and I still get shaky when I get up to talk to people in a group. Part of the reason I feared the word evangelist was because I was afraid God would tell me I was the next Billy Graham and I would have to get up before hundreds or thousands of people and speak to them. I now know that the Woman at the Well was an evangelist.

Application: Evangelists are not just these guys who get up at these giant venues and get televised around the world. Evangelists are every day people loving and sharing their story with others, This is where I was before God got a hold on me and here is where I am now and that he is doing in my life. In this day and age it seems like everyone wants to be the center of attention and talk about themselves in turn it should be simple to tell your story about what God has done for you. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and in your infinite power and wisdom you can use even me to spread your word if I get out of your way. I thank you for the opportunities you place before me each day and ask that you help me to recognize them when they present themselves. I thank you for the provision you give us each day and the blessings I know we don’t deserve. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

September 11, 2017 Who's Angry?!?!?

Reading: John 3, Isaiah 10-12

Scripture: Isaiah 12:1 & 6,  You will say in that day: "I will give thanks to you, O Lord, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, that you might comfort me.Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel."

Observation: Getting back into the discipleship program that I have been going though and having this passage come up today is a God appointment. I have been struggling with getting up and spending time with God. Both in prayer and in being in his word. Having an accountability partner has already helped me to be get beck into my routine. In class last night we were talking about praising God all the time and these verses jumped out at me after I had my morning walk and prayer.  

Application: I didn’t realize how much I don’t talk to God and praise and worship him until you have encouragement and accountability to take time out of your day to do just that. I realized that even though God does not have anger turned toward me I many times still see it that way. I have to remember that once I came to him he turned his anger from me and he will comfort me and that give me the reason to shout and sing for joy, because that Joy is his and he pour it out on us. 

Prayer:  Father you are so wonderful I stand in awe of the power and grace you have. I thank you for sending your son and turning your anger from us. I thank you for my family and the opportunity I have to speak your love into their lives. I place them in your hands they are yours. I thank you for the provisions that you give us each day and the blessings you choose to give us even though we screw up. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 6th, 2017 Where did this come from?

Reading: Mark 14 and Hosea 12-13

Scripture: Mark 14:8, She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial.

Observation: This passage stood out to me today because I have times where I don’t feel like what I’m doing is enough. I know that God is pleased with what I do but due to the way the world looks at things and my history with self worth I have those times and thoughts of what I’m giving is trash.  

Application: The Lord reminds me that like the passage says I have done what I can. Just like the widow who only can put in her last two pennies, I can give with a grateful heart and with the right mindset. This is not only for the financial giving that we do, but also the giving of our time and other resources we have available. I have to remember that it is all God’s, my time, my money, my house, my cars and so on. Nothing belongs to me I am only a steward of them and need to remember to treat them as Christ would, to spread the love of God.

Prayer: Father your love is so amazing and so wonderful you take care of every need we have. I thank you for your provisions and your blessing that are poured out on us even though we don’t deserve it. I ask you to help us to remember that it is all yours and nothing we have is an accident. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 5, 2017 The end is here!!!!

Reading: Mark 13 and Hosea 8-11

Scripture: Mark 13:8, For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. These are but the beginning of the birth pains.

Observation: So often when some sort of disaster happens, like the one in Houston or many of the past people start quoting the Bible saying the end is near. Yes I believe the things spoken that need to happen before the end have happened and The return of Christ could come at any moment but also according to the word these things we are seeing are the beginnings of the birth pains and as most woman who have had children know those birth pains can start long before the big event. 

We are told in several places in the Bible that only the father knows the day and time. Matthew 24:37, "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” There are many things that are happening and have happened recently that appear to fulfilling some of the last prophecies for the end times but we also have to remember that when ever someone says this day or this time we can be relatively sure that it won't happen then because only the father knows. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful, you have placed these signs and wonders into our lives to show your truth. I thank you for all you do in our lives I thank you for the provisions you pour out on us each day and the blessings you give us even though we don't deserve it. I ask you to help us to know your presence in our lives and share your love with the world around us so that the entire world has been told of your love. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 17, 2017 Hey when am I getting paid

Reading: Revelation 15-16, 2 Kings 5 and 2 Chronicles 20

Scripture: 2 Kings 5:26-27, But he said to him, "Did not my heart go when the man turned from his chariot to meet you? Was it a time to accept money and garments, olive orchards and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male servants and female servants? Therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and to your descendants forever." So he went out from his presence a leper, like snow.

Observation: After doing God’s work and hearing his teacher refuse the payments offered for performing a miracle of healing Naaman’s leprosy Gehazi secretly went and got payment and then lied to his teacher about it. His punishment for seeking payment for what God intended to be free was to take on the affliction of the one healed. 

Application: There are many things that God give us the ability and the giftings to do. Some of these abilities are given so we can work and be blessed though work and earning finical compensation so we can take care of needs. Other abilities are just used for the kingdom, things such as teaching kids at church, greeting people as they come in, or working with the audio video teams to help the service run well. Most of the time these are not paid positions these are time where you get to serve God by serving others. We are not to seek payment for something God has called us to do for free. 

