Today being leep-day and we only get a February 29th once every 4 years today was not included in our normal reading so today I'm going to share with you a devotion that was based on a Book called Through the eyes of a lion.
There’s No Such Thing As a Wireless Anchor
The thing about anchors is that to be effective, they must be attached to something. There is always a connection: a rope or a chain. They aren’t wireless and can’t be connected by Bluetooth. That connection is every bit as vital as the anchor itself. It doesn’t matter how securely that big hunk of metal is wedged into the ocean floor—if you’re not tied to it, it’s not the least bit helpful. The chain matters greatly.
The wonderful thing about the anchor of the soul is that it, too, comes equipped with a mighty chain. Hope has a rope: the Holy Spirit. Before entering God’s presence in the ascension, Jesus promised to send his Spirit to be our helper. He is our great rope that cannot be frayed, the one who has lashed our hearts to heaven. Through the Spirit we have an everlasting guarantee, a down payment on the life that is to come. He is the proof that there is more in store and that death is not the end.
In times of overwhelming sadness, your anchor should strengthen you, but you should also be encouraged by the chain.
Hebrews 6:19-20 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Proverbs 10:25 When the tempest passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is established forever.
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Christ Follower, looking at the Word and sharing what the Holy Spirit is telling him.
Monday, February 29, 2016
February 28, 2016 What wolf will you feed?
Reading: Romans 7, Exodus 21, and Psalm 119:49-96
Scripture: Romans 8:18b-20, For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.
Observation: For the longest time this section of scripture was so confusing to me but until I learned that Paul was talking about his two natures just as we have two natures it was hard to read. I now understand Paul much better knowing there are two natures. First is the fleshly nature that wants us to do what feels good and what is known as our sinful nature. Then there is our spiritual nature where we want to do good and shun our sinful nature. Paul is saying that he is struggling between the two natures and I do the same.
Application: I can bet we all Struggle with this. I have heard it this way, both natures are like wolves both of them with great power and strength but they are at war with each other all day every day. And we get to decide who wins. The one that wins will be the one we feed. We can feed our fleshly nature by following the world and looking at things from that point of view, or we can feed the spiritual wolf by spending time in the word and with those who build us up in the word. when we focus on God those wars become nothing more then something to step over.
Prayer: Lord, you know our hearts and our minds and how easy it is to loose focus and allow the flashy feel good moments of the world can distract us from the great blessings you have for us. I thank you for providing a plan to help keep me in your word and to keep me focused so that I don’t just follow the world. I ask you to help me keep my focus on you and recognize the blessings you pour out.
February 27, 2016 Free gifts of God
Reading: Romans 6, Exodus 20, and Psalm119:1-48
Scripture: Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Observation: This has been a favorite very maybe even considered a life verse for me sense I have come back to God and his church. I it has been a struggle for me as a man I want to earn my wages, provide and Grow. When I look back at all I have done and the people I have hurt and how much sin is in my past I see what my wages are I know how I still fail and fall and think “I know my wages.”
Application: Then I'm reminded that Forgiveness and the grace and mercy the God pours out on us though his son and Holy Spirit are gifts that need to be accepted. That is the biggest part of this we all have the offer we all have been called to believe and accept this gift. But as a gift we must put ourselves aside and accept it. Even as kid we learn this, we can’t have or open our birthday or Christmas presents until accept and receive them. It is the same with God’s gift we can’t open it and enjoy it until we receive and accept that gift.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for all you have to teach me each and every day. Open my eyes and heart to your influences and help me to walk in your ways. As I struggle with the lack of work and knowing how to pay things I praise you in the storm. I lift up all who read this that they know your love and blessings.
February 26, 2016 One act of righteousness
Reading: Romans 5, Exodus 18-19, and Psalm 19
Scripture: Romans 5:18, Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men
Observation: This is such a great reminder to me that though the transgressions of Adam sin was brought into this world and we as humans were separated from God that was only know in the garden. Adam and Even walked and talked with him and were in his presence. At the fall when we ate of the tree of knowledge there became a separation we could no longer just be in his presence. it will say later the wages of sin is death that death is separation from God.
