Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31, 2016 I'm not ready I don't know what i'm doing.

Reading: Matthew 8 and 1 Samuel 15-16

Scripture: Matthew 8:14, And when Jesus entered Peter's house, he saw his mother-in-law lying sick with a fever.

Observation: Growing up I never though about if any of the disciples were married or had families and with the fact that they dropped everything and followed him I and I'm guessing I'm not alone in that thought they were all young single men following this next great teacher. 

Application: To me this just reminds me of this saying that I have heard so many times and I probably have said before on here, “ God does not just use the equipped because they may not be available, but he equips those who are available.” I though for so long that getting a degree in something would solve my employment and direction issues, and now that I have it for two years I am still working for low wages and I'm at the bottom of the pecking order. but once I started making myself available to the lord he started using me, not because I'm more educated but because I said, Here am I send me. 

Prayer: Father, you are so amazing and so wonderful, I thank you for all the great blessings that you pour out on us each day and the equipping that you give us. I ask that we make ourselves more available and seek you more each day. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30, 2016 Let's go get them!!

First off I want to apologize I have been sick and have not been able to get my thoughts out to you. I thank you for sticking with me. Today is Memorial Day where we remember those brave souls who served our country and didn’t make it home. I thank you and appreciate your sacrifice so I can live in freedom.

Reading: Matthew 7 and 1 Samuel 13-14

Scripture: 1 Samuel 14:6, Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, "Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the Lord will work for us, for nothing can hinder the Lord from saving by many or by few."

Observation: Even though Saul was sitting scared in the caves his son Jonathan took is armor bearer and decided that he was not going to be scared and that the Lord can work though few or many. After the sign that they had agreed to was given to them then they went up and struck down many Philistines. 

Application: We need to be like Jonathan and step out into the battle, God has won the war and we have been sent out to do battle. We have been equipped and armed for the battle that we are going into, we have to have the faith and trust that this battle is won.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your armor and your word that we have the authority to use. You take us though each and every battle as we serve you. I ask you to help us to be bold as Johnathan and march up to the battle even if no one else will. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

May 27, 2016 Run with the horses!!!

Reading: Matthew 4 and 1 Samuel 4-7

Scripture: Matthew 4:1, Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

Observation: So often I hear other Christians and I have even said it in the past that “God is testing me” or “God is putting me though this to grow me” and these are all said to comfort us as we go though a trial and temptations. it is so easy to get caught up in Christianese and trying to sound spiritual and fall into traditions that we have heard from those who came before us instead of taking God’s word at face value. 

Application: God will not and can not tempt us. Temptations and trials are a side effect of living in a fallen world. Even in Job Satan came to God and asked permission to do things to Job and his family trying to get him to curse God. God will also never lets the devil to tempt us beyond what we can bear. That means that the closer you are to God and that stronger your faith is the larger the attacks will be, but you have to remember if you are in the beginning some of these little things when in the middle of them look so big but as you grow you will see how small it really was, and one day when we get to heaven we will look back and see even though God didn’t cause the trials he gave us a way out and used those trials to grow us and strengthen us. I love how the Prophet Jeremiah puts in it Jeremiah 12:5a, “If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses?” We are meant to run with the horses so prepare for the trials you are not yet in. Put your faith in God each day and put on The Armor of God, especially taking up the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of the lord.

Prayer: Father I thank you for giving us your word that we have the authority though your Son and the Holy Spirit to weald the Sword of the Spirit. I thank you that you have helped me to understand better how to use to Sword and that my words are dangerous to both the enemy and my family if I miss use them. Lord I ask that you help is to keep a right perspective of you and your authority that you have given us. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 26, 2016, I can't hear you, can you speak up?

Reading: Matthew 3 1 Samuel 1-3

Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:10, And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" And Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant hears." 

Observation: I started to think about things that have happened in my life and I knew there were times where I knew God was speaking to me, like telling me to go back to school or to change how much I was giving to the church. But then I started thinking was there other times where I didn’t hear him or I wrote it off as something I came up with or that there was some other reason that though popped into my head. 

