Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016 Hey where did every body go?

Reading: John 16, Leviticus 26, and Psalm 12

Scripture: John 16:31-32, Jesus answered them, "Do you now believe? Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me.

Observation: There has been so many times that I have felt that I was one that scattered and went to my home to hide from God and the situation to leave Jesus to his own thing. As a guy we so often want to fight our own battles and fix our own issues and don’t want any outside influence. We bottle it up for so long that at some point it just explodes out of us, whether it is in tears or more likely anger and aggression. That is me wanting to fix it but it turning to anger. 

Application: Jesus was saying that all his close friends the men would walk away but he would not be alone because he had the connection to the father that we now know though the Holy Spirit. As much as we don’t want to admit to our feelings or the idea that we can’t fix everything. I'm here to tell the world yes we have feelings and no we can’t fix it all but we have the power of the Holy Spirit on our said giving us a direct conduct to God and he can and will fix and help us will our feeling.  

Prayer: Lord I thank you so much for being the great healer not only do you heal the sick, lame, and injured, you also comfort us who have emotions that hurt us too. Lord I thank you that you never depart from us and remind us that we are in your hands. I ask your Spirit be know to us and help us to listen to your still small voice.

March 24, 2016 I don't want to help him.

Reading: John 15 and Leviticus 24-25

Scripture: Leviticus 25:35-36, "If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain himself with you, you shall support him as though he were a stranger and a sojourner, and he shall live with you. Take no interest from him or profit, but fear your God, that your brother may live beside you.

Observation: I feel that here in western society we have set aside the principles of helping and providing for those who have come on hard times. We think about what we could do with our time and money that we would spent helping someone instead of coming beside them and helping them get a hand up. I’m guilty of thinking that these people standing by the side of the road are just looking for free money and are not willing to work. Maybe its because of the stories that circulate about people living in nice hotels or having nice cars and houses but their job is going to a corner and collecting what ever they can from people. 

Application: God has called us to support our brothers, I don’t know if you should just go out and put cash the hand of every panhandler, but we need to take care of those in need. We each have a gift and talent that can be used to show God’s love. There are groups that take food and clothes to the homeless camps around our city, I have heard of stylist who will give free hair cuts to homeless who are going to interviews and dry cleaners who will clean someone interview clothes to help them get that hand up. One of the things that is close to my heart is Amor Ministries, Hundreds of volunteers pay they way to other countries and for a portion of the building costs and go and build homes for people. I love going and helping in a tangible way like that. My church currently has about 60 people building 4 houses in Tecate Mexico this week 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are the great provider and that you are the one that brings all things together for good. It is hard to go though pain and trials but I am thankful that you use the pain to give us a Megaphone to show your love. Lord help us to use your blessings to support our brothers so that we all can shout your love. 

March 23, 2016 I need a Day off.

Reading: John 14 and Leviticus 22-23

Scripture: Leviticus 23:3, "Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work. It is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your dwelling places.

Observation: The world has walked away from having a sabbath, a day of rest where we don’t do any work. We now have companies and businesses that run 24/7. God instituted a day of rest and even years of rest for the land. This is not just a time to not go to work and do something at home it’s meant to be a day of rest. I am as guilty as that next man of filling their schedule to bursting and not giving myself time to rest and seek God. 

Application: Things have changed in my life recently and in a way that I didn’t expect I was looking for work and taking care of my daughter during the week for the last month. On Monday I started my new job my schedule is what they call a condensed work week so I work Sunday-Tuesday and every other Wednesday. I looked at some of the other responsibilities that I have taken on and been offered to take on and family life I was able to see how this schedule gave me the Sabbath I needed as I continue to grow in the Church and in my family. Find a day to rest what ever that looks like to you.

Prayer: Lord, your plans are so much greater then the plans that I would have ever seen for myself. I thank you for those plans and the direction that you have given us. I pray that you help me to see your plan clearer each day as I seek to walk in it. I thank you for opening my eyes to your plan even if its just a small peak to see the next step. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016 NO I'm the Master

Reading: John 13 and Leviticus 20-21

Scripture: John 13:16, Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 

Observation: When I was at Multnomah University one of the books I read for class was The Servant by “James C. Hunter” this book opened my eyes to the Godly way to lead and to lead as a servant like Christ. Here in the USA it is so common to see people thinking that they are better then someone or finding the need to tear down someone. 

