Sunday, January 31, 2021

Listening in the midst of fear.

Reading: Genesis 20-21, Acts 7, and Matthew 2

Scripture: Genesis 21:17, And God heard the voice of the boy, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is.

Thoughts: When looking at that timeline of when Ishmael and Abraham were circumcised and when Isaac was born and weaned it is most likely that Ishmael would have been about 16-17 years old when Abraham at request of Sarah cast him and his mother out. Not sure how it would have come about but the word says she “let me not look on the death of the child” when he would have been a young man and would have been raised in sojourning life and known something about survival. He apparently had some of his father’s faith that he was heard by God. Even in the midst of possible death and despair they reached out to God and listened to him. Are we listening to God even when we are in a place of fear?

Prayer: Father you are the so wonderful, the joy and peace you bring, the leading and guiding you give us even when we struggle to hear or listen to you. I thank you for the refining you are doing in my life, the molding of me into the man, leader, and father you have called me to be. I thank you for the gift of my family the joy and struggles that come from it. I thank you for the people in my life that continually point me back to you. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you give us to steward and use to point to you. I ask that you help open my eyes to your directions and leadings every day. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

10 salty people could have saved them.

Reading: Genesis 18-19, Psalm 61, Acts 6, and Matthew 1

Scripture: Genesis 18:32, Then he said, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten are found there.” He answered, “For the sake of ten I will not destroy it.”

Thoughts: In Matthew 5:13 we are called the salt of the world and as the salt we are to flavor the world with God’s Righteousness and through the good news of Jesus Christ, preserve the world from decay and spoiling. As Abraham was speaking with the Lord they came down to if ten righteous people were found he would not destroy those cities and valley. The salt ten people would have had the preservation power to save that area. We are not to just sit in our churches and absorb whatever the preachers spew at us every week, we are to at every opportunity salt the world around us with the Gospel truth. 

Prayer: Father God, you are our source of saltiness, you give us the opportunity to spread that salt throughout our world, wherever we go we are called to spread the salt of your love. I thank you that you are placing those opportunities before us every day. I thank you for the grace and mercy you pour out on us every day. I thank you for my family and the joy and trials that come from my them. I thank you for the Molding and refining you are doing in my life. Lead me and guide me help me to be the salt you call me to be and to overcome the evil of the devil’s schemes. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

God's plan

Reading: Genesis 15-17, Acts 5, and Revelation 22

Scripture: Genesis 17:6, I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make you into nations, and kings shall come from you.

Thoughts: When reading this passage this morning God had me notice how here after Ishmael was born and being told of the promise of Isaac he was also talk that his offspring would be nations and kings. After coming out of Egypt his offspring became a nation and after taking Canaan and generations of having judges listening to God and judging the people they wanted a king. Hundreds of years after the promise of nations as kings because he knew what the people were going to want and become before promising it to Abraham. Let us walk in our plan and your directions. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful knowing what we need and what we will become before you have promised them to us. I thank you for all you are doing in my life and in this world. I thank you for the family you have given to me not biological and spiritual. I thank you for the refining and molding you are doing in my life leading and guiding me in your plans. I thank you for the opportunity to steward your great wealth. Open our eyes to the greater plans and the greater ways that are your plans and ways. Lead us in your plans and not our own. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Walking the length and breadth

 Reading: Genesis 12-14, Acts 4, and Revelation 21


Scripture: Genesis 13:17, Arise, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.


Thoughts: Abram who had been following God waiting to be shown the land that God had promised was just told ok you are standing in that land I’m giving you. He was just told go walk the land the length and breadth of it. We are given many things as well by God, just as Abram and later Joshua we are told what to do to receive the land that God already said was theirs, we are also told what we need to do and that we are to walk out in faith. Just as Abram and Joshua let us start walking and claim what God has for us. 


Prayer: Father God, you own it all you know where every path leads and where every trap and stronghold is. I thank you that you do light our path and lead us in your plans and I get to be apart of it. I thank you that you are molding me and guiding me into the man and leader you are calling me to be. I thank you for your discerning spirit that helps me along the path. I thank you for my family and the joy and direction they bring to my life. I thank you for the ability to steward some of your great wealth and the provisions and blessings that it brings. Open my eyes to your path and the lands that you have for me to walk. 


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

How Beautiful!!!