Application: I need to remember that I need to stay in the word and in prayer both talking to God but listening for that small voice of him who guides me and lead me out of and though the temptations of this world. How we are to know if what we are hearing is the voice of God and discern if it is of God is to test it by the word and to continue to pray about the answer we go for further revelation. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to us to me your voice and help us to see the plan and walk in it. I ask you help us to open our ears more and seek your direction for our live as we live out your commandments to love. 

May 25, 2016 Worship with all your heart.

Reading: Matthew 2, Ruth 3-4, Psalm 68

Scripture: Psalm 68:4,  Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the Lord; exult before him!

Observation: As I have just gone though my course in OSL I was on such a spiritual high and speaking words of encouragement, I spent more time listening to teachings and reading the word then other forms of media. It was powerful and wonderful as it always has been when I take one of these classes. But over these last few days after class ended and the restrictions had been lifted I slacked off, and today came to a head and I was angry and not tankful for anything. 

Application: After reading about the wisemen and the fight to Egypt in Matthew and then the redeeming of Naomi and Ruth who then gave birth to Obed who is in the lineage of David and Jesus. I was able to see the provisions and direction that God was giving them and though Jesus and the Holy Spirit we have that same direction and provisions in our live. And having Psalm 68 speaking to me about worship and praising Him. With some of the things going on in our house today and the last few days as I looked into our finances, I was focused on the issue at hand and how things were going to be paid in a month and was worrying about where money was coming from instead of trusting God and worshiping him though this storm. This was a great reminder to me that no matter how bad it looks God will take us though is and we will grow because of it. I encourage you and myself to keep up your disciplines and stay in the word and remain vigilant in prayer. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for the provisions I have yet to see, you are providing the funds to pay all our bills and all our needs. I thank you for the blessings of the ability to do what we need to today and the ability to take care of our family. Help me to keep your worship in my heart and on my mouth each day. 

May 24, 2016 The longest 9 months!!!

Reading: Matthew 1, Judges 21, and Ruth 1-2

Scripture: Matthew 1:25, but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus.

Observation: When reading this my mind went to some of the traditions that the Church has had in the past. Like many in the Catholic church believe that Mary was a virgin until death, even though scripture never says that. Even here in the first book and first chapter of the New Testament, He did not know her until she gave birth. or later when his mother and brothers were at a wedding, or it talks about John the brother of Jesus. 

Application: We as followers of Christ need to be carful that we don’t fall into the tradition of Church and miss out on the true relationship we are to have with God though the gifting of the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ. I have heard this analogy and truly like the imagery of it. Our home is in Heaven and Jesus is our anchor there sitting at the right had of God and the Holy Spirit is the chain from that anchor to us and we are in control of winch the more we dive into the word and listen to the Holy Spirit speaking into out lives though scripture and that still small voice the more we will shorten our distance between us and God and our home. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for your creation and that blessings that you pour out upon us each and every day. I ask you to help us keep our eyes on you and trust your word over the traditions of the church.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 23, 2016 He Divided her?

Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3 and Judges 18-20

Scripture: Judges 19:29 And when he entered his house, he took a knife, and taking hold of his concubine he divided her, limb by limb, into twelve pieces, and sent her throughout all the territory of Israel. 

Observation: Starting off I want to say that I grabbed only one passage but I'm talking about everything that went on in Judges 19-20. There are many times that we go about getting in this world not noticing how bad it is getting until something horrific happens I remember in the time leading up to September 11th 2001, there was some unrest in the Middle East but I had grown up with that but everything seemed good, then this defining moment in time happen, just like the J.F.K assassination for the generation before me don’t don’t think there will be an American who wont remember where they were. That is what this Man did with his concubine.  