Application: As Adam brought sin into this would, Jesus brought redemption in the world though his sinless life and death as a criminal fulfilling the law and creating a Covenant between God and Man that is we accept his gift we are forgiven our sins and can be brought back into the presence of God and have the Holy Spirit in us.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the great gift you have given us and I pray that we have the strength to say we are weak and unworthy of this gift but accept it anyways. You take care of us each and every day and we seek to serve you.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016 What do you mean I can't earn it.
Reading: Romans 4 and Exodus 16-17
Scripture: Romans 4:4, Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due.
Observation: I know that I have in the past and from time to time I still do, I try to work my way to heaven. Forgiveness is God’s gift to us it’s not something that we can earn or take upon ourselves. This verse is one that reminds us of that. We cant work our way there. If we could work to haven there would be no need for Jesus because all we would need to do is be good enough.
Application: Being that our forgiveness and the mercy and grace that God pours out on each of us, is a gift we can’t earn it. All we can do is accept it or not. God has put out a general call to all, “come to me, believe in me, and listen to my word.” We all have to choose if we are going to listen to that call or not.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for your son and the fact that we don’t have to be perfect so that we can be with you in haven. Your plans are so above our plan that the glimpses that you give us at many times still hard to understand. Lord I ask you to keep on my heart the truth of your love and grace and that I don’t need to work for it
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
February 24, 2016 Oh now I've Done it!!!
Reading: Romans 3 and Exodus 14-15
Scripture: Romans 3:23-24, for all
have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace
as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Observation: The picture that I
talked about yesterday can be used again. In the view that all have sinned and
fallen short of the glory of God, God is looking down at us seeing our blocks
showing that we have sinned even if we are looking at each other seeing
skyscrapers next to houses.
Application: Again we have to
remember that we are given the gift of salvation that washes away the crimson
stain of sin and washes it white as the purest fresh fallen snow. As much as
God as grace and mercy for us we need to be willing to share that grace and
mercy with those around us and share what God has done for us.
Prayer: Lord I thank you for
sending your son to be the payment for our sins taking them upon himself as the
perfect sacrifice. I also thank you for the blessing and love you pour out on
us every day. Lord, I ask you help us to always remember the gift you have
given and give us the strength and opportunity to share it with those around
February 23, 2016 I'm not as bad as that guy!
Reading: Romans 2 and Exodus 12-13
Scripture: Acts 2:3, Do you
suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them
yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?
Observation: It is so easy to
judge someone for this horrible thing they are doing. The biggest struggle I
have is judging those who are cheating on their spouse, but according to the
gospel even to look at another in an inappropriate way is considered adulatory.
I don’t want to cheat on my wife or be with someone else but is so easy to look
at something or someone in that way.
Application: we need to be open
about our struggles and trials. When we spend time judging others and sometimes
even ourselves we create an atmosphere of bad blood or guilt. It is also easy
to think of ourselves as better then others. We may see this sin as worse then
that sin so that this person it less bad then that person. There was a great
picture going around showing a bar graph from the side and how we rate sins
then it showed it from the top saying the view from haven and each one was the
same block. Not only are we not to judge, but God sees all our sins as the same
as “SIN” and when he offers forgiveness he forgives SIN.
Prayer: Lord I thank you for your
great gifts you have poured out on us. I am so thankful for the forgiveness
that you have given us and that all you see is SIN and not degrees of bad we so
often do.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
February 22, 2016 Can i have some mercy?
Reading: Romans 1, Exodus 10-11,
and Psalm 31
Scripture: Psalm 31:9, Be gracious
to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye is wasted from grief; my soul and
my body also.
Observation: As I struggle though
the fact that I’m not working and not supporting my family in the normal way I
develop depression and distress. I get to the point where I don’t want to get
out of bed and take care of my daughter and look for work.
Application: Coming across this
passage reminds me that I can call out upon the lord and ask for the help and
for the blessings that he has for us. We need to remember that he has a plan
and some times his plans may be less then ideal in our eyes. But we also need
to talk to God even though he knows everything he wants us to ask for his help.
