Reading: Romans 12 and Exodus 28-29
Scripture: Romans 12:1, I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Observation: Whenever I read this verse I remember something someone said to me once. I don’t remember who or what other context there was to the conversation other then Romans 12:1 but what they said to me was “The issue with a living sacrifice is we try to get off the alter.” I see myself getting off the alter, the refining and change that comes from going though the fire hurts. I don’t like pain, like most we don’t want to know we are wrong or to do something that could hurt.
Application: As we go though pain and struggles God see opportunities to mold and transform us into the people he need us to be. Also we can see the alter fire as the refiners fire where we are heated to the point that the impurities are burnt and come bubbling to the top or become slag on the bottom of the crucible. Becoming that sacrifice for God we need to give of our selves do things that will hurt. It could be admitting that you do things you shouldn't or have thought of things that are not of God, or giving up something that has held you in bondage. The best part of being a living sacrifice is that we will make it though, we are not going to die from the fire we are going to be transformed and become stronger and better.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for providing this fire for us to place ourselves on and allow you to burn off the things you don’t want and purify and strengthen the things you do. I ask you to help me to get back on the alter every time I try to get off so that I can be refined and have the druse and slag removed from my life.
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