Prayer: Father your amazing power to over come all things amazes me and I stand in awe of you. I place my Family in your hands. I thank you for the giftings you have given me to do the things I do for you, I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help us to listen to your voice in what we are to seek payment for and to look to serve you. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August 16, 2017 Bring me another!!!!!!

Reading: Revelation 14 and 2 Kings 2-4

Scripture: 2 Kings 4:6, When the vessels were full, she said to her son, "Bring me another vessel." And he said to her, "There is not another." Then the oil stopped flowing. 

Observation: Elisha had told this widow to gather empty vessels and to pour the oil into them. When reading this I was thinking I would have filled my house with jars, pots and what ever I could find that would hold liquid, but how often does God tell us that he will take care of us and that he will give us a good portion shaken down and over flowing yet when we come to him we only bring a cup instead of a large bag. 

Application: Where I live the convenance store chain 7-Eleven some times does any container sale on their Slurpee, saying you can bring anything in and fill it with Slurpee for some low price. How many of us would go in and pay that price for a thimble full when we could take in a bucket and fill it for the same price. This widow only got as much oil as she had faith to collect vessels and we have a tendency to when leaning on God for our needs to come to him with a thimble when he wants to fill a storehouse. Matthew 7:2b, and the measure you use it will be measured to you. If you come to God with a measure of a thimble he will fill it shaken down and over flowing but he will do the same with the 55 gallon drum and the storehouse. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and I am amazed at how you can overflow the large and small vessels in my life. I thank you for your provisions and the blessings you pour out on us. I thank you for and place all I have in your and including my family. I ask that you help increase my faith to bring larger measures to you.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August 15, 2017 I am poor and needy?

Reading: Revelation 13, 2 Kings 1, 2 Chronicles 18-19 and Psalm 70

Scripture: Psalm 70:5,  But I am poor and needy; hasten to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay!

Observation: This morning dealing with the some of the struggles that my family and I have been working though like large medical bills and not knowing how to pay this or that bill that comes in somewhat unexpectedly. This passage stuck out to me in that how often I am crying out in my head I have nothing and I need I need I need. As I look at all the things that the Lord provides and the ability share with others, and as much as I feel like I am in need God is taking care of me and my family. We are so stinking blessed that even when I don’t know how things are going to be paid God know and he has arranged for ways to get us through like having a large bill that we were stressed out about and not knowing how to pay just go away. The father loves to give good gifts to his children. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and your timing wail not being ours is perfect. I place my family and my finances in your hands. I thank you for all you have done and all that you will do for me and through me. I thank you for the provisions that you give us each and every day and for the blessings you pour out on us each day. 

Monday, August 14, 2017

August 14, 2017 I don't want to hear it.

Reading: Revelation 12, 1 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 17

Scripture: 1 Kings 22:8, And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the Lord, Micaiah the son of Imlah, but I hate him, for he never prophesies good concerning me, but evil." And Jehoshaphat said, "Let not the king say so." 

Observation: How often do we hear things and just because it is something we don’t like we dismiss it or write it off just because we don’t want to believe it. Ahab didn’t like and the things that Micaiah was saying just because it was unfavorable.  

Application: When we get a word from God through a prophet, there are some things we need to do. First we need to hear it, I know that there have been many times I have not been listening to God. Next we need to weight it against scripture, So if you are not in the word and know what God’s voice sounds like and know what kings of things he would say you will have a hard time discerning if its God’s voice or some nut job. Finally keep track of the Words that are given to you one day you will be able to look back and see how God has fulfilled them.

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful I am amazed that you choose to speak to speak to us and sometimes though us. I thank you for all you have done in my life the family that you have given to me to take care of. I thank you for the provisions you give us we are never in need and I thank you for the blessings you give us so that we can bless others. I ask you to help us hear your voice and discern then what we hear is not from you. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August 9, 2017 The War

Reading: Revelation 4-5, 1 Kings 14 and 2 Chronicles 12-13

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 13:14-15, And when Judah looked, behold, the battle was in front of and behind them. And they cried to the Lord, and the priests blew the trumpets. Then the men of Judah raised the battle shout. And when the men of Judah shouted, God defeated Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.

Observation: In 2 Chronicles today we are seeing the divided nation of Israel getting ready to fight against itself. The smaller portion being those who were faithful to the Lord against the larger portion of those who chased after the things of this world. As I see it this is great imagery of the battle that rages inside all of us, the part that loves everything this world has to offer and the part that goes to church. Paul describes it this way in Romans 7:15, For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. 

Application: This war inside us is like the one between Judah and Jeroboam where we are ready for battle even though we are out numbered but then they come around behind us. I know we all struggle with something coming in and keeping our focus one way and then taking a cheep shot when we are looking the other way. This is a common tactic of the evil one. We need to remember who is on our side and who we are fighting for. Not only do we have the power and authority that God has given us but we have God in the Holy Spirit standing right there with us to help us defeat the enemies.