Prayer: Lord, help I am struggling
with not measuring up to the standards that are around me even if they are self
imposed. Help me to overcome the fear in side myself and charge after your
February 21, 2016 Suck out the poison man!!!!!!!!
Reading: Acts 28 and Exodus 8-9
Scripture: Acts 28:3-5, When Paul
had gathered a bundle of sticks and put them on the fire, a viper came out
because of the heat and fastened on his hand. When the native people saw the
creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, “No doubt this man is
a murderer. Though he has escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to
live.” He, however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm.
Observation: I know that I so
often I am going about my work when what seems to be out of nowhere something
happens. Maybe is something deadly or just an inconvenience but that is my
viper, this thing that causes so many to crumble in its wake. This is when the non-believers will be
watching you, just as the inhabitants of Malta were watching to see something
happen to Paul, the world watches us as Christians how we react when we have
bad situations hitting us in the face.
Application: Paul after being
bitten by the viper, he didn’t freak out or scream and yell. Pall just shook
off the snake into the fire and went about doing what needed to be done. We
need to take our example from Paul here in that bad things will happen and
because of God’s plan for use we can be confident in doing what needs to be
done even if it looks as if it will kill us.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for
helping us and directing us in your plan so far and I know that you have more
for us to do. I ask you to help me to remain strong in you and not worry about
the trials and struggles that are coming.
Monday, February 22, 2016
February 20, 2016 I need to eat.
Reading: Acts 27 and Exodus 6-7
Scripture: Acts 27:34 Therefore I urge you to take some
food. For it will give you strength, for not a hair is to perish from the head
of any of you.”
Observation: I know there have been many times I have gotten
myself busy and focused on things and not eaten a meal. These men had been so
scared out of their minds and worrying about the ship that they had not eaten
for two weeks. How often do we do the same thing with God and his word. We
start a new job or loose one and everything we knew gets tossed about and
before we know it, it has been weeks or even months and we have not talked to
God or read a single word.
Application: This spoke to me today reminding me that even
in the mist of the storm and upheaval that can happen in our lives we need to
stay focused on God and stay in his word. Even when we have time to spare being
unemployed we can easily fill it with so many other things and distract
ourselves from that time we had set aside for God.
Prayer: Lord, you are so wonderful and I am so grateful that
you have sent you sent you have sent your Holy Spirit to help us to understand
and bring to life your word. I thank you for the insight that you have given me
though the spirit. Lord I ask you to help me to keep my heart and mind focused
on you Lord and find time each day to seek you.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
February 19, 2016 Wait a minute you don't want me.
Reading: Acts 26, and Exodus 4-5
Scripture: Exodus 4:10, But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my
Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your
servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.”
Observation: When God calls you what excuses have you used?
I know that I have probably used every excuse in the book, I’m busy, I can’t
speak in front of people, or I don’t know enough. Many people believe because
of this passage that Moses may have had a stutter or some other speech
impediment even though is sounded that God was going to heal that if he would
have just said ok lets go and not made excuses for himself. In stead God goes
ok fine you will tell your brother everything and he will be your mouthpiece as
you are mine.
Application: When God has a plan he will get it done even if
we are being silly and stupid about it. God will ether use us or go around us.
We need to choose if we are going to be apart of his plan or a hindrance. I
hope and pray that we all find that place in God’s plan and are willing to step
out despite our downfalls.
Prayer: Lord, you are the great orchestrator, you work all
things for our good even when we make excuses. I thank you for the blessings
that you have poured out on us and I long to serve you more. Lord, I ask you to
help us to stop looking at our shortcomings and know that when you call us to a
purpose that you will give us the strength to overcome any obstacles that me
come up. Help us to keep the right mindset of though you we can do anything.
February 18, 2016 Murderer!!! Murderer!!!!
Reading: Acts 25 and Exodus 2-3
Scripture: Exodus 2:12, He looked this way and that, and
seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
Observation: There are things I have failed at, keeping
myself pure for my wife, and walking away from God for a time. Because I have
fallen down in things like these I feel like “How can God use me?” I struggle
with the idea that even though my failures God can use me.