Reading: Job 41-42, Genesis 11, Acts 3, and Revelation 20

Scripture: Acts 3:2, And a man lame from birth was being carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple that is called the Beautiful Gate to ask alms of those entering the temple. 

Thoughts: In my experience most people stick to one or two translations of the Bible most of their lives and fewer spend time looking into definitions of the words in the original texts. Just the other day I had heard something about the Beautiful Gate, after hearing about the meaning of the word that was translated as beautiful I found this: Strong's Definitions: ὡραῖος hōraîos, ho-rah'-yos; from G5610; belonging to the right hour or season (timely), i.e. (by implication) flourishing (beauteous (figuratively)):—beautiful. This gate was not being called “nice to look at” but it was being called “proper timing or the right hour.” When we look at this passage and the miracle that happen, it is in perfect timing that the man was healed even after being laid at that gate daily. God’s timing is almost always different than our own so be patient, God is not done with you and that miracle you are waiting for will make bigger waves in God’s timing. 

Prayer: Father God you are so wonderful, speaking to us through your word, through the still small voice and the breeze. I thank you for speaking to us this way and even using the 2x4 some times to get our attention. I thank you for the work you are doing in me, the molding and refining of who I am. I thank you for those you have placed in my life to continually point me to you. I thank you for the joy that my family brings. I thank you for the opportunity to steward some of your wealth and the provision and blessings that come from that. I ask that you open our eyes to your timing to that beautiful timing that leads to great blessings to the world around us. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Just shut it!!

Reading: Job 39-40 and Acts 2


Scripture: Job 40:4, Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth.


Thoughts: Growing up I heard the term man of few words used frequently. When you go back to old movies particularly I feel in old westerns the man of few words was a standard. Between Job’s friends and Job refuting them there was lots of words but here Job is saying ok God I will Shut my mouth. Today we have become a society that seem to value the unending scroll of words coming from us and those we follow. Are we quieting ourselves and listening to God even if he gets snarky with us or are we to busy scrolling to hear God speak?


Prayer: Father God, you know all and see all, you are in control of all things and lead me in green pastures, you take care of all needs. I thank you thank you sent your son to live and die a d rise again. I thank you work you are doing in my life and the leading you have for me. I thank you you for all your provision and blessings. I ask that you help me to keep quiet when needed and to disconnect from the world when needed. 



Monday, January 25, 2021

Do not Depart!!!

Reading: Job 37-38, Acts 1, and Revelation 19

Scripture: Acts 1:4-5, And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”

Thoughts: I find it interesting that I had just gone through some teaching on this and now we are reading it again, so it is like I am having a repeating in life for a reason. Part of the things going through my head with this is that I remember that about 500 people saw Jesus after the resurrection and were told to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the father yet when we get to Acts 2 there will be only 120 left in the upper room waiting. There were about 10 days between when Jesus was taken up to when the Holy Spirit filled the 120. Are we staying where or Going to where God told us to God or are we following our own thoughts and desires? 

Prayer: Lord God, you are so wonderful and overwhelm me with your love and joy. You are in control and you work all things together for the good of those whom are yours. I lay my life before you and long to walk in your ways. I thank you for all that you are doing and have done in my life. I thank you for the molding and refining you are doing in my life. I thank you for my family and the joy they being and how they help me to understand you more as a father and the bridegroom. I thank you for the ability to steward some of your great wealth and thank you that your great storerooms are open to us. I ask that you help us to hear your word, your direction that we may go and remain where you have called and placed us. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Oh Babylon

Reading: Job 36, Luke 24, and Revelation 18

Scripture: Revelation 18:3, For all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”

Thoughts: Living in western society I have the bias of looking at things though the lens of the western world and the greatness if it. As I was reading this morning in revelation about Babylon and it being described as a woman and how all the nations and kings of the world will do things with her and grow rich through her. In todays world to me Babylon appears to be China, as the Chinees Communist party works to infiltrate into the other governments and trying to buy the leadership and becoming one of the leading manufactures of almost everything. We are to be praying for our nations, praying for our leaders, from local all that way to the top. Pray God’s will, God’s plan be done. Pray for it to be here as it is in heaven. If we are coming into the end times and the tribulations, persecutions are coming for the entire bride of Christ. Let us seek God every day. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, the joy and peace that rain from your throne, the mercy and grace that you showed us at the cross. I thank you for all that you have done and continue to do in my life. I worship you with all I have and all I am. I place my life in your hands. I thankyou for your refining and molding you are doing in me. I thank you for my family and those who are as family. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you give us to steward. I ask that you to be with this nation and its leadership, encounter them in a way this is undeniable, lead them and guide them into knowing you and seeking you and your plan for this country. I lift us the leaders of my state, county, and city, asking for you to encounter them and guide them in your ways. I seek your will be done here and that it be here as it is in your kingdom and in heaven. Pour your love upon this world, pour your healing upon this world that your power and majesty be known. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

What is your crowd?

