Reading: Isaiah 42-43, Psalm 82, Acts 1, and 1 Corinthians 12
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:26, If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.
Thoughts: As Paul was reminding the church in Corinth that everyone is apart of the body even though we all have different callings and giftings, he goes on to talk about all suffering and all rejoicing. The first thing that this brought to mind was when you stub your toe, especially your pinky/little toe. As you stumble around in the dark you are bound to find something with your toes ether that stray Lego you kids missed picking up or the doorframe you were sure was six inches to your right, but that moment of impact your eye sight blinks out your entire body recoils and begins the process of assessing the damage. Conversely when you watch a small child jitter with joy and anticipation as they are looking at a gift or dessert they have been looking forward to. Are we doing the same in the body of Christ? When someone is hurting and lost do we feel it and join them to help or when someone gets some new blessing in their life are we rejoicing with them, or do we sit there and go where is my blessing?
Prayer: Father God you are so wonderful, you are honored in your creation, your glory is present in all things. I thank you for the honor of enjoying the beauty and glory that is in this world. I thank you for my family. I thank you for those who are like family. Thank you for your provisions and blessings that you pour out every day. I thank you that we are a family and a body. Help us to come together more and to become more of a cohesive body where do weep together and we rejoice together.