It is so easy to get stressed out over things, especially in this time of year on a normal year when you are going over when and how are you celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years? How you are getting to the places you want to celebrate each of those Holidays and where you will stay when you get there? This year we have upped the stakes a little. On top of the normal holiday stuff and work, we have been trying to refinance our house for almost three months and on the day before Thanksgiving my Nine-month pregnant wife gets in a car accident and the car gets totaled.
Our second child has a due date of the 26th and we don’t know if we are going to be able to celebrate much. To culminate everything some of the money we were going to use to refinance the house we found out that it may take longer to get and that our time frame for the loan in quickly closing. When I find our that our information shows they received my stuff on a date and that the person I talked to said that they have not received anything and are not paying us until they have this from us. I got very stressed and said things i shouldn’t have.
I get home pull together all the information we have to verify that we are doing what we should and have proof that we sent off what we need (at this time I'm fuming and rushing around like a bull). When I get a little reminder from my wife God has us, He loves us and wants to take care of us always. He has provided so many things to us and has blessed us more then we could know. There are so many things that he has protected us from without us even knowing that wee need it.
In this last couple weeks I been finding it hard to spend time with God and in his word. I want to encourage you to seek God even when everything is going good and when it goes sideways. Jeremiah 12:5a says, “If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses?” and a great pastor from Fresh Life Church in Montana put it this way “We need to prepare for the trials we are not yet in.” Yes I flipped out a little when I heard that because of things getting lost or misplaced I may not be able to refinance my house when I though I was. My wife and I are a great team when I'm freaking out she is my rock pointing back to God and there are times when the roles are reversed and I get to be the rock.
Father I thank you for all that you give to me and provide for us each and every day, work, family and friends. I am thankful that you send your help in all its forms. As the normal stresses of the holidays get to people help us to love our neighbors and spread your love.