Reading: Job 35, Psalm 6, Luke 23, and Revelation 17

Scripture: Luke 23:20-22, Pilate addressed them once more, desiring to release Jesus, but they kept shouting, “Crucify, crucify him!” A third time he said to them, “Why? What evil has he done? I have found in him no guilt deserving death. I will therefore punish and release him.”

Thought: As I was reading this again, I thought about the three different groups that were around in this situation. The religious leaders, the government, and Christs followers. The religious leaders had gotten comfortable in the positions of power and influence they had in this world to the point that it blinded them to the truth of you Jesus was, the government was just trying to keep the peace, and the followers of Jesus had theirs eyes opened to who Jesus was but when the government and religious leaders grabbed Jesus most of them scattered. Where are we sitting today? Is there a fear of loss of power and influence? Is there fear of the government? Are we part of the crowd shouting for some sort of crucifixion? Are we making judgments that only God is qualified to make? Seek after God with your entire heart, soul, and mind. Reflect God’s love to the world around you. 

Prayer: Lord, God you are in control, you knew what needed to transpire and how to get it done to give the world the opportunity to be apart of the family through the gift of salvation given through your son’s death and resurrection. I thank you that you are leading and guiding us. I thank you for the gift of salvation and reconciliation that you have given us. I thank you for my family. I thank you for your refining and molding you are continually doing. I thank you for the ability to steward some of your great wealth and the provision it brings. I ask that you help me to see where I am at and if I need to change directions. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

How much influence?

Reading: Job 34 and Luke 22

Scripture: Luke 22:25-26, And he said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those in authority over them are called benefactors. But not so with you. Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves.

Thoughts: I know that I can have thoughts of grandeur of being rich and famous and getting to a place of influence and power. We have the power and influence that God wants and needs us to have. As we walk in the calling that God has placed upon us and continue to step out in faith to the next thing that is placed before us, we will be equipped with what we need for that portion of the plan. As a solder your knowledge of the plan increases with your rank and you only increase in rank ask you continue to obey orders and do the things that are told to you. We are called to not be like the world seeking power and influence but to be the servant. 

Prayer: Lord God, you have all authority over heaven and earth, your commands and your plans are above all. I thank you that you have a place for me to serve in your plan. I thank you that you are in control. I thank you for the leadership and lift them before you lead them and guide them. I thank you for my family and friends that bring joy and rebuke. I thank you for your provisions that you allow me to steward. I ask that you remind me of the next step and give me the strength to walk in your plan even when I do not know where I am going. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

I'm about to blow

Reading: Job 32-33, Luke 21, and Revelation 16

Scripture: Job 32:17-20, I also will answer with my share; I also will declare my opinion. For I am full of words; the spirit within me constrains me. Behold, my belly is like wine that has no vent; like new wineskins ready to burst. I must speak, that I may find relief; I must open my lips and answer.

Thoughts: As Elihu starts speaking up he starts in on how he was being polite and things by letting them speak first. But as he goes on, we get to where its his turn and he talks about, his share and his opinion. He was getting to a place of explosion because he held himself back. Are we holding ourselves back to be polite and let others go before we let our opinions fly? Are we bubbling up with God’s word and his leading or are we just wanting to out our own opinions that are vaguely related to God? 

Prayer: Father God, you are the one who justifies, and judges. Your word is firm and stands the test of time. I stand on the rock if your word. I thank you for the molding and refining you have done in me and are still doing. I thank you for those around me who continue to point me to you. I thank you my family and the joy they bring. I thank you for the hope you poor out on us every day. I thank you for your provisions and the ability to steward it well. I ask that you help us to speak your words and not spout out own rhetoric and opinions lead us to your truth to share.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

What kind of tenant are we?

Reading: Job 30-31, Luke 20, and Revelation 15

Scripture: Luke 20:16, He will come and destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to others.” When they heard this, they said, “Surely not!”

