Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31, 2017 Sister Wives?!?!?!?!?

Reading: Acts 7 and Genesis 20-21

Scripture: Genesis 20:2, And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, "She is my sister." And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah. 

Observation: I those days it was common for men to kill other men just to take their wives. God had made the covenant Abraham and in short God told him that I will protect and prosper you and you have to follow me. So when Abraham told Abimelech that Sarah was his sister he was not trusting God to take care of the situation and was trying to not be killed. I don’t know how often I have turned after I did something I shouldn't and in my guilt I hide the truth. I mess up and feel like I need to cover up what I have done so that I wont be killed. In covering things up I only make it worse.

Application: We all make mistakes and we all sin. Jesus died for those sins on the cross and are forgiven and forgotten. In God’s eyes we are clean once we accept and ask for that forgiveness. But we also need to have the reconciliation with those we have sinned against and for those who have sinned against us. As we forgive and ask forgiveness we need to focus on God and spending time with his because as we spend more time with him the more we become like him intern sinning less and forgiving more. 

Prayer: Farther I stand in awe of how much you love us and that you know us. I thank you for your son and his life and death that sets us free. I also thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for us each and every day. You are the one who provides all that we need. I ask that you help us to be honest with ourselves and not just hide the truth. I also ask that we have the longing for reconciliation with those we have wronged and those who have wronged us. 

Monday, January 30, 2017

January 30, 2017 What a great deal!!

Reading: Acts 6, Genesis 18-19 and Psalm 61

Scripture: Genesis 18:32, Then he said, "Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten are found there." He answered, "For the sake of ten I will not destroy it." 

Observation: This scene Abraham was pleading for this city where his only heir was living. He was bargaining with God to not destroy this city. How often to we try to do the same thing? God if you get me out of this I will never do it again!! I don’t know how many times I have stuck my foot in my mouth with that kind of prayer. 

Application: God is not looking for bargains and decorations of help and I will change. God’s grace and mercy has already covered and forgotten what you did. Living in a sinful fallen world we are going to be tempted to fall into sin all day every day. God does not want a bargain with us he wants our hearts. The more time we spend in the word and in prayer, which leads to communion with God and surround ourselves with others who God is working on we will all grow into the image of God to shine in the land. 

Prayer:  Father I am so thankful that you take notice of me and know my desires and needs and will fulfill them and go beyond so that I can be your hands at times to share your blessings with others. I thank you for the work you have done in my heart helping me to seek you and not just ask for bargains when I'm in the middle of something. I also want to thank you of the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. I ask that you help us all take proper perspective with us each day as we go about our day help us to seek you and not bargain with you. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 26, 2017 What is mine is yours

Reading: Acts 2 and Job 39-40

Scripture: Acts 2:45, And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. 

Observation: It is amazing how God’s timing is so perfect, Just last weekend we were given a car because one of our cars stopped working and the other was in an accident so we had been borrowing a cars from family members until we could get the funds to get a car. Then last night just after we got all the paper work taking care of on

Application: Then last night just after we got all the paper work taking care of on the new to us car, we were asked what our plans for the broken down car was and if we would be willing to give it to them to repair for another family in need. Helping those in need is not just about throwing money at the issue some times its just giving what you have to help others. As the Church we are to take care of not just our own but those around us who have needs. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful I praise you and want to show you all honor. I Thank you for the provisions and blessings that you have poured out on us and the opportunities to be apart of blessing others. I ask that you help us to see the opportunities to bless others as you have used others to bless us. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25, 2017 UP! UP! AND AWAY!!!!!!!

Reading: Acts 1 and Job 37-38

Scripture: Acts 1:11, and said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven."

Observation: It is so easy when you see something you can’t do to just stand there awestruck and stare at it. All these thing we stare at are normal things that anyone with practice could do(most of the time). The disciples watched Jesus make like Superman and just head up to heaven, I think I would be just like them standing there thinking “what just happened?” and “now what?” 