Application: After the people of Gibeah killed her because they wanted to get to the Levite, he made an example dividing her up into twelve pieces and sending her to each of the tribes. this would be like sending a piece of someone to each of the members of congress to get their attention about a problem with a group of people. The people of Gibeah had grown so corrupt that the leaders of an entire nation needed their attention gotten. We are living in a time where the foundations of this country are being torn down and our nation is becoming like Gibeah. We don’t have the ability to get the governments attention the way the Levite did but we have to do our part and pray for the leaders we have and pray for the leaders that are yet to be placed in office. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you that I live in a place where I am free to write about you and the love you have for us. I ask you to place onto the hearts of those in power your direction for this country and this nation. I pray for our current president and the one who is going to be coming in no matter what one makes it in. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 22, 2016 How does my hair look?

Reading: 2 Thessalonians 1-2 and Judges 14-17

Scripture: Judges 16:20, And she said, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!" And he awoke from his sleep and said, "I will go out as at other times and shake myself free." But he did not know that the Lord had left him. 

Observation: Time and time again Samson would get close to breaking his vow and allowed his lust for the Philistine women to lead him into situations that could cause issues. After killing the lion there was no reason to go see it and being that he was not to touch anything dead he should have stayed away. But no he had to look and then he used a stick to get the honey out. Then his wife tricks him into giving away his riddle, and then latter after three times of Delilah asking and doing what ever he said he actually told her where his strength came from, finally to be done in by her again.

Application: As humans we have this pride that says that we can handle this we can get close to the issue and not touch it, like Samson and the dead lion. As we go about flirting with the sins around us, trying to get as close to the world as we can to be in the world, we start becoming of the world and letting it speak into our lives and before we know it, we are being woken up and we don’t know that the spirit of the Lord has left us, or we are no longer walking in the will of the Lord. Be carful to not flirt with those sins, keep a distance between you to help with keeping the temptation down.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for the great blessings that you pour out on us each day and how it does not return void and is sharper then any two edged sword. I ask that you help us to see those aria where we are flirting with being of the world and help us to take steps away from it and focus on you and your love.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 21, 2016 What way should I go.

Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5 and Judges 11-13

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Observation: We so often ask what is the will of God, Should I take this job or that one, or even buy this property or that property. We act as if the will of God is so mysterious, God will use you where you are and in your availability.

Application: Paul puts it bluntly in this scripture saying, rejoice, pray, and give thanks, this is God’s will. His commandments also fall in to this, Love your God with all your heart, soul and mind, and Love your neighbor as yourself. God and the Holy Spirit will place a calling on your heart and as long as you make yourself available to him to do his work he will direct you. I have heard this many times and it means more to me every time I hear it. God can’t make the equipped available, but he will equip those who are available. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for the opportunities to serve you. I thank you of the equipping that you have done in my life and that even though I feel like the least of those around me you can still use me. I ask that you continually remind me of Paul’s saying to the Thessalonians that we need to, rejoice, pray and give thanks to you. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

May 20, 2016 I am in control!!!

Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3-4 Judges 9-10

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:4, that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor.

Observation: This scripture has great meaning to me, on June 17, 2007 my elder brother Rob passes away in a car accident. The seven years before his passing we had grown close with 6 years between us growing up we had different interests and friends. After my first divorce, and he had also gone though a divorce a couple years before, we had something in common we started drinking and doing marijuana together. His depression exacerbated the effects of both with him and his addictions were set. After his death I got a tattoo with this scripture to remind me that I need to remain in control and not let the my body and what feels good dictate what I do.
The symbols mean "Self Control" 

Application: We all need reminders that we have been given a spirit that can over come our bodies. Our spirit controls our body and though Christ’s sacrifice God had given us a living spirit that has the strength and power to overcome our body we just have to learn to live in that spirit and overcome our body/human nature, our nature to want what feels good. God has called us to be in the world but not of the world. I have to admit that even with this verse as a reminder on my wrist I will still forget and let my body overcome my spirit. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you that you have given me that spirit that can overcome my body and the evil one. I also that you of the forgiveness that you continually pour out on me as I fail. Lord I ask that you continually remind us that you take care of us and power and strength to overcome the evil one. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016 We are the Champions!!!!!!!!!

Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1-2 and Judges 7-8

Scripture: Judges 7:7, And the Lord said to Gideon, "With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home."

Observation: Leading up to verse seven God kept giving people a way to go home, then after over half of them left God gave Gideon a test to take it down even more. God wanted to show Israel once again, that he is stronger and over any other god that could be out there. That is why God brought it down to just 300 men. God sent Gideon and 300 men up against an army and in those day a nations power was gauged by the size of their standing army, the number of guys they had. The Bible does not say how large the army was but I'm guessing that they would not be called an army with less then 5000 men but that fact that at first there was 22000 men that went up with Gideon that the army was at least that big if not larger. 

Application: God has told us though out the word that we are his chosen ones, we are one of the 300 going up against a huge army. We just need to remember that, “for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”(1 John 4:4b) We have been given the strength and authority to overcome every attack the evil one send our way because “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”(2 Kings 6:16) We are chosen, we are set aside, we are warriors and champions in the Lord.

Prayer: Father, thank you for wining the war even though we still have to battle each day. You have won it all and given us the armor and the weapon that will win each battle. I thank you for the blessings and the provisions that you pour out on us and on those you have adopted into your family. Help us to take up that Armor and Weapon each and every day to over come the evil one.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016 Hey can I read that?

Reading: Colossians 4 and Judges 5-6

Scripture: Colossians 4:16, And when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea.

Observation: I found it interesting that Paul refers to this other letter, some times I can be dense and forget that Paul would have been starting other churches and writing letters to them as well. We so often just think about the ones that survived and made it into our Bible. 

Application: I don’t know but I think that even though God’s hands was all over Paul’s writings I don’t think Paul knew that his writings would be scripture one day. Even with that said he knew that we need to spend time in the word, the idea that he basically said hey when you are done reading that take it over to this other church and read it to them had have them read theirs to you. Continually dive into scripture and claim God’s promises. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for your word and all that has survived and not changed of the centuries. You fulfill every promise and take care of even need. I thank you for watching over us each day. Help us to have the desire to spend time each day in your word. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 17, 2016 Working hard to make a living.

Reading: Colossians 3, Judges 3-4, and Psalm 14

Scripture: Colossians 3:23, Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,

Observation: I have had this quoted at me most of my life, and over the years sometimes I know there were times where I was jaded toward it and every time I heard it I started hearing it with a snide sneering tone to the voice telling me this. I never really wanted to her it, I just wanted to go to work and do my job.

Application: As I have been growing with the Lord and seeking him each day before getting in the shower and sometimes in the shower I have come to better appreciate this verse. Before I would go to my job and work and come home, never really thinking about God just doing. Now I seem to get it our bosses and leaders here at our jobs they are not the ones who truly pay us or give us our promotions, or even our jobs. They all come from God he may have to use the vessels of the management and supervisors to promote you but it is never luck and it is alway God’s handy work, no matter if it is him giving you the ability to grasp something faster or better then others or if he causes those supervisors and managers to see things in you that rase your standings above others. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for this Job and this opportunity each day to come and serve you in this workplace. Help me to see opportunities to expand your reign. I thank you for the provisions for today and the provisions of needs we have in the near future. Help us all to keep you in the forefront of our minds and one out lips as we work. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16, 2016 Get out!! Shoo!!

Reading: Colossians 2, Judges 1-2, and Psalm 133

Scripture: Judges 2:3, So now I say, I will not drive them out before you, but they shall become thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare to you.

Observation: Here in Judges God reminded then the he told Israel to drive out everyone and take the land as their own. Of course instead of following God’s directions the let them stay in the mist of them. 

Application: No matter when you came to know Jesus as your Lord and savior, and develop a relationship with our Father, we all have a tendency to leave some of the inhabitants of our heart in there. God called us to cast them all out. I think that one of the main reasons that we let some stay is we are Lazy, we don’t want to put the work in to get them out. We are blessed that we have the Holy Spirit who will help us go back to kicking these inhabitants out, but until they are gone they will be a thorn in your side.