Application: We are all servants whether to God or to things of this world. Even though we so often put ourselves above others we need to remember that we are servants and as a servant or messenger we are no greater then the one who has sent us. As servants of God we have been given Authority and Dominion over this world in Jesus name, but we are still to server as Jesus served those around us. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the love and grace you pour out on us each day as we strive to be perfect as you are perfect. I thank you for the authority and dominion you have given us and I ask your help to be a good steward of it. I also ask that you help us to take steps to lead as a servant as Christ did. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016 For God's glory

Reading: John 12 and Leviticus 18-19

Scripture: John 12:42-43, Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.

Observation: God is working on my focusing on him and working for in and not the world today. After my revolution in the shower about my degree that I mentioned in my post called “How could I be so blind.” I have been looking for the glory of man and the things that a degree will bring me. I went to school, I have loads of school loan debt, I should be living the good life making close to six figures a year. I believed but due to fear I didn’t show it to everyone. I love how Zig Ziglar put it “FEAR has two meanings: Forget Everything and Run, or Face Everything and Rise. The Choice is yours”

Application: We are to Face all things and overcome them by the grace and glory of God. In that we are also called to love and crave the glory that comes from God over that which comes from the world. God has a bigger plan for me but being that I don’t see that end point I know that I have more to learn before I see where that last step will be. Over and over I am reminded that we are on a journey we don’t know where exactly we are going other then heaven. But I know that I am a work in progress and one day when I have learned the lessens needed I will see the end point.

Prayer: Lord, your great love is sufficient even for this sinner, and I thank you for that. As I go to work and start this new job I ask you to help me to work unto you and do my work for you and not worry about what the world thinks. 

How could I be so blind

This morning in the shower getting ready for a new job that I'm starting today. I was thinking about how to move up in the company and how to use this degree I got nearly two years ago. I graduated from University with a BA in Leadership and Ministry I had been focused on the leadership side of that degree for the most part looking for management positions or trying to get promoted where I was. It hit me climing out of the shower and drying off that my degree is a ministerial degree. 

God gave me the calling to go back to Bible school and I have a BA in ministry and I have the opertunity to use that every day. By sharing my journals with everyone and showing what God is teaching me each day is ministry, how I go to work no matter what I'm doing I'm doing ministry. 

This passage come to me as I was sitting down to share this. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24 ESV the Lord reminded me today and at my church's men's breakfast like the parable of the talents in Mattew 35:14-30 God is handing out his authority and power and saying "do as I would do" we now need to choose are we going to be like the first two and go and do God's work or are we going to hide away what God gave us and just give him back what he gave us to begin with just because we are scared to step out in the authority he gave us. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 20, 2016 Microphone of glory

Reading: John 11 and Leviticus 16-17

Scripture: John 11:4, But when Jesus heard it he said, "This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it."

Observation: Looking at how Jesus was reacting to the new that his friend was sick to many may seem heartless, even here in modern western society we make some sort of placation to those who are sick. Things like say “get well soon”, “I’m Praying for you”, or “Oh sorry to hear that.” But in the biblical society where hospitality and caring for others was a big deal this would have been a slap to the face in a way. Its kinda like saying to someone with a broken femur just get up and brush yourself off, as their leg is bent backwards. 

Application: The second half of that verse is where I see God telling us that the things we go through and the struggles and hurst we have can glorify him and be used to point to God all the more. The things we have gone though in our lives give us a unique microphone to reach people that others can’t. Because I have been abused by my first wife I now have a microphone of abused and a microphone of divorce. I don’t want anyone to go though the things I did but I also know the pain can understand where someone is coming from when you care for someone deeply but they hurt you both physically and emotionally. Take up the microphones that life has given you and show the world that God is the master of your life.

Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing, having the power to raise people back to life and giving us that authority in your name to heal and cast out the demons of this world. I thank you for showing me that I have a Microphone and that microphone will amplify your love, though your mercy and grace. I ask that we all start to recognize those microphones and use them to glorify your name.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 19, 2016 Bless the Lord

During my unemployment I truly struggled with keeping up with my journal writings and fulfilling the commitment I made to God that I was going to share this with all who wanted to read and hear what God has been speaking to me though his word. I have been blessed to know that there are those out there who read and her God though my words. 

The blessings I have also have come back to me in getting to spend this last month with my daughter almost every day, seeing her grow just in this time before my eyes has been a great blessing and God has provided for us though many ways in this time. 

Reading: John 10, Leviticus 15, and Psalm 103

Scripture: Psalm 103:2-4, Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,

Observation: This section of our reading today stood out because of the fact that even though I had been struggling with doing my journaling and sharing what has been going on in my life and documenting my prayers, I know that there are blessings and benefits that he has and will pour out on me. 

