Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018 His steadfast Love endures Forever

Reading: John 17, Leviticus 27, and Psalm 136

Scripture: Pslam 136  for His steadfast Love endures Forever

Thoughts: During the reading this morning I was after having nearly a month where I was listing to the word but not dwelling on it or letting it soak into me this entire Psalm hit a cord with me. I was in another one of my times where God got placed on the back burner. He was knocking and wanting to pour more blessings into my life and into my family and I was sitting there going through the motions of being a “good Christian” I went to church I served in the ministries that I had volunteered for and made myself as presentable to the world as I could. The Holy Spirit has been tugging on me for a few days maybe weeks and this morning going over this Psalm and how the writer was inspired to remind us how much God loves us and the things he took his people through. When we look at the miracles He did for his chosen people then and the miracles he has done in my life how can I not say, “His Steadfast Love Endures Forever!”

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and your steadfast love does endure far beyond my understanding. I thank you for my family and the blessing it is to have them in my life. I thank you for the fellowship in my local church and the presence you have with us there. I ask you help me to keep in mind your love and share it with those around me. 

Here is a Link to the passage being sung in Hebrew that I though was cool to hear.