Prayer: Father I thank you for your Holy Spirit and the guidance, strength and help he gives us with removing the thorns from our sides and process of casting out the former inhabitants of our heart. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016 Whom do you serve?

Reading: Colossians 1, Joshua 23-24, and Psalm 99

Scripture: Joshua 24:15, And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Observation: I have always liked this scripture and we even have the last portion of it in our house and used it in our wedding. Until recently even being in the church from my youth I had never really read Joshua or if I started I zoned out when it come to the inheritance of the tribes. As I read and listened to the last couple chapters I was hearing the warning that Joshua was giving and Making sure that they understood that he was following God. 

Application: Just as Joshua was making sure everyone knew the consequences of following other gods and not seeking God, we need to make it a point it our lives that others know that we are God’s people and fallow the two commandments that Jesus gave us in witch all others are encompassed, given to us in Matthew 22:37-39, And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for your great blessing and for the guidance you have for us though your word. Help us to share you love with all who are around us the help us to daily rise up and say, as for me and my house this day we will serve the lord. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

May 14, 2016 I can Prevail!!!

Reading: Philippians 4 and Joshua 21-22

Scripture: Philippians 4:12-13, I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Observation: I know that growing up in the church I have had Philippians 4:13 quoted to me countless times. Every time though looking back it was being used out of context and who ever it was was tying to encourage me that I could do what ever it was that was getting ready to do and was nervous about. 

Application: Paul in this passage is more so talking about finding the Joy of the Lord in every situation. This is not a rally call saying, “you are in Christ so you can do it” not that isn’t a great rally call I don’t think that was Paul’s message. When we read the scriptures before number 13 the light of what Paul is getting at comes out. Being brought low, the secret of facing … hunger, and in abundance and need, then here come the I can do all things. This is speaking of God giving us the strength to have the joy even in the bad times. Under Strong’s definitions of the Greek word used for “I can do” also can mean “prevail”, and I think that may be a better uses in this context so that it would say I prevail against all things though Christ who strengthens me. 

Prayer: Father I thank you that you have given us the strength to prevail in all situations, and given us the ability to be have your joy in our hearts and lives even in the mists of struggles and trials. Lord help us to learn what we need to learn to stand firm as Paul does. Help us to know how have your Joy.

Friday, May 13, 2016

May 13, 2016 It's not mine I swear!!!

Reading: Philippians 3, Joshua 19-20, and Psalm 53

Scripture: Philippians 3:9b, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith

Observation: As it happens when things start going our way and we start having success in our lives or ministries. We as humans, especially men (knowing this being a man) we start to think, “Man I got this, I’m so good nothing can go wrong.” In  doing so we start thinking like the Pharisees thinking if I keep all the laws, rules, and regulations placed before me then I am righteous. There are so many groups of Christians that adhere to there are things you have to do. Thus creating another works based relationship with God.

Application: God didn’t intend on us having this long lists of does and don’ts for us to follow to get to heaven. Christ died on the cross once for all the sins of the world, the sins of my past and the ones I have not yet committed. I love that my Pastor who is a great Godly man admits that he sins and is as messed up as the rest of us, and just like the rest of us he is saved by grace. We are all Righteous though the blood or Christ Jesus. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for making me your righteousness. Your love abound every day and I bask in it. As groups and churches meet in secret and in public we thank you for your presence there with us. We ask that you place a heart of boldness on each of us as we go about our days. As the evil one comes to steal, kill and destroy, we claim your authority and bind him and cast him out of our situations, our groups and our lives.  

Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12, 2016 Don't look at me I'm hideous.

Reading: Philippians 2 and Joshua 16-18

Scripture: Philippians 2:3, Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Observation: For a long time I had a hard time being humble, Granted my largest issue I later came to know what actually that I had a wrong definition being humble. I though to be humble I had to think less of myself. So when I had that mindset, I would have see this as I can do anything well to being attention to myself and make sure that others were more important then I was. 