Application: Braking this passage down here, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” First we need to not forget the things God has done for us he has brought us out of the mire and raised us to be citizens of Haven, and blessing I could have only imagined a few years ago. We need to look back at our prayers that we have prayed and see what has been answered and how. I struggle with this but I think is it a great practice of keeping a prayer journal and go back from time to time and make notes of how those were answered and if they have been answered because we all have to be reminded of the benefits God has given us. “who forgives all your iniquity” I love that fact that no matter how far I have fallen God forgave me and will continue to forgive because I am a work in progress. “who heals all your diseases” God is the great physician and he will heal all wounds. “who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy” I am so glad that he cares for me and each and every one of us to take us one by one pay the price for us and crown us with that love and mercy that no one deserves. 

Prayer: Lord, your love is so unfathomable, and your grace and mercy so great. I thank you for loving me and liking me for who I am even as a sinful man. Lord I pray that our souls can bless you, don’t let us forget what you have done for us so far in our lives and help us to remember that you forgive, you heal, and you love us so much to pull us from the pit and place a crown on our heads. Again I thank you for the rich blessings you continue to pour into my life.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 7, 2016 The Source

Reading: Romans 14, Exodus 32-33, ans Psalm 1

Scripture: Psalm 1:3, He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

Observation: Living where I do we have lots of trees and I have the opportunity to see how trees thrive in different locations. I have seen the trees struggling in the high desert and seen them thriving in the valleys especially near rivers and streams. 

Application: Like these trees we need to be planted at the source, for the trees the source is water where they can put down deep roots and stand against the winds and storms. Our source is both the Word of God and the church. We need to put down deep roots dive deep into the word find a church the teaches from the word and put down those roots. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for giving us a place to grow and put down roots. Giving us opportunities to grow and help others to grow. I ask you to help us to keep focused and love as you love. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 6, 2016 My neighbors are idiots.

Reading: Romans 13, Exodus 30-31, and Psalm 132

Scripture: Romans 13:9, For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 

Observation: Love is not only that way to fulfill the law, it is how to serve and how to let God work on someones heart even if they hurt you. Love is a Verb it’s an action it’s something you do. In western civilization we look at love as a feeling and something we can fall in and out of but God uses it as a verb. Love is placing the needs of others above your own. 

Application: Loving others is hard, I don’t always want to help someone who appears to not want to help themselves, and I admit many times I don’t help people. One of the biggest struggle I have had and I bet most every one has had is loving a boss, we look at our bosses and think they are stupid or blind and a monkey could do their job better. I think the the best way to move from the mentality of they are idiots and can’t do anything to loving your boss, enemy, family member, or the bum down the street, is to pray for them. As we pray for their needs and start asking God to bless them God does a work in our hearts and we become more loving toward then and our interactions will change. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the opportunities you place in my life each day to share your love with the world. I know that I allow myself to get in the way of the blessings you have for this world. I ask you to help me to be more loving and keep those who bother me to be blessed and help me to be more loving toward them.

March 5, 2016 Burned Alive.

Reading: Romans 12 and Exodus 28-29

Scripture: Romans 12:1, I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

Observation: Whenever I read this verse I remember something someone said to me once. I don’t remember who or what other context there was to the conversation other then Romans 12:1 but what they said to me was “The issue with a living sacrifice is we try to get off the alter.” I see myself getting off the alter, the refining and change that comes from going though the fire hurts. I don’t like pain, like most we don’t want to know we are wrong or to do something that could hurt.

Application: As we go though pain and struggles God see opportunities to mold and transform us into the people he need us to be. Also we can see the alter fire as the refiners fire where we are heated to the point that the impurities are burnt and come bubbling to the top or become slag on the bottom of the crucible. Becoming that sacrifice for God we need to give of our selves do things that will hurt. It could be admitting that you do things you shouldn't or have thought of things that are not of God, or giving up something that has held you in bondage. The best part of being a living sacrifice is that we will make it though, we are not going to die from the fire we are going to be transformed and become stronger and better. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for providing this fire for us to place ourselves on and allow you to burn off the things you don’t want and purify and strengthen the things you do. I ask you to help me to get back on the alter every time I try to get off so that I can be refined and have the druse and slag removed from my life. 

March 4, 2016 Open mouth insert foot!

Reading: Romans 11 and Exodus 26-27

Scripture: Romans 11:17-18, But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you.

Observation: I know that I have been guilty of thinking I am better then others, or I have worked harder, or done something better. It is grace that has grafted and brought me into the folds of the promise. Nothing I have done or could ever do could bring me in. Bringing me in was a gift from the Great Gardener God. 

