Tuesday, September 30, 2014

God's Not Dead! He is working in my life

As I grow deeper in the Lord I find that things I did and things I though I wanted, fade into that past or from my mind. I remember the going to Bible college for a year strait out to high school thinking I knew everything and that I knew I would be a music pastor somewhere. But before leaving for school in another state I had already opened myself to the world. I started to smoke and do things with my girlfriend that I should not do. These distractions helped me follow the wide and easy path of pleasurable things and I didn’t take in what God sent me to Bible college for.

            Going though a discipleship program called Operation Solid Lives, I am reminded of some of the things I thought I knew or just plain didn’t listen to when I should have been. Or maybe its just that teach them in a was that I understand better. Going though the program that includes journaling (something I had tried to do but didn’t know how), praying aloud, and lots of teachings. This level one course is a crash course in gaining a foundation or shoring up one that you already have. 

In going though this program we also take time away from secular media limiting how much the world can speak into our lives and encouraging us to spend more time with God and out families. In limiting this media intake i found there is not much that I am missing. As I continue to seek God and fulfill the guidelines of the program my prayer life in getting better and I am hearing the breeze and not waiting for the 2x4 in my life. Growing and listening to the breeze I have gotten a scared on where God is sending me. 

Back in the days at Bible college I was not listening to God, I was trying to tell God my plan. We all know how that goes. One day at school I was asked about being a preacher or something along those lines and I remember telling the person flat out “That is not me, I will never preach.” God has a way of humbling us that we don’t even notice until we look back at our lives. About two weeks ago I started feeling the urgings that I was should be looking at full-time ministry work. During that time I found and applied for a position with a local church, the scariest part of all that is part of that position is preaching (the one thing I said i would never do). The process they are going though is still working but God has also given me a peace about where I am and that it is in his hands.

I was going though Acts 1 today, and where Peter got up and said “Brothers, the scripture has been fulfilled.” Then goes on to state some of the scripture the related to the fact that they needed to replace Judas that was written in the Psalms. This and all the prophecy in the Old Testament shining a light on Jesus being the Christ shows that God has a plan and his plan is always better then mine. We have this tendency to plan, plot, scheme, and think we know better then God. We need to remember that sending his Son to die on the cross was plain “A” it was talked about all the way back in Moses’ teachings in Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heel.”

As I seek the ministry that the Lord has for me I pray that I find time to write and continue to share the blessings, the struggles, the revelations of the breeze. Today I had the opportunity to watch God’s not Dead a great movie dedicated to those who struggle to maintain their faith in an academic world that tries to use science to say that there is no God. Always remember Matthew 10:32-33 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in Heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.  And Luke 12:48 … Everyone to whom much is given , of much will be required, and from him to whom much is entrusted, they will demand the more. We as Christians are given much by having the knowledge of the Gospel and we have a great responsibility to share it. 

We all have our part to play; God calls each of us to his plan. Even though like in Luke 19:40 He answered “I tell you, if these were to be silent, the very stones would cry out.” God can call the stones to cry out praise to Jesus or spread his word, we are meant to carry that mantle and to share our store of how God touched our lives. When Jesus took our sins on him we are to take his righteousness and live lives worthy of the name Christian.