This morning in the radio I heard the song "Keep making me" by Sidewalk Profits. This song speaks about asking God to break us so that we can be healed and empty us so we can be filled. We have the tendencies to let the world slowly creep into our lives that before we notice we have become callused and we can't feel God's love in our lives. God is love and he wants to fill us with it so that it overflows. In the overflow of love we are to share God's love with all who are around us. I feel that we need to be regularly broken down emptied out so that God can take the credit for who we are. Also we are to be broken down so that those calluses of life can be softened and removed to that our hearts can feel God’s love clearly and share it.
As I looked at the name of the group "Sidewalk Profits" I started to think about the prophetic teachings of Mark and Ann Tubbs. The Tubbs have teamed up with our church and when they are in town they come and teach on Prophecy at our church. For the longest time I thought of the prophetic as weird future telling people in the church, at time I even thought it was something that just happened in Bible times. But learning what prophecy is opened my eyes to many more of God's breezes and 2x4s. Prophecy is not speaking some weird spiritual future to someone (but that can happen), it is about putting yourself aside and letting God's love speak through you and speaking God's love into the lives of those around you.
As you spend more time in quiet fellowship with our Lord and Savor you are able to hear and see things that God has for you, whether it is the next step in your life as you are faithfully completing the last or if it is a word or something to someone around you. Believe me when you first step out in faith and share with some one something you feel is from God it will feel weird and odd but one day God may use that to touch them in a way they never knew they needed. Then again it could give them a direction as I got when couples I never met and had no clue the things going on in me and I was told to not use this money for a bankruptcy but go to Mexico and give of yourself.
God has provided every need that me and my wife have had and we still struggle at times letting him have full control even though we know, he knows better then we do on what we need and where we are to go. As we struggle to give it all to God, we also try to spend our time listening to the breezes so we can share God's love and hear his plan for our lives.
With the second part of their name referring to who we are to be, those who's Christ's love flows through the first part of there name signals us a direction, we are to take his love to where the people are. On the sidewalk we can reach out and touch the lives of those in our neighborhoods, cities, states, and to the world. Go and share God's love through the gospel and through his love. I hope and pray that God keeps making me new every day.
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