Application: I later learned that being Humble is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. Here Paul is talking to a church that is getting full of themselves, and he is telling them and us, watch out that you don’t start doing things to get attention from people but do them to minister and build up others. The principals in the book “The Servant” by James C. Hunter talks about putting the needs of others above your own. That is so similar to what Paul is saying, put others before you. We can accept compliment and praises for the talents and gifts God has given us to use but we should not be seeking that alone.

Prayer: Father I thank you for the gifts and talents that you have given me and the opportunities to use them to touch others. I thank you that I get to serve you though serving others even when I am leading. I ask that you help us to see in the mindset of  thinking of ones self less and not thinking less of ones self. All our strength and talents come from you and we have all authority in you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 11, 2016 Should I stay or should I go?

Reading: Philippians 1 and Joshua 14-15

Scripture: Philippians 1:23-24, I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.

Observation: I can so relate to Paul with this scripture, verse 21, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” I have heard this scripture quoted many times, but I feel closer to 23-24, I want to die and go be with our Father in Heaven not sitting here in the world with a body that is breaking down and society seems on its way down the tubes. 

Application: As bad as this world is and how great and awesome it will be when we get to spend eternity with the Father. We are called to minister to those around us. We may each have a different Microphone and platform to share God’s love though and on, but we are all called to share. That is why Paul writes, “to remain…is more necessary on your account.” What does is benefit me to stay her and do what I do for the lord? It’s not for me I am in this world, it is because God has a plan and I am helping to fulfill it even though I may only see a small portion of the work I do produce fruit.

Prayer: Father, I thank you that you have provided everything we could ever need, including the knowledge that there is a Heaven and we have a hope and way to one day be there with you. I thank you for the voice you have given me though both my leadership roles and my though the internet. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 10, 2016 Look at me look at me!!!!

Reading: Ephesians 6 and Joshua 12-13

Scripture: Ephesians 6:6, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,

Observation: I know I have fallen victim to the wanting of attention, almost everyone wants attention whether it is just from one person or if it is the class clown seeking to have every one pay attention to them. Our society has also put a great value to that attention, we have the ability to create whole websites about ourselves, there is social media, and not to mention the celebrity status that we have given actors and actresses. 

Application: We are called to do all we do for Christ and not to get attention. I know how hard it can be doing your job watching others getting promotions as you continue to get low pay and do all the heavy lifting. When reading this section I think the term bondservant can be a little hard to understand being that atlas here in the US we don’t us it much anymore. The bondservant that Paul is talking about in that era was a servant who had paid back their debt and wanted to continue to serve their master. We are to be that bondservant, Christ paid our debt and we are free to do what we want, but God longs for us to want to do his will. 

Prayer: Father I thank you that you are such a loving master that we want to be bound to you and serve you. As that great master you provide all we need and then pour more out to us. Send your Holy Spirit down and fill us with the longing to be with you for ever. I thank you for the strength to get though each and every day. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9th, 2016 A man's heart

Reading: Ephesians 5 and Joshua 10-11

Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-27, Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. 

Observation: Culture in many countries around the world is women are nothing more then things men own. Even in the Christian culture men focus on verse 22 that says that the wife submit to the husband. Men are competitive and want others to lord over. As a man this is something I struggle with I want to be the boss and tell others what to do, I’m smarter, more educated, and have better common sense then anyone else. 

Application: Paul tells us men to love our wives, not only love them but love them like Christ loves the church. So what Paul is saying is we need to be willing to die for our wives, and to sanctify her so that she can be presented without spot or wrinkle. If God can love us enough to send his only Son to earth to be tortured and killed just so that he can have a closer relationship with us, we can set ourselves aside and love our wives, and present that without wrinkle, spot, or blemish.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for my wife and the family that has come though her. You have provided such such peace and joy to our home. I thank you that you have put on my heart to love my wife as Christ loves the church. I ask that this calling and longing be placed on every man’s heart. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 8, 2016 Where are you from again?

