Thursday, November 27, 2014

War is all around us.

At service this week, we had guest speakers and that spoke on how it is so easy to say that, the Spiritual War out there is for the pastors and the supper Godly. As Christians we are called into that war, this war may not be something easily seen or something we thought about when we first found the Lord but we are all in the mist of that war. A war that God has already won, through the death and resurrection of his Son. We are all called to do our part to share God’s love with those around us. As scary as it is we need to open ourselves up to saying "Yes Lord I am here, use me to touch those around me".

God will use you for so many things if you can leave yourself behind and listen to when he says things like “Go talk to that person over there” or “help them” or even “open your house to them.” We all have different gifts that we are to use to share God’s love, find what God has called you to do and continue to listen to those Breezes. Stay in the word, Listen for his calling and direction, Listen when he says go, and say yes even if it seems odd or uncomfortable God will work through you.

We also have to remember that the Spiritual War is being waged even within ourselves. We do things we know are wrong and we don’t do things we aught to. Paul puts it this way in Romans 7:14-20 -the bracketed and italic words are mine just for clarification- being that it can sound like Paul has lost his mind when you first read this.

For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin. For I (the spirit) do not understand my own (flesh’s) actions. For I (the flesh) do not do what I (the spirit) want, but I (the flesh) do the very thing I (the spirit) hate. Now if I (the flesh) do what I (the Spirit) do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. So now it is no longer I (the spirit) who do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I (the spirit) have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I (the flesh) do not do the good I (the Spirit) want, but the evil I (the spirit) do not want is what I (the flesh) keep on doing. Now if I (the flesh) do what I (the spirit) do not want, it is no longer I (the spirit) who do it, but sin that dwells within me.

We are at war; we are always going to have opposition to doing what God calls us to do. Some times that opposition comes from within us, and our own fears. I have many times just continued on with what I was doing thinking it was more important that the little voice and breeze that I heard saying go do this or that, speak to this person or that person. We all have that Flesh desire to do what I want and not do what the Holy Spirit calls us to so we can walk though that small gate we are called to.

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