Reading: Acts 17 and Zephaniah 1-3
Scripture: Zephaniah 3:8, "Therefore wait for me," declares the Lord, "for the day when I rise up to seize the prey. For my decision is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms, to pour out upon them my indignation, all my burning anger; for in the fire of my jealousy all the earth shall be consumed.
Observation: I have been struggling with waiting on God, waiting for things to happen, waiting on provisions that I thought would come and wondering if he was there. It is easy to allow my head and the evil one to get me distracted and start thinking that God is too busy for me or I'm not worth his time. How often to we all let fear and doubt into our lives letting to evil one get a foothold.
Application: To me the first portion of verse 8 was a reminder that its all in God’s timing not ours, as much as I think I know what timing is better he has proven I am just a fool. The second half of the verse reminds me that he is the one assembling the nations as followers of Christ we are a Kingdom above all other nations and kingdoms, being that one day God is going to pour out the anger, jealousy and indignation out we need to be praying from our nations, our leaders, and in the case of the United States pray for the voters who are going to elect the next leader of our country. On a morning show I listen to called The Wally Shop on Way FM they had mentioned at one of their church services their pastor two questions first was “What is more effective Praying or complaining?” and the second was “What do you do more?” Lets Pray more and complain less.
Prayer: Father I love you and stand in awe of your great power. You are so wonderful and I thank you for everything you have given me; Family, friends, work and the strength to cary on each day. I know you give me everything I need and sometimes even bless me with things I want. I thank you for all you do for me each and every day. I ask you to help us to be open to hear your small voice speaking to us in your word and the patience to wait on you.
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