Application: This is a great reminder that God can use
anyone. God used a Murderer to lead his people to freedom, and a King who was
described as a man after God’s own heart was an adulterer. Some times I just
need to remember that just because I have failed in the past or have found
walking away God can still use me and has redeemed my life. We are of God.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for your forgiveness and the redemption
of our lives. Knowing that you can use even murderers to fulfill your will and
plans give hope to use who have failed. I ask you to help me to keep my eyes on
you and stop looking behind myself and asking questions like can you really use
me. Help us to grow and honor you in all that we do.
February 17, 2016 What good is this?
Reading: Acts 24, Genesis 50, Exodus 1, and Psalm 140
Scripture: Genesis 50:19-20, But Joseph said to them, “Do
not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me,
but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept
alive, as they are today.
Observation: It is so easy for me to judge and hold grudges,
some one does something I don’t like or agree with or even hurts me and what to
I do, I tell them off or stop talking to them, judge their salvation on their
actions. It is easy to take the place of God at those times, we take things
into our own hands so many times.
Application: We need to be like Joseph and not take up the wrath
of God into our own hands. There are many times that all we can see is the
wrong that has been done to us and want revenge of to have God’s wrath poured
out though our hands. We need to remember that even if something is going
wrong, we have to remember that there is a larger picture that we can’t see. I
never knew why I went through two divorces until I spent time with my wife when
I found that God was working on me to make me the man I needed to be for her. I
am still a work in progress but if we would have met before my first marriage
we would not have been the people we needed to be. Remember if you are going
though something maybe there is a lesson to be taken from it.
Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing bringing words from
thousands of years ago to life in our lives and helping us to see how to put it
to use. I thank you for providing each day the things we need and the steps to
take as we move forward and serve you. Lord I ask you to help us to leave the judgment
at your feet and not take it up. Help us to love and lift us instead if rip
down what you have brought up.
Friday, February 19, 2016
February 16, 2016 Who are you talking about?
Reading: Acts 23 and Genesis 48-49
Scripture: Acts 23:5, And Paul said, “I did not know,
brothers, that he was the high priest, for it is written, ‘You shall not speak
evil of a ruler of your people.’”
Observation: It is so easy to badmouth a boss or the leaders
of your city, state, or country. Here in the USA in some ways we are encouraged
to say things against others in that we are so frequently remanded that we have
the freedom of speech. We are allowed to say what ever we want about what or
whom ever we want. Sure we are allowed but should we? Dose saying these things
make anything get better?
Application: I don’t think that creating verbal diarrhea
about something you don’t agree with is what we should be doing even though we
have the “Right” to do so. Paul was citing from Exodus 22:28 something that all
the religious leaders would have know. We are to give honor where honor is due.
I may not like the way a president is handling given situation but God has
called us to not speak evil of our rulers. I think this is not only meant as to
our government officials but also our bosses and anyone who we interact with. Tearing
someone down will only cause problems and arguments. If we are able to speak
life and love into those around us and even to our leaders we can help to
reduce the amount of hate and arguments around us.
Prayer: Lord I thank you for another day to dive into your
word and seek after you. You are so amazing and the blessing you pour out on
this work at awesome. I ask you to help me to keep the joy and love that you
share with us in my heart and on my mouth each and every day.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
February 15, 2016 Citizen of Haven.
Reading: Acts 22 and Genesis 46-47
Scripture: Acts 22:28, The tribune answered, “I bought this citizenship
for a large sum.” Paul said, “But I am a citizen by birth.”
Observation: Back in Paul’s days those who were roman had
rights, like today in the USA there are those of us who have been born a US
citizen and others who have gone though the process of becoming citizens and
others who are here but are not citizens at all. So this official who is
talking to Paul paid lots of money for the rights that Paul was given.
Application: We were all born into this worlds citizenship
and there is a very large price to become a citizen of haven. We had that price
paid for by Jesus and though his death on the cross we all been offered that
citizenship of haven. We need to accept that gift and walk in that citizenship.
We are only sojourning here on earth after we die we will go home.
Prayer: Lord I thank you for your great gift of citizenship in
haven, forgiveness of sin and your blessings in this world. Help me to live as
that citizen and honor you each and every day.