Application: Being a gift we need to remember that we are not better then anyone else we may come from wild stock but God had tamed us and brought us into the family. It is though him and the church that we are supported as we grow and develop our relationship with the Lord. We may start off as just a grafted in wild plant but one day we will produce fruit and as we do we will become part of the church supporting others as we were supported. Be discipled and eventually you will be disciple others.

Prayer: Lord you are the great gardener, without you we would not be part of the family of God and would not know the Joy that comes from you. I thank you for the support that is in my life and I ask you to help continue to bring helpers in to each of our lives and when I'm in a place to help give me the words to encourage and help others.

March 3, 2016 They may afflict me, But they will not prevail.

Reading: Romans 10, Exodus 24-25, Psalms 129

Scripture: Psalm 129:2, Greatly have they afflicted me from my youth, yet they have not prevailed against me.

Observation: Lately I have been struggling with the idea that I'm not enough and that I don’t do enough both as a father and as a Follower of Christ. I am reminded of the things I have in my past and thoughts of my youth come back to me. This section of Psalm 129 jumped out at me reminding me that even though I am afflicted, I have not been prevailed over. 

Application: There are days when we feel down and out, or not good enough. Just the other day I was doing a study with my mens group on the Armor of God, and in the research and discussion we has on the Helmet of Salvation we look the need for that helmet in that in Roman wars the helmet was to help protect against the Calvary riding in with their large two edged sword chopping heads. The devil has one of those large swords and the two edges of that sword are doubt and discouragement. The Helmet of Salvation being there are three types of salvation I think they are all wrapped into this helmet first is we have been saved from the sins our past Justification, second we are saved from the power of current sins Sanctification, and finally we have the hope and promise of being saved from the presence of sin in Haven in Glorification 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you from your Armor and defense that having you in our lives can know. I ask you to help us to practice with each piece of that armor so as the war rages around us we will be prepared for the battle that stands before us. I thank you for the reminder though they may afflict me, they will not prevail. 

March 2, 2016 Working For Haven

Reading: Romans 9, Exodus 23, Psalm 119:137-176

Scripture: Romans 9:30-32, What shall we say, then? That Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have attained it, that is, a righteousness that is by faith; but that Israel who pursued a law that would lead to righteousness did not succeed in reaching that law. Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as if it were based on works. They have stumbled over the stumbling stone, 

Observation: It is interesting that today thousands of years after all this happened and Paul wrote these letter. We as Christians can easily find ourselves falling right back into the way the nation of Israel was thinking. It is easy to think, “What do I do now to continue to work my way to Heaven?” We may not say it in those words but we show it by allowing our faith take a back seat to the things we do before people. 

Application: Today so many of us are looking for recognition and being well though of that we forget who we need to be focusing on. We focus on ourselves and what we have done and what we will do and how it looks and forget to put God as our number one. I love the saying “I live for an Audience of one.” I feel I need this reminder more then most in that I regularly feel I'm not Doing enough. But Paul reminds us that its not about what you are doing abut about having faith and seeking God though that faith.

Prayer: Lord, your amazing love comforts me as I struggle to focus on you. You are the Creator of all things and you have a plan for me. Lord I thank you for the plan you have and the blessing you pour out on me and my family as I struggle to find work. Lord I ask you to watch over me and my readers to help us to forget working toward Haven and take up the job of working For our Heavenly Father.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 1, 2016 We are more than conquerors!!!!!

Reading: Romans 8, Exodus 22, Psalm 119:97-136

Scripture: Romans 8:37-39, No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Observation: Yesterday I shared a devotion that my wife and I have been reading and it talked about the purpose of an anchor. With that Anchor holding us firm in place God as made us “more the conquerors.” Not only are we able to conquer the trials and tribulations that the Anchor will hold us in place so we can overcome but we are more. A conquer comes in takes over everything and removes those in power. 

Application: I know even growing us in the church the devil had dominion in my life, there are still places in my life that he has a handhold. Even though I do my best I seem to let the holds remain. Paul is saying that though Christ we have been given the power and the strength to cast off all the handhold, all the footholds, and seal those cracks so that when the devil comes agains us again, and he will, we can have that anchor holding us fast to the Lord and we can have smoothed our defenses in a way that there is no handhold. There will still always be trials and tribulation and we may not alway overcome them but the more we are anchored in the word and in our church those loses will not drag us down and God will raise us up.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for your word and your Holy Spirit who help us to stay on track and to help us to see when we have stepped away. Your love it so amazing and I long to understand it more. Lord, I ask you to help keep focus on you and seek you. As I grow in understanding help me to remember that it is not I who is winning but you though me.