Thoughts: As I was reading the Parable of the wicked tenants first like the religious leaders I was looking at it though their lenses then I thought about todays world. The amount of greed and corruption in this world not to mention what has creeped into the Church through misguided doctrines and thought the desire for power and wealth that has created an environment much like when Jesus walked the earth. We as followers of Christ are called to share the gospel, and the world is full of wicked tenants, we are going to be beaten and sent away as we come and present the Son, one day that vineyard will be taken from those wicked tenants. Are we walking in our calling to share the gospel or are we standing back and watching? 

Prayer: Father you are the owner of all things, you have given this world to us to steward and give us what we need. I thank you that we get to steward this world. I thank you that you are in control and will raise up those you want and bring down those you want. I place myself at the lowest place and asked to be used where needed. I thank you for family and friends who point me to you and being Joy into my life. I thank you for all you have done in me and are continuing to work in me. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us and the church. I ask that you help us to remain good tenants and workers, sharing your love and grace to the world around us. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Looking forward


Reading: Job 29, Psalm 121, Luke 19, and Revelation 14


Scripture: Luke 19:33-35, And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?” And they said, “The Lord has need of it.” And they brought it to Jesus, and throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it.


Thoughts: As these disciples went to get this colt that they were told would be there, these men had to be so excited thinking he was going to do one of the things that had been prophesied. Next they told the owner of this colt the Lord has need of it so he most likely knew the prophecies and he would have gotten excited and told everyone around him what was going on. Everyone in the Jewish community, in those days should have had been taught how to look for the Messiah. Israel was waiting and watching for the Messiah to liberate them, so when when these different things fit into their teaching the great excitement would bubble up. There is much confusion on what the end times will look like and how much of it we will experience. Are we just sitting back waiting to see what happens or are we listening to God and looking for the signs? Like Israel knew what signs to look for in the Messiah we have some signpost to watch for. 


Prayer: Father you know that day and time, you have our days numbered. Your wisdom is so great and I long to walk in it. I thank you for your guidance and direction in my life. I thank you for your molding and refining that you continue to work in me. I thank you for those people in my life that point me to you, my family and friends. I thank you for the ability to steward the things you give me. I ask that you give me the wisdom to do what needs to be done and to live with intention and anticipation of those signs you have for us to see.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Speaking the truth

Reading: Job 27-28, Luke 18, and revelation 13

Scripture: Luke 18:37-38, They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” And he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Thoughts: As I was reading about this blind beggar who is crying out to Jesus, I noticed that what he called out was different than what he was told. Maybe he overheard people talking about his lineage of being the descendant of David but instead of calling him by the name given to him he calls out “Son of David” declaring a portion of prophecy being true in Jesus. Whether he overheard something or Holy Spirit opened his eyes to this before Jesus opened his eyes to the world, I don’t know but are we willing to speak up and speak to truth in love no matter the outcome or are we trying to preserve something we have that could be lost? 

Prayer: Father it is all yours, you are always providing and making sure that what we need it there when we need it. I thank you for all you are doing in my life. I thank you that you are leading and guiding me in all that I do. I thank you for those around me and the guidance they have and the ability to point to you. I ask for your continual refining and molding every day. 

Remove the rear-view

Reading: Job 24-26, Luke 17, and Revelation 12

Scripture: Like 17:32-33, Remember Lot’s wife. Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.

Thoughts: We are created with self-preservation hardwired into us, pull your hand away from the fire to keep from getting burned, or get away from something unknow. Science calls it our fight or flight response. As Jesus talked about the way people were going to be taken up, he drops “Remember Lot’s wife.” It seems like he is making the point with what follows that if we are looking in our rear-view mirrors trying to focus on where we came from, we are going to lose that what we are longing for. When we focus on God and continue to follow and seek him no matter if it is in this life or the next what we lost will be restored to us. 

Prayer: Father, it is all yours, you are the creator and the one who raises up and brings down. You work all things for the good of those who are yours. I Thank you that you are working all things. I thank you that you are molding and refining me every day. I thank you for my family and the joy they bring. I thank you for the opportunities to steward those things you place before us. I ask that you help me to not seek after those things I once had and focus on you and where we are going. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Witness this!!

Reading: Job 22-23, Luke 16, and Revelation 11

Scripture: Revelation 11:9-10, For three and a half days some from the peoples and tribes and languages and nations will gaze at their dead bodies and refuse to let them be placed in a tomb, and those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and make merry and exchange presents, because these two prophets had been a torment to those who dwell on the earth.