February 14, 2016 You are breaking my heart.
Reading: Acts 21 and Genesis 44-45
Scripture: Acts 21:13, Then Paul answered, “What are you
doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned
but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
Observation: Paul being willing to go to the ends of the
earth and beyond was told the when he goes back to Jerusalem that they will
arrest him and bind him. Understanding that God’s plan can lead to discomfort
and persecution, when those people around him started freaking out about their
teacher being taken that is when he said the quote above.
Application: Here in the USA there is not much persecution
these days and not much call for that willingness to go to jail or die for what
we believe. This is more of a call to be open to anything. God has talents that
he has given to each of us and we need to be willing to do what ever we have
been called to and step out where we are called to go.
Prayer: Lord thank you for you gift of another day and the
ability to continue to seek your will and your plan. I thank you for your provisions
and your love. Lord I ask you to help me to see your direction and the next step
you have for me.
February 13, 2016 Don't fall out the window.
Reading: Acts 20 and Genesis 42-43
Scripture: Acts 20:10, But Paul went down and bent over him,
and taking him in his arms, said, “Do not be alarmed, for his life is in him.”
Observation: I love this story where Paul was speaking to
the people and spoke so long that this young man fell asleep and out the
window. These people were so hungry for the word of God that for hours they
would sit and stand to learn every last little bit from one of God’s workers.
Application: Not only did Eutychus want to learn he was
struggling to stay awake and focused. I know that I have been guilty of feeling
church was going too long after 30 min. I think this is a reminder that we need
to hunger with all we have to learn more about God and his word. Long for time
with God and be willing to take every minute you can get.
Prayer: Lord thank you for the time to get to know you and
for the leaders and teachers in our lives. Lord I also ask you to help me to
keep you as a priority and to take hold of every moment for you.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
February 12, 2016 The land of my affilction.
Reading: Acts 19 and Genesis 41
Scripture: Genesis 41:52, The name of the second he called
Ephraim, “For God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.”
Observation: even though Joseph had been though so much
being a slave and in prison for many years, something like 12 years, he never
stopped believing in God and that one day his dreams would come true.
Application: I know that even after a few days I start to
second guess and wonder if I’m doing what I should be doing or if I have walked
away from God’s plan again. Joseph was able to work hard and give God the glory
even though for more then a decade he was a slave and who knows how much of
that time was in prison. Joseph like Abraham had faith that God would fulfill
his promises even if it didn’t look like he could. Therefore we need to
remember that even if there is nothing that is looking right.
Prayer: Lord I thank you for the path you have put me on
even though it is dark and I don’t know where it is going, I know you are my
provider and all I have and need is from you and the great blessing you have
for me. I ask you to help me to keep my eyes on you as I search for my new job.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
February 11 2016 WORK WORK WORK
Reading: Acts 18 and Genesis 39-40
Scripture: Genesis 39:2, The Lord was with Joseph, and he
became a successful man, and he was in the house of his Egyptian master.
Observation: God was with Joseph even though his brothers
had issues with him and sold him into slavery. Joseph was faithful and even
though there were may things that could have got him down and grown bitter for
the situation he ended up in. Joseph worked hard and God blessed him.
Application: Even when things look bad and all things seem
to be working against you, God is with you and we need to work as if to the
lord. This week on Monday I was told that this was my last week at my job, it
was hard to keep working and work well. I wanted to tell my boss where to get
off and walk out but I had to pull myself up and set my pride aside and
continue to do my job to the best of my ability until today when I worked my
last day.
Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing watching you open and close
doors in my life. I thank you for the great blessing you have poured out on me
and have to continue pouring out. Lord I ask for your understanding and help me
to be vigilant in whatever work you have form me.
February 10th 2016 Just support me!!
Reading: Acts 17 and Geneses 37-38
Scripture: Genesis 37:10 But when he told it to his father
and to his brothers, his father rebuked him and said to him, “What is this
dream that you have dreamed? Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed
come to bow ourselves to the ground before you?”
Observation: In that culture the idea that parents and older
brothers showing honor to a younger brother was almost unheard of so having the
second youngest in the house saying that he had a dream where his brothers and
parents would bow down to him was ridiculous. But also there is Joseph’s
feeling like God is calling me to this greatness and I’m sharing this with my
family and no one thinks I can do it.