Reading: Ephesians 4 and Joshua 8-9

Scripture: Joshua 9:14, So the men took some of their provisions, but did not ask counsel from the Lord.

Observation: It is so easy to say I can do this, or think that because God as been working though you and you have been walking in his way that you can make a choice without seeking council from the Lord. I know that I have done that I at times still do that. I think I know God well enough that I can make a choice that is as good and well informed as he is. 

Application:But like Joshua I have put stumbling blocks in my own path by not seeking God. God’s plan was to have everyone who was already in the promise land killed and Israel to take possession from them. When Joshua made the covenant with these crafty Hivites these people who had different cultures and different gods were integrated into Israel as slaves. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for your council and that you have given your Holy Spirit to us as that intermediary between us and you. We need your council every day we ask that you touch us and lead us in your ways

May 7, 2016 I have Victory!!

Reading: Ephesians 3 and Joshua 6-7

Scripture: Joshua 6:1-2, Now Jericho was shut up inside and outside because of the people of Israel. None went out, and none came in. And the Lord said to Joshua, "See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and mighty men of valor. 

Observation: In some of the teachings that we are going though for my discipleship class we have been talking about Joshua and what he went though but the teaching on this passage stuck with me. Here is Joshua looking at this fortified city, locked up and ready to withstand war for a long time. And God tells him “I have” given you the city. Have is past tense and yet the walls are still up and everyone is still inside. 

Application: Then with faith in verse 16 Joshua does the some thing saying to Israel Shout for the Lord has given you the city. Not only do we need to trust and believe that God will fulfill his promises, we need to speak and pray as if he already has. If we are wavering in what we think God will do then then authority God gave us through his Son is not binding on earth or loosing in heaven. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for your Great blessings and the provisions that you pour out on us each and every day. You pay every bill and take care of every need. I thank you for the hearing you are doing to my wife’s body and the promotions that you have ahead for me. The healing and the promotions in life and work all come from you Lord. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

May 6th, 2016 What is next?

Reading: Ephesians 2, Joshua 4-5, and Psalm 71

Scripture: Ephesians 2:10, For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Observation: As I was reading the reminder that God took time to form me in my mothers womb He determined every detail about me before that sperm touched that egg. We are His handy work not just some chance combination of genes. Then there are the times that I feel discouraged that I am not doing what I should be doing or I'm failing and flailing about like a wounded animal. 

Application: I was listening to something and they were talking about how growing up there was this worry about being in or out of God plan or will. First and foremost we are God’s creation and he does not make junk, but also this scripture we are created in Christ for Good works, and he has prepared them for us. Then is ends with the command that we walk in those plans. It is our choice to walk in them or not but the blessings of God increase exponentially the more. We also need to remember that God will use everything that happens and work it for a benefit even if you don’t see it for a time. I still don’t know how God is going to use this new position I have to be a blessing but I trust God’s plan.

Prayer: Father I thank you for the people coming tonight and that we will have a wonderful time learning new tools or sharpening old ones to make our marriages better and stronger. I thank you that you had already working on the hearts of those who are coming. I thank you for forming me in my mothers womb and leaving no small thing to chance. I thank you for having a plan and blessing for me. May my words alway speak your words and only lift up others. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 5th, 2016 Speak up!!!

Reading: Ephesians 1 and Joshua 1-3

Scripture: Joshua 1:8, This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 

Observation: One of the teachings I just listened to was talking about this verse so it just popped out at me again. For a long time when the Bible used the term meditate I was confused and though about the mind clearing meditation that a new aged friend did. 

Application: In the teaching they shared that meditation back then was pondering and muttering, so in essence God was telling Joshua and us to always speak God’s word, and also to continually think on and speak the word of God. In always speaking God’s word and thinking on them you are going to be continually speaking his love and promises into your life and that is when you become prosperous and have good success  

Prayer: Father we thank you for your blessings in our life and ask your help to impress your word on our hearts and to long to meditate on them daily. We so often just want to watch tv or get on the internet and we are not thinking on your word. Help us to crave and long to dive into your word at all times. Also lift up those who are coming to home groups help them to have an open heart for your word and love. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4th, 2016 The Force is strong with this one.