Thoughts: In this portion of Revelation the two witnesses would have great power from God then after the allotted time they would be killed. It says that nations will gaze upon their bodies and those who dwell on the earth with rejoice over them. A hundred years ago the fasted way to get news was through the paper and radio, then came TV where you could see and hear the news, today we are interconnected with the internet and our smartphones. We are more able to have to world see these two witnesses from anywhere in the world today then at any time in our history. With this great connection that we have now what are you letting be an influence on you? 

Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful, your glory shines from all creation. I long to linger in your presence and walk in your ways. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, I thank you for the molding and refining you are doing in me. I thank you for the people you place in my life and the people you use to point back to you. I thank you for my family. I thank you for the ability to steward what you have given me. I ask that you continue to place upon my heart your directions and your plan that I may serve within your plan. 


Reading: Job 20-21, Luke 15, and Revelation 10

Scripture: Revelation 10:9, So I went to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. And he said to me, “Take and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.”

Thoughts: When reading this I felt like this applied to today and much of what media and politicians are saying. We are being told of these great ideals the peace and utopian future and the striving to get there. The sweet words and things we want to hear and even the call to fear the world around us can sound sweet but when we get down to the policies and when we have taken it in, it will be bitter in our stomach, it will turn us against one another and divide us more. It seemed like an interesting comparison of revelation and the way the media and politicians appear to be doing things today.

Prayer: Father God, your wisdom is great and your power overwhelms me, your creation cries out your worship and glory. I lay my perceptions at your feet and long to walk in yours. I thank you for the discernment you allow me to look through. I thank you for your Word and the opportunity to hear you though it every day. I thank you for your molding and refining you are working in my life. I thank you for my family and friend. I thank you for the opportunity to steward a portion of what it yours. I ask that you continue to open my eyes to the truth and walk in your ways. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Sealed on our foreheads????

Reading: Job 17-19, Luke 14, and Revelation 9

Scripture: Revelation 9:4, They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

Thoughts: When I have heard people talking about Revelation and the end times, I hear primarily one of two things; I do not care I will not be here, or It will be the scariest time ever. There will definitely be somethings that will be scary, in this verse it leads me to believe that if there is a rapture before any of the crazy hits the fan, there will still be some here on earth in the fact that it says that those sealed will not be harmed. During this time when these locust-like creatures with scorpion stings come, those sealed may see them pass them by and attack others around them. Our hearts, souls, and body need to be surrendered to the Father daily and completely with our full faith and trust in Christ Jesus and what he did on the cross. I do not want to live in fear but be ready when the end comes. 

Prayer: Father you are in control, you know when the end will come and how it will come. I thank you that you are in control and long to not veer from your path. I thank you for your plan and your directions that I strive to walk in. I thank you for your molding and refining that you are doing in my life. I thank you for my family and those around me who are like family. I thank you for you your blessings and provisions you give us the opportunities to steward and use for your glory. Lead us and guide us in your ways and help us to keep our eyes on you when the world around us is calling for our attention. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Lofty Speech

Reading: Job 15-16, Luke 13, and Revelation 8

Scripture: Job 15:2-3, Should a wise man answer with windy knowledge, and fill his belly with the east wind? Should he argue in unprofitable talk, or in words with which he can do no good?

Thoughts: As I read this my mind also went to where Paul is writing to the Corinthians about not coming to them with lofty speech. It is easy so learn big words or find ways to sound intelligent. Do the words we use build us up or are they meant to build up others and point to God. After spending may years getting an education and writing papers and such where they are looking for that, we need to remember that it is not about us but about the one who made us and calls us his own. 

Prayer: Father God, your grace abounds over us all and your love drenches us. Your creation shouts of your glory. I lay my pride and lofty speech at your feet. I thank you for your refining in my life the removal of things, I ask you heat me again and remove more. Mold me into the man you need me to be. I thank you for my family I thank you for the provisions, help me to steward them properly. I ask that you help me to continuously lay down my lofty speech and walk in your path. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

What are you Doing?

Reading: Job 13-14 and Luke 12

Scripture: Luke 12:43-44, Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions.

Thoughts: For the last few weeks stewardship has been on my mind, the idea of taking care of or using properly something that is not yours. When reading this passage, I saw this from a different point of view, normally when I have read this it was to get to the rest of the parable where it talks about how not to act. This passage also is saying that when we do our job that thing that has been placed before us to take care of and use properly, we will be blessed. What do you have and how is it being used? Are we using what we have, to further God’s kingdom or our own? 

