Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Being cleansed or getting dirty

Reading: Job 3&4 and Luke 7

Scripture: Luke 7:14, Then he came up and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.”

Thoughts: It has been odd the times I have been around a dead body or even touched one. Social normal cause us to try to avoid and not talk about death let alone the body of the one lost. The Jews when Jesus did this had a harsher stigma against it because of the uncleanliness that would get on them for touching a body and you were to only allow yourself to become unclean for your closest family. Jesus not only was breaking the norms and was willing to touch the bier, but as he spoke instead of taking on the uncleanness, he cleansed it to the point of raising this young man. We all have been washed by Jesus but sometimes we hold onto things. what uncleanness are you walking in that you need to give up? Or are you walking into a situation where you need to show God love and share the cleansing blood of Christ?

Prayer: Father God you are so good. I know I have let myself be distracted by the world and by the busyness of life both the good and the bad. I thank you that you are here calling me back into a right standing with you. I thank you for my family and the blessings that you allow me to steward. I ask for your forgiveness and your strength to overcome the distractions of this world. I place all that I have in your hands and ask for your wisdom and guidance to walk through the trials ahead.