Application: At times it seems like that once we get saved and have spent time with Jesus we get to this point where we are just staring at the sky going “Is that him now?” I think at times we are too focused on the when of Jesus’ return and not doing what we are called. As much as I have seen things that were talked about in Daniel and Revelations about the end times I’m not going to sit back and say ok I'm ready for the return I'm going to continue to do what I have been called to do and to seek God’s direction on my life. I encourage all to not think about the end days but focus on sharing God’s love and truth to all.

Prayer: Father I thank you for your Son and all that you did through him and the access we have to you through your Holy Spirit. I thank you for your provisions each day and the blessings you chose to give us. I ask that you help me to stop standing there looking into the heaven and start looking for the opportunity to share your Gospel and love.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24, 2017 Strait from the horses mouth

Reading: Luke 24 and Job 36

Scripture: Luke 24:25-27, And he said to them, "O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

Observation: There have been many times in my life where I thought it would be so nice to have been back in the day when I could have listened to Jesus speak and teach. These two disciples walking to Emmaus had this encounter where Jesus himself showed them the connections between their scripture (the Old Testament) and everything that happened. In this way I also feel like I'm saying “I want to hear it from the horses mouth” to “I have to see it to believe it.”

Application: If salvation was to come by seeing it would take no faith at all. God has been strengthening and stretching my faith for years. But we are blessed to be able to hear the Gospel and profits as often as we pick up the Word and open our hearts to the moving of the Holy Spirit and spend time with God in reading the word and in prayer. God orchestrated getting all these letter and books preserved and brought together into a single volume that we have as the Bible today. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” Spend time with God by reading his words that he breathed though all these different authors.

Prayer: Father I thank you for your word and the ability to spend time each day in it and seeking your truths. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for us each and every day. I ask that you place a longing on our hearts to want to be in your word to seek to know your through your words that are alive and sharper then any two edged sword. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017 Golgothan Gold

Reading: Luke 23, Job 35 and Psalm 6

Scripture: Luke 23:42-43, And he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." And he said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

Observation: The is a saying that the words of a dying man are like gold, and that is the idea behind the book Gold from Golgotha by Russell Bradly Jones. And I heard about it from a series of the same name from Fresh Life Church in Montana. The idea is that it takes so much effort for people dying to say anything that maybe we should pay attention. If I remember correctly when hanging on a cross the body is forced into a constant state of exhalation (breathing out) so to be able to breath in enough to speak they would have to place all their weight on the spike in their feet and push up to take a breath then say what they had to say. 

Application: So the thought that this prisoner who was dying next to Jesus too the energy, pain and breath to rebuke the other prisoner and basically became a Christian on the cross is amazing but also that Jesus took that same effort to assure him that he was going to be with him in paradise. We are called into grace, mercy and forgiveness. I love the way comedian Mike Warnke puts it, “Do you have to get cleaned up to take a bath? … You don’t have to do anything to accept Jesus” but one you do the Holy Spirit will work on you and start to change you. 

Prayer: Father I thank you that you sent your Son to pay the price for us that we don’t have to spend eternity separated from you and your love. I thank you for you provisions and blessings you give us each day and the help you provide. I ask you to help us to hear your calling and seek after you each day to grow deeper in love with you and to better understand your love for us. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 21, 2017 Does it hurt yet?

Reading: Luke 21 and Job 32-33

Scripture: Luke 21:3-4, And he said, "Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."

Observation: Almost every time I have heard this passage around offering time or even times I heard it preached it’s under the principle of either giving out of a proper place and not being showy with your giving. Being that the rich that were spoke of would bring chests of coin and pour it into offerings to make lots of noise so they can get the recognition of giving and their giving was out of the abundance. 

