Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 3, 2016 I'm just a Man.

Reading: Acts 10 and Geneses 25-26

Scripture: Acts 10:26, But Peter lifted him up, saying, “Stand up; I too am a man.

Observation: This section jumped out at me today but I didn’t really know why. As I thought about it things that have come to me have been questions like; “Is there someone I hold in too high esteem?” or “Do I think too highly of myself?” Lately I guess I have been struggling with self worth issues feeling like I not doing what I’m meant to do. But this scripture reminds me that even the greatest of preachers and teachers of our world as still just men, just saved sinner like me.

Application: Jesus came to this world to save us through his death and resurrection, not so that we can judge people or even ourselves by the public image that some great speaker or evangelist like Billy Graham or Luis Palau. I know that I am my worst critic we need to remember that we all are saved sinners no matter the sin God look at it all the same way and it all separates us from God. Don’t allow yourself to think as more or less then what God calls you, Sons and Daughters of God.

Prayer: Lord, thank you so much from sending your Son to die on the cross so that we can be brought back into right standing with you. I thank you for the opportunities you place before me and the direction you have for my life. Lord, I ask that you help me keep things in proper perspective it is so easy to allow myself to think too little or too much myself and what I have done. Lord I also ask your blessings on all who read this blog and may your work be done though it.

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