Prayer: Father God, you own all things, you created all things, you are in control of all things. I long to relinquish my perception of control to you and walk in your path. I thank you that you have laid a path before us and given us a direction. I thank you that you are leading and guiding us. I thank you that you continually mold and refine me. I thank you for my family I thank you for my brothers and sisters in Christ who help point me to you. I thank you for your provisions that you place in my life to be stewarded. I ask that you help me to grow in your skills to steward better. 

Monday, January 11, 2021


Reading: Job 11-12, Luke 11, and Revelation 7

Scripture: Luke 11:11-12, What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?

Thoughts: So often when I have heard people talking about this and the surrounding passages it is focused on the great gifts of God and this does speak to that. This morning as I read it my mind went to what are we asking for even though God is giving good gifts, but what are we asking for? God wants to bless us, but what are our motivations in our asking? Are we seeking his will, or our comfort, his directions, or a blessing on ours? How are we positioning ourselves before him who knows us better than we know ourselves?

Prayer: Lord God, you know our hearts, you know our desires. I long to walk in your ways, to let go of my desires and align my ways with your ways. I thank you that you lead and guide me, I thank you that you mold me and refine me. I thank you for those who point me to you and help me seek you more. I thank you for my family. I thank you for your provisions and the guidance in stewardship. I ask that you help me to align my heart to yours. 

Justifying myself

Reading: Job 9-10, Luke 10, and Revelation 6

Scripture: Luke 10:29, But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

Thoughts: When I came across this passage this morning, I had the thought how often do I try to justify myself to God? After hearing the commandment of love and being reminded that we are to love those around us, he wanted defined parameters so that he could have permission to not do something or hate a people group. It is easy to look for those justifications, looking at a list of sins, or looking at a difference in beliefs and writing them off. Are we justifying who we speak to, or who we share the gospel with though our own biases or are we going to love our neighbor?

Prayer: Father God, your abundant love pours over this world, I am drenched in your love, your creation cries out your praise. I long to linger in your presence and love as you love. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, I thank you for your molding and refining you are continually doing in me. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you give us the opportunity to steward. I ask that you help me to love as you love, and to not justify myself to you.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

How are you handling your plow?

Reading: Job 7-8 and Luke 9

Scripture: Luke 9:61-62, Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Thoughts: As I read this passage at the end of chapter 9 after the feeding of the 5000, after being told to take up our cross daily, it felt a little out of place but then I thought of what the agricultural environment would have looked like then. At that time, the plow would have a blade of some sort (metal, stone, or wood) that was on the end of a handle that also had a yolk system on it so work animals could pull it. When they would plow the person with their hands on the plow controlled where it went and how deep it went. As they plowed if they got distracted or started looking behind them the plow could dig in and get stuck or break the plow, it could come to the surface and skim across the top and be ineffective or when looking behind they can get off course. When comparing this to our walks I can see people so bogged down in something with their walk that movement becomes secondary or even tertiary what every is on their plate. Next I this is the most common thing in many churches is getting to the point where our efforts are only surface level we may be moving some dirt and making piles and lines but it lakes little work and looks like maybe something has been done. To get those strait lines in their fields they would pick a point way off in the distance to go towards, looking back we will get off that line we may get stuck or go to the surface. Our past will always be apart of us but when we lay our hands on the plow it needs to be our focus, noticing where the blade is in the ground and where we are going. When we spend too much time focusing on where we were, we will find ourselves off course, stuck, or completely being ineffective. How are you handling your plow?

Prayer: Father God, You are so wonderful, your glory shines upon us, your grace and mercy flow over us every day. I place my distractions and desires before you and long to walk in your ways. I thank you for the work you are doing in me for the molding and refining you are doing in my life. I thank you for family and friends, those who point me to you and those who walk beside me though the trials and tribulations of life. I thank you for your provisions, you take care of all. I ask that you help me to focus on that plow and where we are going. 

Friday, January 8, 2021


Reading: Job 5-6 and Luke 8

Scripture: Luke 8:43-44, And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone. She came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, and immediately her discharge of blood ceased.