Application: This poor widow had almost nothing and gave it all to God. I believe that the Holy Spirit will prompt each and every one of us to give and to give with the proper heart. I have come to a point in my life where like the widow I want to give until it hurts. About 5 year ago I started giving regularly then I moved to tithing then tithing on the gross to now we are giving tithes and offerings. Giving is something that is meant to help strengthen our faith in God’s provision. As we drew up to the end of last year I heard so many messages end of year giving, churches and charities alike encouraging people to give one last time that year. I am the type of person who if I have money I have to spend it, so if I tried just setting aside the offerings that I give and wait to give at the end of the year or to determine what would be a good charity to give to, I would spend that money and I don’t think my giving would stretch my faith. I suggest you give at the level the Holy Spirit prompts you and it will stretch you. For some it will be to just start giving, others it will be to increase giving and others it could be to give that large gift you have been staring at in your savings. 

Prayer: Father it is all yours, and I stand in awe that you allow me to be a steward of this small portion. I know that I struggle to not let money rule me and though giving it away your Holy Spirit helps me to love you more and let the money go. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each and every day. I thank you for each day I wake up in your great creation. Lord I ask that you help each and every one us to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit in giving, in directions needed, and in hearing from you though your word. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017 I trust in my Gold

Reading: Luke 20 and Job 30-31

Scripture: Job 31:24-25, "If I have made gold my trust or called fine gold my confidence, if I have rejoiced because my wealth was abundant or because my hand had found much,

Observation: Here in the USA it is so easy to make money the thing we trust in. Being that just living in the US puts most people in the top 10% of  wealthiest people in the world. Our homes have rooms, indoor plumbing, heat and insulation to keep the temperature constant in the home. There are so many countries that the people don’t have these things. With each of these things costing something and working for it we have this tendency especially men to think and sometimes say “I made this money I did it all and what does God have to do with it?” 

Application: In this distort of Job to his friends who have been telling him that he has sinned and is being punished by God, Job has been telling them if I have sinned and not done this things I should then God has every right to punish me. In this passage I felt a reminder of not letting money become a god to me. After having a second child and my wife not working for a time finances are a little tighter then expected and there are times where I have to remind myself that God will provide. I know that God’s love, grace, mercy, provision, and blessings are not works based but there are times where we are asked to do something before the blessings come. Sometimes it’s to ask, sometimes it’s to step out in faith and somethings it’s to do something. Today we are listening for the direction are we to step out in faith or do something?

Prayer: Father I stand amazed that you can love me in the mist of my failures and lift me up when I fall. I think you that you do pick me up and dust me off. I thank you for your provisions and the blessings you have for us. I ask that your provisions come and help us to see the form that that are to take. Help us to know is there a step of faith to take here or do I need to do something. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 19, 2017 Make those rocks shut up!!!

Reading: Luke 19, Job 29 and Psalm 121

Scripture: Luke 19:39-40, And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples." He answered, "I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out."

Observation: Many times when we hear the word disciples we think of the 12 closest to Jesus who came to the last supper and most who became the Apostles. By this point in Jesus’ ministry there were probably hundred or more people following him and learning everything they could or trying to get healed. No matter where Jesus went there were people trying to get near to him. So when the Pharisees were trying to get Jesus to get his disciples to not say what they were saying, not only was it a crowd shouting and going nuts because it was a parade but it was the Messiah that they have been waiting for generations for and they all recognized what he was doing by riding the donkey colt into the city though the gate he was headed to. 

Application: In the chaos of everything going on Jesus said if these guys were quiet the stone would cry out. I admit that I have let the stones be the one to cry out, I don’t alway step up and take a stand for the Lord when I should. So I call myself out and anyone who want to take this challenge with me, No longer let those stones cry out because we didn’t take a stand. We all have our platforms and microphones that no one else has and we will reach the world one by one.

Prayer: Father I thank you for the opportunity to not let those stones cry out. I thank you for your provisions and your blessings that you pour out on us. I thank you for your grace and mercy. I ask that you help us to use our platforms and microphones to share you love and your gospel with those around us. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 18, 2017 Don't tempt me!!!