May the Fourth be with you. 

Reading: Galatians 6, Deuteronomy 33-34, and Psalm 94

Scripture: Galatians 6:2, Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Observation: This has always been a struggle for me, I am one of those guys that does not want to go to someone else and tell them what I'm struggling with. I also don’t really have close friends, My closest friend is my wife and then from there I have church friends, and my long term friends that we see each other a few times a year. This my be because of the way society has changed in my life time. We are so connected though social media and have gotten so into our electronic devices, we have lost the art of gathering as friends. 

Application: Christ’s Law is “Love your neighbor as yourself” therefore to bear one another’s burden we need to both help others with their issues as you allow theme to help you with yours. In our church for Men we have developed a couple things to help men with do that, we have our Band of 8 that is men meeting together over dinner and being open and honest with each other and connecting. We also have a group called Men of Valor for men who have addictions other then alcohol and drugs. We all need to have people we can go to and get help with. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for the work you are doing in my life and the continual stretching of my heart. Lord I ask you to help me to find those men in my life to connect to and seek Godly council from. Bring the men of this wold to a place of loving each other in a Godly way that honors you each day. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3, 2016 What did I get myself into?

Reading: Galatian 5 and Deuteronomy 31-32

Scripture: Galatians 5:3, I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.

Observation: When reading this and thinking about if we get circumcised here we no longer look at it as a covenant but just as a medical procedure to help keep things clean. But as Christians we many times though traditions we develop our own laws or rules to judge ourselves by. 

Application: Being that circumcision to the Jew was a covenant between them and God saying they would uphold the Jewish law, Paul was reminding the Galatians Christ does not require circumcision. Nether should we place rules and regulations on getting to heave. Christ came to die for us once and for all, not to take one yolk and replace it with another. 

Prayer: Father I thank you that you gave your son so that we could come into your presence. Your love is so great that I cant hardly stand and be in awe. Lord I ask that you help us to develop our relationship with you and let the traditions that can cause us to do things that are not in your word. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2, 2016 Abba Father

Reading: Galatians 4, Deuteronomy 29-30, and Psalm 15

Scripture: Galatians 4:6, And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"

Observation: I was just going though a sermon series on the Lords Prayer, it is the most memorized scripture in the Bible. It starts off with “Our Father” Jesus told us to call God Dad or Daddy. I for so long growing up I though of God a this spiteful person sitting in heaven waiting for me to mess up so that he can punish me. Yes there are consequences for our actions but God is love and our father, He is not sitting there waiting to punish us. 

Application: We have been adopted into God’s family and have all the rights and privileges that come with being son’s and daughters though Christ. Once I started to accept and understand that the Father is my Father and he loves me, I started to grow but I still didn’t truly understand because of my relationship with my father. One day a little over a year ago I started to understand how a father loves after becoming one. Now being a father of a 15 month old who gets into everything and gets hurt I learn more and more how to love as a father and I understand the Father’s love better.

Prayer: Father I thank you so much for loving me despite the hardheadedness that I know that I have. Your love is so amazing and limitless. Lord I ask that you help open my mind to your love and how you love and how to love others especially my family. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1, 2016 I am such a fool

Reading: Galatians 3 and Deuteronomy 28

Scripture: Galatians 3:3, Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?

Observation: This spoke to me in that I at times look at where I'm at and how far God has brought me out of the mire, and yet I look at myself and say what should I do as if I have the power to perfect myself. 

Application: We all need to not lean on our own understanding and think that we can do it ourselves. It is easy to start thinking that you are doing things when everything is going your way but then we blame God when they don’t. I know I need to remember that I am only where I am because he made me the way he did and given me the opportunities and abilities to become who I am and I’m not done being molded yet.

Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful and I thank you for the time you have put into me to mold me in to what I am today and that you are continuing to work on me. Lord bless this day as we go about our day and seek to grow closer to you.