Reading: Matthew 7 and 1 Samuel 13-14
Scripture: Matthew 7:16-18, You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.
Observation: There have been times in my walk with the Lord that I wondered about my fruit, I don’t think I have bad fruit, or that I'm a thistle or a thorn bush that are worth nothing more than being thrown into the fire. I think and wonder how healthy am I do I bear fruit at all. Our pastor a few weeks ago put at this statistic that about 90% of Christians today have never personally lead someone to the Lord. I wonder am I going to be apart of that statistic my entire life. Im not saying that souls lead to Christ are our fruit, I believe our fruit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control when we are in the word and seeking God’s will for each day we are given more opportunities to practice these fruit.
Through the Holy spirit we are given these fruit and our hearts are open to them but this is not just a fix all. There is work involved, if you are like me and have a history of being quick to anger and wanting everything now, these are some very difficult things to do and have in your life. As I spend more time in the word and more time with God in my life and listening to him the more opportunities I have to practice and with the help of God and the Holy Spirit to grow each of the fruit. Having children has definitely opened my eyes on how much further I have to go.
Prayer: Father you are so wonderful your creation in magnificent and I enjoy being in it each day. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for me each and every day. I come before you broken and needing your help, I ask that you help me to grow your fruit and become the light of your world, a beacon that points to you and your love joy and peace.