Reading: Luke 18 and Job 27-28

Scripture: Job 27:2-4 As God lives, who has taken away my right, and the Almighty, who has made my soul bitter, as long as my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils, my lips will not speak falsehood, and my tongue will not utter deceit.

Observation: Back in the Old Testament it was believed that if you sinned or were our of God’s will that calamity and strife would come to you. We know that in the case of Job that is not the situation. This was a trial that the devil got permission to try to get Job to curse God. I have heard so many times “God is putting me through this to teach me a lesson.” God does not tempt us or put us though trials, what loving parent would do that. Because we have been adopted in to his family, he is our father. Being that we live in a fallen world the influences of the evil one are everywhere and will influence our thinking. 

Application: Romans 8:28, And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. I think that many times that this verse get misused. I hear people using it to comfort people when they loose a loved one or are going though a rough time. People don’t want to hear that, as much as its true. I like this verse more as a daily thing, things are going to happen to us each and every day big things, little things, work related or home related. I think this verse is more so saying God through the Holy Spirit will help you to learn from these situations and give each of us a unique platform to share his love. Within that we need to be like Job and even in the mist of everything going sideways in your life we need to not speak out against God, be false or deceitful.

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful I thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to dwell within us so that we can better understand your word and learn from the situations we have on how to honor you more. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that only come from you, you provide it all and I am just a steward of that witch you allow me to use. I ask that you help me to see the learning moments and the moments that are part of my story to share. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017 Where are you going?

Reading: Luke 17 and Job 24-26

Scripture: Luke 17:14, When he saw them he said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they went they were cleansed.

Observation: In those days lepers we cast out of the city and were not able to do anything because everything they touched and worked with became unclean in the eyes of the Jewish faith. If you thought your leprosy was cured or that is was not leprosy then you would go to the priests have them look at you and determine if you were clean or not and then they would have you give sacrifices to God according to the law. So when Jesus told them to go show themselves to the priests he was saying you are cleansed and healed.

Application: I think the biggest struggle we have with being healed of something in our own lives is dealing with the last portion of that verse, “as they went they were cleansed.” I know that when ever Jesus did a miracle the was a command something the recipient had to do to fully receive the healing. These lepers were told to go to the priests, if they had though I'm not going to that guy he condemned me to this life I hate that guy or anything along those lines they would not have been healed. If we are to be healed we need to listen to the command that God gives us and have faith in that healing.

Prayer: Father I thank you for the miracles that happen each and every day, the restoration mobility, the release from pain and the releases from addiction. I thank you for your daily provisions and the blessings you pour out on us. I ask that you help us to hear the commands that you have for us so we can be healed and also hear your commands to heal others. Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear from you each day. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16, 2017 It's a Zombie

Reading: Luke 16 and Job 22-23

Scripture: Luke 16:31, “He said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’"

Observation: As I was reading this passage it clicked in my mind that Jesus was going to be the dead man. I have been at churches who have said we just need a miracle to show the world the truth and they will believe. How often do we even exhibit that mentality, “I wont  believe it until I see it with my own two eyes.” 

Application: I feel that most of us are looking to shown that God exists and that he loves us. This parable of a man Lazarus and the rich man not only show that we need to be good stewards of what we have and share with others. We may think that we don’t have anything to share but we have God’s word and the Gospel. Jesus die and rose from the grave and people still don’t believe just as the parable said. We need to be carful of spending too much time looking for that Miracle and not looking at the risen man Jesus standing beside us.

Prayer: Father I thank you so much for sending your son to pay the price and bring us into your family. I am in awe that you can provide all the provisions that we need and still bless us. I ask you to help us to open our eye to the truth and how to share it with those around us and stop relying on the need for a miracle. Open our hearts and mind to your Holy Spirit and help us to quiet ourselves to hear you. 

Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13, 2017 Hey you are in my seat!!

Reading: Luke 13 and Job 15-16

Scripture: Luke 13:8-11, "When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in a place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you be invited by him, and he who invited you both will come and say to you, 'Give your place to this person,' and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, 'Friend, move up higher.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

Observation: In western society we have lost or maybe never developed a true sense of honor, maybe that is why for most of my life this didn’t make sense to me. Moving up and down a table to show how important you are was just so foreign to me. As it has been explained to me in that culture the close to the host the more honor you had and more opportunity to network at these dinners. So people would get there and try to rank themselves but if your seat was needed you were cast to the bottom. James and John even asked Jesus “Who will be greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” They were looking to see who would have the seats of honor.

Application: I know that most everyone wants to be important and have honor among their friends colleagues and family. God called us to do what we do for him and to honor him, and to humble ourselves. The second half of the parable was showing one way. We are not to seek the highest seat. How I like to look at being humble and love, both are large topics in Jesus’ ministry. Being humble I believe is thinking if others more then yourself, and love is like it in love is placing others needs above your own. Love is not a feeling is a verb it’s something you do. 

Prayer: Father I love you and stand in awe of your power, grace and mercy. I thank you for loving me and sending your Son to pay the price for me. I ask you to help me to think of myself less and place the needs of those around me above my own and to bless them as you bless me. I thank you for the provisions you give us each day and the blessings you pour out on us. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12, 2017 It's the StayPuffed Marshmallow Man

Reading: Luke 12 and Job 13-14

Scripture: Luke 12:1b-2, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.

Observation: To me when I first heard heard this I was confused and wondered “what does this have to do with me?” As I spent more time in the word and also understood how some of these things are used this made more sense to me. The Pharisees were the biggest quandary to me for a long time until I learned that in a way they were like religious lawyers, they new the Mosaic law inside and out and how to navigate all the loopholes to make them puffed up and feel and look more important then others. 

Application: So when Jesus said “Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees,” he is saying watch out for the things that will bring out your arrogance and pride. The term hypocrisy was odd to me with everyone saying being two faced (being a geek I think of the DC comic character) but what it meant back then were actors that would ware masked to change characters. So the thing that puffed up the Pharisees was hiding who they really are. The second verse to me makes more sense when I look at it this way, we are not called to hide who we really are, God gave us our story to be able to share with those around us. God knows all of who we are already and we will can not keep it hidden. What you have been through will give you a unique perspective to reach out to other. I can reach people you can’t and you can reach people I can’t not just because of where we live but what our pasts are.

Prayer: Father, I love you so much and I stand amazed at the love you have shown this world even though none of us deserve it. I thank you for each day I get to wake up to and spend with you. I thank you for the provisions you give us each day and the blessings you bring into our lives. I ask that you help open my eyes and heart to opportunities to share who you are and what you have done for me. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

January 11, 2017 let us overwhelm this land

Reading: Luke 11 and Job 11-12

Scripture: Job 12:15,  If he withholds the waters, they dry up; if he sends them out, they overwhelm the land.

Observation: This passage is part of where Job is talking back to one of his friends who has been trying to convince him that because of all the loss that he has been enduring that Job is not in good standing with God. We in Western society and in many of western churches that if you are not prosperous or you are going though hard times you are not in God’s graces, and Job’s statement seems to support that.

Application: When I read that I got a different picture I got this picture of water flowing from the word of God over me and my life. When you look at it from the perspective that God’s word is full and he is looking to open the floodgates as we dive into it then God is only holding back the waters and allowing us to dry up as long as we are not seeking him. Then the second portion of that scripture is about being sent and overwhelming the land. Just before ascending to Heaven Jesus sent the disciples and us out, when you look at the numbers of believers that accepted the Gospel within the first 50 years they overwhelmed the land. Many people who say they are Christians don’t even attend church or read the word regularly, We are called to overwhelm the land and we can’t do that if we don’t know the Word, if we are not in the Word or if we don’t get fed. 