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful not only have you given us authority but you help us overcome any enemy that comes our way. I thank you for the power and authority you have give us, the provisions each day and the blessings you want us to have. I ask that you help us to have the watchful eye to see the attacks and to hold fast to your love and strength that will guide us in battle. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 8, 2017 You said What

Reading: Revelations 3, 1 Kings 13, 2 Chronicles 11 and Psalm 130

Scripture: 1 Kings 13:18, And he said to him, "I also am a prophet as you are, and an angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord, saying, 'Bring him back with you into your house that he may eat bread and drink water.'" But he lied to him.

Observation: How often do we get deceived or led astray by some new teaching or something shiny. I know I have many times. Shiny things look fun and sometimes they are fun for a time. The word says to watch out for wolves in sheep’s clothing. There will be people out there who look like they are God’s workers but they are just there to spread deceit and lead people away from God just enough. 

Application: My pastor over that last few weeks has been talking about prophecy and the Spiritual gifts and how they are used properly. Just like the Prophet from Judah we can be lied to and deceived by people who ether think they are doing the wright thing or by people who have been deceived themselves. As disciples of Christ we are to weigh these prophets and prophecies against the word of God and determine the validity of the prophecy. We need to never take anything as scripture unless it has been verified by scripture.

Prayer: Father you are the creator of all things and I stand in awe of the beauty around me. I thank you for the provisions you give us each day and even the blessings we don’t always need. I ask that you help us to discern when something is from you and when it is form some other source. Help us to see your love and direction and even give us words for others, open our hears to pour your love into others. 

Monday, August 7, 2017

August 7, 2017 The Unforgivable

Reading: Revelations 2, 1 Kings 12, 2 Chronicles 10 and Psalm 125 

Scripture: Revelation 2:5, Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

Observation: As someone who has been one of those people who will look one way at church and another the moment I walk out the doors, seeing that the Church in Ephesus has all these great things attributed to it but also needed the reminder they too fall and need the reminder to repent and turn back to God. 

Application: We all have the ability to repent and turn back to God when we fall on our faces. God longs for us to turn and come back to him. His desire is that none perish but it is our own hubris that stands in the way. No matter how great of a sinner you are God is a better forgiver. So many religious people have put a hierarchy on sin, “This is worse then that or that is worse then this” and I have even heard this fraise “The unforgivable sin” Nothing if unforgivable if you confess and repent. So the only unforgivable thing I see is unbelief in God or complete rejection of him. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful, you made the heavens and the earth and placed it all in place with your words. I thank you for all you have done for us and the forgiveness you offer though the death and resurrection of your son. I thank you for the provisions you give us each day and the blessings you pour out on us even though we don’t deserve it. I ask that you help us to see those things in our life that cause us to fall and to turn from them, brake the chains that are in our lives to help us focus on you more. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August 2, 2017 Antichrist antiwho???

Reading: 1 John 4, 1 Kings 11 and Ecclesiastics 1

Scripture: 1 John 4:2-3, By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.

Observation: I don’t know how many times I have heard people quoting scripture saying this person or that person is The antichrist. There are thing to watch out for but I don’t know if there is going to be in the end times singular person who will be the on speaking out against God, but I do know that here in 1 John and other places in the word talk about spirits being antichrists. My understanding is that we are surrounded by antichrists all the time. Any thing that tells us that it is more important then God in our live is a type of antichrist.

Application: Here we are being given ways to know the difference between something from God and something that is part of antichrist. Besides these examples that are given in these verses, also the more we are in the word the more we are able to see God and his love and recognize it when his appears in our lives and when we can hear and when you distinguish between then you fight back as God’s warrior.

Prayer: Father Thank you for your son and the spirit of discernment that you gave me. I thank you  for the victories that you have given me in my life and the ones that I have not seen yet. I ask that you be with us and help us to discern when there is a spirit of antichrist 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 1 2017, How long God

Reading: 1 John 3, Songs of Solomon 5-8 and Psalm 13

Scripture: Psalm 13:1, How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?
1 John 3:1, See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 

Observation: These two verses stood out to me going hand in hand being that there have been times in my life where I have sinned and suck my head up my rear, and at those points I am feeling I am deep the first lines of Psalm 13 saying where are you and how long are you going to stay away. As I work back into a right relationship with God I see the love of God, and how he considers us his children. 

Application: One thing I have learned over the years is God does not go anywhere, we may feel the lack of his presence in our live but when we are in sin we have walked away from God’s presence. God has never and will never forget you or hide his face from us, we have turned from him. We need to turn from what we have been doing and seek God first in our lives, so the how long is dependent upon us and how stubborn we are chasing after what ever it is that is turning our heads from Christ. Some times we just need the reminder that we are God’s children and some times we hit rock bottom and that is when God shows us that he still wants to be in relationship with us and he will help us to come back to him. 

Prayer: Father I am in awe of you and how you can love me even when I walk away or fall flat on my face. I thank you for sending your son and providing a way to you. I thank you for your provisions every day and the blessings you pour out on us and the blessings you give us even when we don’t deserve them. I ask that you help me to walk in your love and not fall into lamenting about where you have gone or when I will see you again. I know you long to have us with you and we are the ones who cause the rift as you continue to call out to us.