Thoughts: In those days people with leprosy, discharges, women in mensuration or, anything that caused uncleanliness, were separated from everyone and if they came into a town or place where people were, they were to announce themselves so that people could get away. Her faith was not just believing that just touching Jesus’ robes would heal her but believe so that she went against the laws of the land. She was in the midst of this crowd and in Jewish eyes making everyone she touched unclean then to deliberately touch a teacher making him unclean. Her faith that healed her was not just in Jesus but so much so that she did something that possibly could have gotten her stoned to death for inflicting uncleanliness upon a crowd. Let our faith be so full that we do not worry about the consequences from this world and remember God is the one who provides all we need. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, you give us all we need, you pour out blessings we do not know or understand. I lay my pride and my comfort before you. I thank you for your molding and refining you are doing in my life. I thank you for being my family together and bring those friends who point me to you. I thank you for your provision and blessings. I thank you for all you are and all you do. I ask that you help me to walk in your strength and to have the faith and boldness to walk the path you have before me. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The next right thing

Reading: Job 3-4, Luke 7, and Revelation 5

Scripture: Job 3:11-12, Why did I not die at birth, come out from the womb and expire? Why did the knees receive me? Or why the breasts, that I should nurse?

Thoughts: So often when we are going through trials or things are hard, we talk about Job and all the things that were done to him and that he did not sin or curse God. As I was reading this sounded like the ravings of an extremely depressed man. I know we have the differing view from this side of the cross. Job is sitting there asking why am I here? Why did I not die in the womb or at birth. Job like many people do not know or see their purpose in the is world. We all cannot be Billy Graham or Chris Tomlin or name any other influential person, but we all have a part to play we all are part of the body of Christ. Just as Anna says in Frozen 2 “But you must go on and do the next right thing” We are call to a life of ups and downs battles and wars, but God had places something before us to keep striving for when we arrive at that step, he will reveal the next right thing. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, your glory shines from all creation, your love overflows my cup. I lay my desires at your feet and look to you for the next right thing. I thank you for all you are doing in my life the molding and refining that you are doing daily. I thank you for those you have brought into my life and point to you. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that are new every day. I ask that you help me to see the next steps and walk in your way. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Reading: Job 1-2, Luke 6, and Revelation 4

Scripture: Revelation 4:10-11, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

Thoughts: John is being shown heaven and the things that must happen and here at the end of this chapter John is shown these twenty-four elders throwing their crowns before God and worshiping. When Jesus taught the disciples to pray in Matthew 6:9-14, after saying how great God is, he said in verse 10 “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” In this prayer we are taught that we want to want God’s kingdom to be reflected here on earth in us and things to be like they are in heaven. So, are we casting down the crowns that have been placed upon us and worshiping the one true King? We are not meant to be searching for glory the Lord lifts up those he wills and brings down those he wills. Do not seek your glory or your crown seek to glorify God in all you do.

Prayer: Father God you are above all and in all, your glory is shouted by all creation. Lord left your will be done here, help me to work in your plan and shine a light on your in all I do. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, the molding, the refining, and the redirection you place in my life when needed. I thank you for my family, I thank you for the men who help point me to you. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you give us to steward and I ask that you help me to steward well over what you are giving us. Help me to cast down any crowns that I have gathered for myself or ones that have been given to me, these are not my identity, my identity is in you. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Where is the compass pointing???

Reading: Genesis 9-10, Luke 5, and Revelation 3

Scripture: Revelation 3:3, Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you.

Thoughts: Just life the early Christians there are times where we will make mistakes, when we make mistakes that takes us off God’s true north, like placing a magnet near a compass it no longer points north. If we are not repenting and not removing that magnet from our compass that is to be pointing to God. We have been told of the signs of the times but without repentance we will not recognize what God is doing and he may come against us or turn us over to our evil desires (Psalm 81:12)

Prayer: Father God, your ways a better than my ways, your thoughts are higher than my thoughts, your creations shines your glory to all. I lay my life before you, I seek to walk in your ways and by your might. I thank you that you are watching over me. I thank you that you are refining and molding me into the man you need me to be. I thank you for my family. I thank you for those you have brought around me who keep me accountable. I thank you for your provisions your leading and your guiding in my life. I ask that you help me to see when I have developed or place a magnet near my compass and how to remove it in your name. 

An Opportune time?!?!

Reading: Genesis 6-8 and Luke 4

Scripture: Luke 4:13, And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.