Prayer:  Father I love you and I long to sit in your presence. I thank you for the provisions you give us each and every day you are the provider of all things. I thank you for the blessings that you give us. I thank you that you sent your Son to pay the price I could never pay. I ask that you help us to see the ways we withhold the waters that you want to give us and help us to see how we are to overwhelm the land. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January 10, 2017 I have a story to tell!!!

Reading: Luke 10 and Job 9-10

Scripture: Luke 10:23-24, Then turning to the disciples he said privately, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it."

Observation: This passage came just after Jesus was saying that only the father knows the son and only the son and those who he reveals him to know the father. We like his disciples have been shown the father though the Holy spirit and the Son. 

Application: We have seen what only a portion of the population on the wold has seen. Some have seen more clearly then others but we have seen the Holy Spirit reveal to us the Son and though the Son the Father. The Holy Spirit wants to work though us and we need to open ourselves to sharing what has happened in us. Just as the blind man was asked how did you come to see, and he said I don’t know I was blind now I see and I was told it was this man named Jesus who did it. I wish my transformation was so obvious at times but there are others that I wouldn’t want the responsibility of having that testimony.

Prayer: Father I thank you that you have given each of us a story to tell, from the great to small. I thank you for the provisions that you have poured out on us for another day and the blessings you have in store for us. I stand in awe that you take notice of me and took the time to think of me and form me just as you have formed my family. I ask that you help open my heart to telling my story and sharing the love you have for those around us. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

January 9, 2017 Its all wrong!!!!

Reading: Luke 9 and Job 7-8

Scripture: Luke 9:49-50, John answered, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us." But Jesus said to him, "Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you."

Observation: Reading this passage reminded me about how much I will say mostly in my head, “they are doing it wrong.” We are called to be loving and kind without being a judge. I know its easy to attack something when it appears to you to be being done wrong, especially for men we want to be right and want others to know we are right and help them to be right too. 

Application: Jesus talking in spiritual warfare terms here is telling us anyone who is doing God’s work even if it looks different then our work is on our side. I feel like there are only three positions in this war, those who knowingly work with the opposition, those who don’t know they are working for the opposition, and those who are fighting against the opposition. We are not only called to fight in this war but also share the difference in our life and grow our army.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for all the provision you have for me and the provision you have yet to give. I thank you for the blessings you continue to poor out on us even though we have not done anything to deserve it. I thank you for the work being done in the hearts around us and in our hearts. I ask that you help us to see the opportunities to open us and share what God has done for us.

Here we go again

I thank everyone who read my words and I pray that everyone does hears God’s voice speaking through me. I don’t wright this for me, I want to see God’s word getting out there. This last month has been crazy trying to prepare for our new arrival who came just a few days ago. I have been struggling with keeping myself focused on God and the blessings he has for me. He has been watching over me and bringing my family closer together. I know I have mentioned this in the past but over the last few days I have felt the Holy Spirit impressing on me the passage in Jeremiah 12:5a, “If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses?” 

I have felt that with allowing myself to step away from regularly being in the word and focusing on family and finances and all other aspects of life, I have not only grown wearied but there are many times where I have not even run the race with men. I want to get back to writing and having God’s word spoken into this world. I recently started a online debate between a couple people because of quote I shared on another format. I had felt that this person had a good point and a biblical truth, to find out that he ended up scamming people as well. What I got out of this debate was less about the man who said the quote but more about how I see God’s truth. 

I don’t care if this person was/is a sinner/crook, no matter who says God’s truth it does not change the fact that it is GOD’S TRUTH, I don’t think that because he speaks one of God’s truths makes him infallible, even the Devil used scripture when tempting Jesus, but just tells me we need to be in the word so we know the word and so that we are not fooled by one who will twist and change scripture.