Application: I think this is another perspective thing, we
all have our talents and skills and God has called us all into his service. We may
see that we could be great or even know that we are awesome at something but no
one sees it or believes that you can do it. We need to trust in God’s
perspective and know that he is working these this for our good. As I get told
my job is going to end in a few days I though that this job was a step in the
right direction to a career and my be it was but he has another place for me.
Prayer: Lord I thank you for the great blessing you have for
me. I ask in this time of seeking that you help me to find the next step in
your plan and the direction you have for me using the gifts that I have. Lord
you are so wonderful providing all that we need.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
February 9, 2016 Falling on your sword.
Reading: Acts 16 and Geneses 36
Scripture: Acts 16:27, When the jailer woke and saw that the
prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself,
supposing that the prisoners had escaped.
Observation: In those days if a prisoner was to escape or be
released early on accident the guard would at minimum be required to finish the
sentence themselves or could be put to death. Fearing the worst this guard was
going to take his own life to save his family the disgrace of having him in
prison or killed.
Application: This guard was blessed in that Paul and the
others were there and kept him alive and shared the gospel with him. Even in
bad situations we are to find Joy and look for ways God will bless us and we
can further his work.
Prayer: Lord Thank you for all your blessing, the time you
took to form us in our mothers womb and the fact you know the number of hears
on each of our heads. Lord, I need you help seeing the good in the bad
situations and the good you have in this day.
February 8, 2016 Third day Pain!!
Reading: Acts 15 Geneses 34-35
Scripture: Geneses 34:25, On the third day, when they were
sore, two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers, took their
swords and came against the city while it felt secure and killed all the males.
Observation: On the surface I love this story these brothers
conspiring to kill all these men are in pain and starting to heal from
circumcision, because they had defiled their sister. In conjunction with what
was going on with Acts 15 where there is a large debate on if the Gentiles
needed to adhere to the laws of Moses and be circumcised when they believe.
Application: My takeaway from this reading today it the idea
that we need to make sure that we are not letting good things and Things of God
not be used by the evil one. Sex in the right context (inside a Marriage
between a man and a woman) is a wonderful thing but if we listen to what the
world has to say we would be doing what ever feels good at the time. We need to
keep the things of God holy and not use them improperly.
Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing creating the vast world and
universe for us to enjoy and spend time with you. I thank you for the blessings
that come each day even the ones that don’t look like it. Lord I ask you to
help us to not let the world twist our views on things that you have meant for
holy use.
Friday, February 5, 2016
February 5, 2016 Is this real???
Reading: Acts 12 and Geneses 29-30
Scripture: Acts 12:9, And he went out and followed him. He
did not know that what was being done by the angel was real, but thought he was
seeing a vision.
Observation: How often have I been oblivious to the things
God is doing around me and sitting around wondering can this be real. My house
is one of those biggest “is this real” moments I have experienced.
Application: I think that the greatest take away from this
is, no mater what God tells you to do, you do it. Even if it looks crazy and
would never work in your own mind do it any ways because God could be saving
you from something you didn’t see coming.
Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing, you know the directions we
are taking and where we need to turn left and right. I thank you for the
directions you have given me thus far in my life and for those yet to come. I
ask you to help me to see each and every step and when to take each step. Open
the doors you have for me and close the ones that you know will harm my
relationship with you and my family.
February 4th 2016 MINE MINE
Reading: Acts11 and Geneses 27-28
Scripture: Geneses 27:36, Esau said, “Is he not rightly
named Jacob? For he has cheated me these two times. He took away my birthright,
and behold, now he has taken away my blessing.” Then he said, “Have you not
reserved a blessing for me?”
Observation: For me this kind of hits home in that I feel
like I’m trying to do everything right but everyone else gets blessed with the
things I think I want. I think in some ways this is human nature, and I know
it’s the mentality of most if not all Americans. We are never satisfied with
what we have, the grass is always greener and I never have enough.