Thoughts: The devil left until an opportune time, he did this with Christ trying to find opportunities to tempt or get him to mess up so that he could win against God. He is doing the same thing today, we have the authority to cast him out, to tell him to go and to ask for God’s strength to overcome something, but he will leave until an opportune time. I have heard churches meaning to or not make it sound like once you come to Christ you no longer have any issues or troubles, that is a lie from the pits of hell we are at war, our desires vs the devil’s desires vs God’s plan, and desires. The devil will use everything he can to distract and get our desires to stop aligning with God’s plan. We can cast him out but he will return at an opportune time to try again.

Prayer: Lord God, you are consistent, unchanging, and unmoving. I place my life in your hands, mold me and make me in your image. I thank you for the molding and refining you are doing in my life. I thank you for those around me that point me to you when I get distracted. I thank you for my family and the joy they bring. I thank you for my community of brothers who are there for me. I thank you for your provisions and blessing that you have given us to steward and help those who need it. I ask for your strength to overcome the attacks of the evil one and the discernment to see them. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

I am my own man!!

Reading: Genesis 4-5, Luke 3, and Revelation 2

Scripture: Genesis 4:9, Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?”

Thoughts: As I read this passage my mind went to my community, not the place where I live, but the people I surround myself with, these men are my Brothers, My Foxhole. As much as Cain was playing off that he was his own man and he had no responsibility to watch after his brother, We do have the responsibility for our brothers, be they biological or in faith. Though out the Word we are told of God’s love and that we are called to that same love like in Hebrews 13:1 “Let Brotherly love Continue.” When we are asked where is our brother? Are we going to reply with the I don’t know or are we going to be able to say I’m walking beside him? 

Prayer: Father God you bring us together, you give us those around us to help hold us accountable and continue to point us to you. My life if yours, I lay it at your feet and long to linger in your presences. I thank you for the work you are doing in my life and the molding and refining that you are doing in my heart and life. I thank you for my foxhole men, the brothers you have brought around me. I thank you for my family and the Joy they bring to this world. I thank you for the provisions and blessings and the opportunity to steward the men, family and provisions. Lead me and guide me in that stewardship. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Whom do you submit to?

Reading: Genesis 2-3, Luke 2, and Revelation 1

Scripture: Luke 2:51, And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.

Thoughts: Are we being submissive to those who are in authority over us? Jesus at 12 years old had the desire to be in the temple learning and discussing the things of the Father. Even though our desires are one thing or another, do we blindly follow our desires or are we being submissive to whom has authority. Yes, those who have authority over us will change and sometimes may be in opposition to God, but we are still to submit. Jesus being God and man he had All Authority and would later display that authority in his miracles and teachings, but he was still under authority and he submitted to his parents and to the governing powers. The best examples of this were his going to the cross as an innocent man and then he tells the people to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s. We need to discern if and when to disobey earthly authority to submit to God’s authority when they are in conflict. Who do you serve?

Prayer: Father God, you are higher then all things, you are the authority above all authority, your ways are higher than our ways. I lay my life before you and seek after you. I thank you for the molding and refining you are doing in my life. I thank for the authority you have given me and for those who have authority over me. I thank you for my family and those close to me. I thank you for your provision and blessings that you give us to be stewards of. I ask that you help me and give me the strength to lead where you have given me to lead and submit where you have placed authority over me. 

Friday, January 1, 2021

Beginning or the end?

Reading: Genesis 1, Luke 1 and Jude 1

Scripture: Jude 1:18-19, They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.

Thoughts: Here at the beginning of the year especially after one that had been as difficult as 2020 we normally talk about resolutions and things we plan on doing this next year. I had some of those thoughts, but I also know that the date has no real impact on the situation. Here on January 1, reading Jude it is talking about the end times or at least the later days of the church age, those people who are scoffers and ridicule us for following after God, they are going to try to tear down the church. We are daily watching a world seek after their own desires and passions and in doing so they are creating division not only in the church but in the world. The racial divide is growing not because more white people hate people of color but because our history is being removed and people are being told if we don’t put people of color over the white people then we are racist. The ungodly people who are devoid of the spirit will cause division. Here in a new year let us love and remember that all men are created equal. 

Prayer: Father God, you are in control, you are the one who created all men and all men are created in your image. Help me to remove any prejudices that have built up in my mine and heart and conform my heart to yours. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, the molding and the refining. I thank you for the direction you have given me I ask that you help me to understand the steps and move. I thank you for my family. I thank you for your provision and I thank you for the new year to continue in your ways.