Reading: 2 Corinthians 6, Deuteronomy 5-6, and Psalm 64
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:14, Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
Observation: I remember hearing the first portion of the scripture over and over growing up. Being told that I need to marry a good Christian girl. I am proud to day that I found one. The hardest thing was I went thought two others before meeting a woman who is a true believer. I say it that way because my first two wives were Christian only because in their eyes because of being American, and having family who were they got it like having it past down to them like being Greek or German. Granted I was not in a place to quibble over that being that I was barely a Sunday morning Christian living off my parents faith too.
Application: When hearing the don’ts in life you almost alway want to go and do the don’ts just to find out what it is all about. With my first two wives being believers only in name and as I now see the end of my second marriage I end starting to listen to God again. I wanted to tithe and have my family attend church, in that there started to be arguments and a division happened. I was blamed for all the issues with the marriage and was told I needed counseling, I wanted us to do it together and she insisted it was all me, so I started seeking out counseling and before I could get to the first appointment I was served Divorce papers. Even after that mess I though I knew best when I went looking to new relationships again I had sex with them and even lived with one before God took out that 2x4 again. Once I truly come back and started seeking after him I met a woman who I could be equally yoked or pared with.
Prayer: Lord, your grace and mercy are so wonderful and I thank you got fending your son. I long for your will be done and to bring down heaven to earth. Lord i ask you to help us to see the parings that we have in this would and to be sure that we are pared equally.
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