Application: We need to learn to be content with what we
have and be willing at any point (if God asks us to) give it all away and start
over. Being a good steward of what we have is a great start. Instead of asking
God “Don’t you still have something for me?” we can ask, “Who can I bless today?”
This is one of the hardest things to change because it starts young, one of the
first things kids learn to say is “MINE” we are selfish and I think the first
step to changing that is remembering that none of it is yours. It all belongs
to God.
Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing you provide and give us the
opportunity to share and give. I thank you for everything you have given me to
honor you with and I ask you to help me to keep the right perspective of wants,
needs and calling. You have provided us with the means to own our home and
always have food on the table.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
February 3, 2016 I'm just a Man.
Reading: Acts 10 and Geneses 25-26
Scripture: Acts 10:26, But Peter lifted him up, saying,
“Stand up; I too am a man.
Observation: This section jumped out at me today but I
didn’t really know why. As I thought about it things that have come to me have
been questions like; “Is there someone I hold in too high esteem?” or “Do I
think too highly of myself?” Lately I guess I have been struggling with self
worth issues feeling like I not doing what I’m meant to do. But this scripture
reminds me that even the greatest of preachers and teachers of our world as
still just men, just saved sinner like me.
Application: Jesus came to this world to save us through his
death and resurrection, not so that we can judge people or even ourselves by
the public image that some great speaker or evangelist like Billy Graham or
Luis Palau. I know that I am my worst critic we need to remember that we all
are saved sinners no matter the sin God look at it all the same way and it all
separates us from God. Don’t allow yourself to think as more or less then what
God calls you, Sons and Daughters of God.
Prayer: Lord, thank you so much from sending your Son to die
on the cross so that we can be brought back into right standing with you. I
thank you for the opportunities you place before me and the direction you have
for my life. Lord, I ask that you help me keep things in proper perspective it
is so easy to allow myself to think too little or too much myself and what I
have done. Lord I also ask your blessings on all who read this blog and may
your work be done though it.
February 2, 2016
Reading: Acts 9 and Geneses 24
Scripture: Acts 9:15, But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he
is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and
the children of Israel.
Observation: This reminds me that I/we as Christians have
this tendency to look at the outside judge on appearance and background if
these sinners can serve God. Just before this section, Ananias was saying to
God you can’t want me to go to that guy, he will kill me, he is one BAD guy. I
know that I have had moments like that. I will look around at church and think
why are they here.
Application: God then says to us they are my Chosen
instrument, we all are chosen instruments. As an instrument we need to find out
purpose, yes there is the Great Commission and yes we are all to share the word
with the world around us. We are all given talents; our purpose is what we do
with those talents.
Prayer: Lord you are so amazing, Thank you for the blessings
that you pour out on us daily. Lord I ask you to help us to set aside our biases
based on looks and background and love people as you love people. I also ask
that you help us to see our talents and seek to serve you better with them.
Monday, February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016 I need a guide!!!!!
Rearing: Acts 8 and Geneses 22-23
Scripture: Acts 8:31, And he said, “How can I, unless
someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
Observation: This scripture stood out to me for the fact
that it is so easy to just read the Bible as just a story or a history and not
let it speak to you. I do think that there is a lot that we can get from the
word ourselves and with the help of the Holy Spirit but there are things that
we need help to understand. We don’t all just understand it all and that is why
the disciples spent three years with Jesus getting to know him and learning
from him.
Application: We are to have teachers in our lives to help us
to understand and grasp the things the Bible has for us. We are all called to
come to an understanding and to share our experiences with God but others are
called to be teaches and preachers, those of us who are called into those roles
spend more time in the word and helping others to understand the things of the
Bible that are less obvious. Always have someone who is more knowledged then
you are whom you can go to. Even those who teach need someone to go to, we all
need someone who will tell us if we are going of course with our thinking when
reading the word.
Prayer: Lord I think you for the great blessings that you
have poured out on me, watching my daughter grow and develop, and watching you
bring fourth another day. Lord I ask you to help me to hear your Holy Spirit
and perceive the meaning to your word and also remind me I have those around me
who have studied more and I can go and be pastured by. Help me to foster those
relationships so that I can grow deeper with you lord.
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