Reading: Romans 4 and Jeremiah 48-49
Scripture: Jeremiah 48:36, Therefore my heart moans for Moab like a flute, and my heart moans like a flute for the men of Kir-hareseth. Therefore the riches they gained have perished.
Observation: As God spoke to Jeremiah about what He is going to do to Moab, all this destruction and kicking people out, in the mist of all this discipline God cries out because of his great love for us and his people. I have so many time heard and I probably have even said it myself that the God of the Old Testament is angry and wrathful.
Application: As I have become a parent of a 2 and a half year old little girl I understand how God will give a harsh rebuke and discipline one moment then turn and scoop up his people and pour out blessings and love the next. We have to remember that God will send correction and discipline but he will never send Guilt, condemnation or shame about something you have done. Those are tools of the devil used to get us to isolate ourselves from those who care about us and from God. God loves us and wants us to be with him.
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and I am so grateful you have chosen me. I thank you for my family and I place them in your hands. I thank you for the provisions you have already supplied and those you have planed for us. I ask you help us to see your correction and not listen to the condemnation of the evil one.